본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 대구지방법원 2017.08.24 2016고단3915

The accused shall disclose the summary of the judgment of innocence.


The defendant in the factory office is a person who is delegated by the victim E (the state) in the "D-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-si, the contractor of the subcontracted works for reinforced concrete works during the D-do-dong-dong-dong-dong-si.

The Defendant, claiming for false labor costs to the victim company and raising funds to use for expenses, and around May 2015, the Defendant completed the work through the Defendant’s children at the above site office around March 2015.

4. As Defendant A, F (join of Defendant), and G (F) were daily workers, Defendant 3,374,860 won, F3,374,860 won, G1,598,620 won, and Defendant 8,348,340 won, as if they were to provide labor to the victim company, and Defendant 3,374,860 won, as if they were to provide labor to the victim company, and Defendant 1,598,620 won, claimed the above labor cost.

However, facts, defendants, F, and G are from March 2015 to March 2015.

4. As a worker, he did not provide labor to the victim company.

On May 15, 2015, the Defendant deceiving the employees of the victim company by means of deceiving the employees of the victim company, and receiving KRW 8,348,340,00 in total from the Defendant’s post office account in the name of the Defendant, F’s Saemaul Treasury account in the name of the F, and Daegu Bank account in the name of G to the total of KRW 8,348,340 on three occasions from that time to July 21, 2015, and deceiving the victim company’s employees by filing a false labor cost claim against the Defendant, F, H (F’s inf), G, and I (H’s ancillary) total of five persons as indicated in the list of crimes in the following list of crimes, and then deceiving them from the employees of the victim company to the Defendant’s post office in the name of the Defendant, Saemaul Bank account in the name of the said F, post office account in the name of H, post office account in the name of the said G, Daegu Bank account in the name of the said G, Daegu Bank, and New Federation account in the name of I.

- HH G G 1: Defendant FH G 1205-05-15 3,374,860,374,860 1,598,620 8,348,340 2015-06-163,374,860 374,3760 3,374,860 374,860 374,860 374,860 374,374,374,860 3,374,860 374,860 3,874,874,874, 3003
