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텍스트 조절
(영문) 부산지방법원 동부지원 2015.08.20 2015고단332

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than one year and six months.

The defendant is an applicant for compensation of KRW 450,00,00, which is obtained by deceit to C who is an applicant for compensation.


Punishment of the crime

[2015 Highest 332] The Defendant, on the Internet portal site’s bulletin board (http:/www.naver.com), visited those who posted a letter to purchase used goods on the bulletin board, such as the highest height of the Internet portal site (http:/www.naver.com), and was willing to acquire money from those who had used used goods as if they had the relevant used goods.

Accordingly, on September 12, 2014, the Defendant connected the aforementioned NG electronic G2 mobile phone from Busan to the online phone site, and around that time, the Defendant’s false statement to the effect that “I wish to purchase LG electronic G2 mobile phone,” posted on the said website by the victim G, and that “I would like to send the cell phone if I transfer KRW 275,000,000, including the cost of home delivery, to the bank account designated within the Republic of Korea, I would like to send the cell phone.” Accordingly, the Defendant was transferred from the victim to the Defendant’s community credit cooperative account at around 00:32 of the same month as the price for goods.

However, the Defendant did not possess the aforementioned LGGG2 mobile phone, so even if receiving the aforementioned money from the victim, the Defendant did not have the intent and ability to send the said money to the victim.

Ultimately, the Defendant, including by deceiving the victim as above and receiving KRW 275,00 from the victim, received a total of KRW 185,00 from around that time to January 19, 2015, a total of KRW 685,00 from the 18 victims, such as the list of crimes (1) in the attached Form.

[2015Kadan406] Around June 21, 2014, the Defendant connected the Internet used goods transaction site to a cell phone from Busan Japan, and posted a letter to the effect that “Titrts of a local city trademark shall be sold at KRW 1.60,00,00,” and around that time, the Defendant reported this to the Defendant, and “1.6,00,000 won” to the victim H who contacted the Defendant.
