본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2017.06.23 2016가단5276279
임대차보증금반환 등 청구의 소

1. The defendant shall be 30 million won for the plaintiff A, 20 million won for the plaintiff B, and 20 million won for the plaintiff C, and 20 million won for the plaintiff C and each of the above amounts.


1. Facts of recognition;

A. (1) On January 27, 2012, Plaintiff B entered into a lease agreement with Nonparty B at KRW 214, 219, 220, and 221 (hereinafter referred to as “each of the instant real property”; KRW 20,00,00 for lease deposit; KRW 30,00 for lease term from January 31, 201 to January 30, 2013; KRW 90,00 for lease term of KRW 30,00 for 20, KRW 10,000 for lease term of KRW 20, KRW 30,000 for lease term of KRW 20, KRW 30,00 for each of the instant real property; KRW 10,000 for lease term of KRW 30,00 for KRW 221 for January 27, 2012; and KRW 10,000 for KRW 30,000 for lease term of KRW 13,2013.

B. As to each of the instant real estate, Plaintiff B was as of March 8, 2012; Plaintiff A was as of February 24, 2012; and F was as of February 17, 2012; and H, which transferred Plaintiff C the instant real estate No. 221, completed business registration as of May 4, 2012.

C. The Defendant purchased each of the instant real estate from G and completed the registration of ownership transfer on June 14, 2013.

Since each of the above lease agreements of the plaintiffs was renewed three times, it terminated on January 30, 2016.

E. On November 16, 2016, F notified the Defendant of the transfer of the lease deposit claims to Plaintiff A, and the notification reached the Defendant on November 17, 2016.

[Ground of recognition] Facts without dispute and entry of Gap evidence 1 to 8 (including a tentative number; hereinafter the same shall apply)

2. Determination.
