본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울고등법원 2018.10.12 2018나2027698
총회 재판국 판결 무효확인 등 청구의 소

1. All appeals filed by the plaintiffs are dismissed.

2. The costs of appeal are assessed against the Plaintiffs.

The purport of the claim and appeal is the purport of the appeal.


1. The reasoning of the judgment of this court citing the judgment of the court of first instance is as follows, and thus, it is consistent with the reasoning of the judgment of the court of first instance, except for the following cases.

Part 2 of the first instance judgment, "No. 27, 2013" in Part 18 shall be applied to " November 27, 2014."

In the first instance judgment, the first instance judgment was sentenced to the first instance judgment from the second to the third sentence, and the first instance judgment was sentenced to a suspended sentence of two years for a year of imprisonment with prison labor for an offense such as ‘the crime', and the said judgment became final and conclusive around that time.’

The "General Assembly Constitution" in the 3th sentence, 18, 4th sentence, 6, 11th sentence, and 16th sentence of the first instance judgment shall be amended to "the draft of the Constitution of the General Assembly".

On the 5th page of the first instance judgment, the following details shall be added to the 19th sentence:

“4) In particular, the part for which the Plaintiffs seek confirmation against the Defendant is not directly against the parties to the dispute, and thus there is no benefit of confirmation.

【Nos. 6 through 13 of the first instance judgment’s text, “(2) Nos. 12 and 13 of the above legal principles are written and written as evidence No. 1”. “In light of the above legal principles, this case’s health class and each evidence as seen earlier shall be applied.”

If the first instance judgment No. 6, No. 21, No. 7, and No. 4, “No. 5, No. 21, No. 21, and No. 7,” were “No. 5, No. 5, No. 5, No. 5, No. 5, No. 5, No. 5, No. 5, No. 5, No. 1, No. 5, No. 1, No. 5, No. 1, No. 5, No. 1, No. 5, No. 1, No. 5, No. 1, No. 5, No. 1, No. 5, No. 1, No. 1,

Nos. 7 through 14 of the first instance judgment shall be followed as follows.

[2] Also, the status of the plaintiffs among the lawsuits of this case is as follows.
