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텍스트 조절
(영문) 수원지방법원 안양지원 2017.10.12 2017고단1271

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than one year and six months.

Seized evidence as referred to in subparagraphs 5, 6, 8, 10, 14 through 21 shall be confiscated.

evidence of seizure.


Punishment of the crime

1. The public offering telephone finance fraud organization has established a call center in the Republic of Korea or abroad to commit the act of loan fraud, and has the individual information of another person gathered with personal information of another person, sent a telephone call or text message to a financial institution, etc., and falsely made it possible to transfer money to the victims by means of a loan, etc. under the pretext of loan, etc., and the victim shall be charged with the crime of withdrawing money when money is transferred, the call center that instructs the public offering and withdrawal of the passbook, and the management books that manage the public offering and withdrawal books of the public offering passbook, and the general management books that manage the public offering and withdrawal books of the public offering passbook, the delivery books of the public offering passbook, the delivery books of the public offering passbook, and the withdrawal books that withdraw money from the deposited passbook.

On July 3, 2017, the Defendant, through the mobile phone hosting program called “Scarp”, received a proposal from “D”, which received a premium in return for the withdrawal of money, and consented to the proposal. From that time, until July 17, 2017, the Defendant committed the following crimes in sequence with the members of the said telephone financial group by withdrawing approximately KRW 130,000 won by receiving a check card from several large-scale bank accounts from the said bank account from July 17, 2017 to deliver it to the said member of the said telephone financial group.

2. No person who violates the Electronic Financial Transactions Act shall borrow or lend any access medium, or store, deliver or distribute it with the knowledge that such medium is to be used for a crime or to be used for a crime;

Nevertheless, according to the order of the aforementioned “D”, the Defendant: (a) received one physical card from H to H’s bank account at the front of the Manan-gu, Mayang-gu, Sanyang-si, Sanyang-si, Sanyang-si, from around July 5, 2017, and kept from that time until July 7, 2017; and (b) received the said “D”’s order from around that time to July 17, 2017.
