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텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울북부지방법원 2017.06.23 2017고합4

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than ten months.

A person who applies for a medical care and custody shall be punished.


Criminal facts

In addition, the facts constituting the reason for a custody application [criminal facts] The defendant and the person who filed a custody application (hereinafter "defendant") shall be deemed to be "the facts charged on September 8, 2009" but they are erroneous as they are erroneous in the above.

The Seoul Northern District Court sentenced four years of imprisonment with prison labor and medical care and custody for robbery, etc. and completed the execution of the sentence on February 25, 2013, and completed the medical care and custody on July 4, 2016. However, the above correction is made as it is a clerical error in the indictment.

The Defendant, as a patient with symptoms of sexual preference dependent on female fingers, lacks the ability to distinguish things or make decisions. On October 19, 2016, around 15:30 on October 19, 2016, the Defendant reported the victim D (M, 16 years of age) who passed the 403 front roads of the Seoul Special Metropolitan City Nowon-gu apartment complex, Nowon-gu, Seoul, and caused the victim to deduction the losses.

Around 15:32 on the same day, the Defendant thought that the victim's hand room was deducted from the victim's hand room of the above C Apartment C, 405-dong 1st, where the victim is living, and intruded into the victim's residence by following the victim, and the victim was laid to the elevator with the victim, and then the victim was laid to the elevator in the elevator, and the robbery was filled by the method of waiting the victim from the apartment stairs going to the 8th floor of the elevator.

[Facts of the grounds for the claim for the care and custody of the defendant] The defendant is a person with mental and physical weakness whose decision-making capacity has been deteriorated, who has committed a crime corresponding to imprisonment without prison labor or heavier punishment, and needs to receive treatment at the treatment and custody facilities, and

Summary of Evidence

1. Statement by the defendant in court;

1. Statement made by the police for E;

1. On-site video CDs in the case;

1. A mental appraisal report;

1. A criminal investigation report (to hear statements from a victim’s telephone), and a criminal investigation report (CCTV viewing report);

1. Written inquiries, such as the previous conviction and criminal history;
