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텍스트 조절
(영문) 광주지방법원 순천지원 2015.01.08 2014고단1648

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for six months.

However, the execution of the above punishment shall be suspended for two years from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

[Around February 6, 2012, the Defendant received a summary order of KRW 2,50,000,000 as a fine for a violation of the Road Traffic Act (driving) from the Gwangju District Court’s net support on February 6, 2012, and on November 20, 2012 by the same court, for the same crime, etc.

【Criminal Facts】

The defendant is also a person who is engaged in driving a car.

On September 2, 2014, the Defendant was under the influence of alcohol 0.098% of blood alcohol level around 17:10, while driving the said vehicle and driving the said vehicle along three-lane roads in front of the EPG charging station in the ePG charging station in the 190s City/Do, along three-lanes from the direction towards the wind middle school in the direction of the direction.

There are roads where signal lights are installed in the vicinity of the private street intersection, and the center line of the yellow-ray yellow-line is installed, so there was a duty of care to observe the traffic signal for those engaged in driving service and prevent accidents by driving safely and safely.

Nevertheless, due to the negligence of neglecting and proceeding a stop signal while under the influence of alcohol by the Defendant, the Defendant was negligent in driving the said intersection on the left side of the said vehicle by the victim FF (hereinafter referred to as the “FF”) who was driving the said intersection from the right side of the said passenger vehicle in accordance with the new subparagraph, and the Defendant was driving the said intersection on the front part of the vehicle in the CF7 vehicle due to the negligence on the part of continuously driving the median line along the central line, and by the negligence of continuously driving the signal stop on the opposite side of the said road, the front part of the ISM7 vehicle in the left side of the vehicle in the above CM.

Ultimately, the Defendant suffered, by its occupational negligence, the injury to the said F, such as salt, tensions, etc., in need of approximately two weeks of medical treatment, and the injury to the victim J (L, 59 years of age), who is the fluor of the said SM7 car, due to acute stress reaction, etc., for about four weeks of medical treatment.

Summary of Evidence

Defendant’s legal statement, F.
