A Imprisonment with prison labor for three years, and for one year and six months, respectively.
However, as to Defendant B, this shall not apply.
Punishment of the crime
1. Defendant A is a family head office without leave.
On January 26, 2016, the defendant married B and C, and gave birth to C’s first son, E second son’s son’s son’s F (here, 1) was given birth, and the third son’s son’s son was pregnant around December 2017.
Secondly, since the Defendant did not plan the victim who is her father due to pregnancy, there was no difficulty for the victim. The Defendant, while raising two children at home, as her husband, neglected raising the two children and her husband was her husband, and her husband was her husband, and her husband was her husband at a late time due to frequent work and social perception, there is little conversation between
It is so big stressed that the state of Silur, and in particular, on December 2017, the third son was pregnant with the third son, and it did not follow himself well compared to his first son, but did not work properly to the victim who did not drink boomed well. A.
아동복지법위반(아동학대) 피고인은 2018년 1월 하순경부터 셋째 딸을 임신한 것을 알게 되자 피해자가 다가오기만 하여도 짜증이 나고 밉고 귀찮아져, 그 무렵부터 구미시 H건물, I호에 있는 자신의 집에서 피해자가 안아달라고 다가오거나 칭얼거릴 때마다 강하게 뿌리쳐 피해자를 바닥에 넘어뜨리고, 2018년 3월경부터는 그 강도가 훨씬 심해져 2018년 7월경에 이르기까지 매일 수 회에 걸쳐 피해자를 밀쳐 넘어뜨려 머리를 집 안 벽, 방과 화장실 바닥 및 가구 모서리 등에 부딪치게 하였다.
In addition, around June 2018, the Defendant continued to be faced with the foregoing so that the victim was unable to drink boom due to its shock, and the victim was becoming more and more and more, and up to July 25, 2018, the Defendant was able to put up put to boom to the victim on several occasions during the period from around that time to around July 25, 2018.
As a result, the defendant committed physical abuse against the victim who is a child, which may injure his/her body or injure his/her physical health and development.