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텍스트 조절
(영문) 수원지방법원 안산지원 2012.11.09 2012고합357

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for a maximum term of three years and a short term of two years and six months.

The defendant is about 40 hours of sexual assault treatment program.


Punishment of the crime

The defendant is a high school student in the second year.

At around 20:00 on July 11, 2012, the Defendant: (a) connected the Internet Morsno-gu F f 302, and took the money and valuables to the “Yurno-dong”, and (b) had a knife with a deadly weapon (the total length of 31.5cm, the knife length of 20cm) in the kitchen, and had a knife with a knife, which is a dangerous weapon in the kitchen at night, and had a knife for female students returning home at night, and had a knife the object of crime.

피고인은 같은 날 22:00경 안산시 상록구 G 편의점 앞에서, 귀가 중인 여중생인 피해자 H(여, 14세)를 발견하고 그녀를 뒤따라가 I 노상에 이르러 뒤에서 왼손으로 피해자의 입을 막고 오른손으로 소지하고 있던 위 식칼을 꺼내 피해자의 목 부위에 들이대고 “소리 지르거나 뒤돌아보면 죽여 버린다! 지금 있는 돈 다 내놔!”라고 위협하여 피해자의 반항을 억압한 다음 피해자의 금품을 강취하려고 하였으나 피해자가 금품을 소지하고 있지 않아 그 뜻을 이루지 못하였다.

The Defendant continued raped the victim by inserting a brightness in the brightness, leading the victim in the middle, leading the victim to the brightness of the brightness, and threatening the victim with the above knife, making the victim kel off and kel off all clothes, and making the victim kel up rapidly with the Defendant’s sexual organ for about five minutes, making the victim knife and re-under the victim, and making the victim knife up for five minutes, and repeats the knife up the two fingers on the part of the victim, and inserting the victim by inserting his sexual organ into the part of the victim’s knife, and then, attempted to rape the victim by inserting his sexual organ into the part of the victim’s knife, but failed to success in the insertion, and made the victim knife with the knife and knife, and made the victim knife rapidly for about ten minutes of his sexual organ.

Accordingly, the defendant carries a knife, which is a deadly weapon.
