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텍스트 조절
(영문) 수원지방법원 2015.06.10 2014고단5886

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for one year.


Punishment of the crime

[criminal power] On June 13, 2008, the defendant was sentenced to imprisonment with prison labor and six months in Busan District Court for the charge of forging official documents. On December 3, 2009, the defendant completed the execution of the sentence in Chuncheon prison on December 3, 2009.

[2014 Highest 5886 Criminal facts] The Defendant, who is an employee of C, concluded a contract for the lease of water purifiers with C resident registration numbers known to C and acquired them by acquiring them by means of the installation of water purifiers;

1. On January 13, 201, at the time of Daejeon, the Defendant was authorized to enter into a contract for the lease of water purifiers in the name of the victim Cowegian company, and the Defendant was aware that he/she had the intent or ability to pay the rent for water purifiers in the name of C, and upon request for the installation of water purifiers in the Si of Mapo-si, he/she received the equivalent pecuniary benefit from the installation of one water purifier in the market price by obtaining the installation of one water purifier in the market price.

2. On January 19, 201, at Busan City’s Busan Center, the Defendant was authorized to enter into a contract for the lease of water purifiers in the name of the victim Coweg company, and the Defendant was able to enter into a contract for the lease of water purifiers in the name of C. After requesting the installation of water purifiers to the Busan City F., the Plaintiff received the installation of one water purifier in the market price and acquired pecuniary benefits equivalent to the same amount.

[2014 high group661 criminal facts] Around June 22, 2012, the Defendant made a false statement to the effect that “The Defendant would promptly bring 600,000 won in advance to two air conditioners, two training instruments, one training instruments, and two combineds for the day” to the victim H in Seongbuk-gu Seoul, Seoul.

However, even if the defendant received money from the victim as advance payment, he did not have the intention or ability to promptly do so, or to install it.

The defendant deceivings the victim as above and is under the name of the defendant on the same day from the victim.
