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텍스트 조절
(영문) 부산지방법원 2016.06.23 2015고단7477

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than eight months.

Of the facts charged of this case, the prosecution against assault is dismissed.


Punishment of the crime

On February 11, 2015, the Defendant was sentenced to eight months of imprisonment for fraud, etc. at the Busan District Court on July 20, 2015, and completed the execution of the sentence at the Busan Detention House.

1. From October 16, 2015 to October 07:00 to October 07:05, the Defendant committed a crime on or around October 16, 2015, to the victim E, operated by the victim D located in Busan Jin-gu C, Busan, the Defendant stated that “this e-mail had been done.”

I would like to know about funeral services.

The victim's business operation was obstructed by force, such as prohibiting customers from entering the place by avoiding disturbance while taking a bath, etc.

2. From October 19, 2015 to October 08:00 on October 19, 2015, the Defendant: (a) caused the victim G selling coodt from Busan Jin-gu to October 08:05, the Defendant interfered with the victim’s business by avoiding disturbance, such as taking the victim’s bath, while selling coodt from Busan Jin-gu to Busan F.

3. From October 21, 2015 to October 23:00 to 23:05, the Defendant would wish to die in the field of flachi on the ground that: (a) the victim I would refuse to carry goods on credit from the J convenience store operated by the victim I located in the Busan-gu Busan-gu from around October 21, 2015 to the victim I.

Here, refusal to do funeral service; or

In order to prevent customers from entering the place of convenience, such as putting a bath, etc., they interfere with the victim's convenience store business by force.

4. The Defendant, committed during the period of October 2015, on the grounds that he had been on duty at around 23:00 around October 2015, the Defendant, on the grounds that he had been on duty to employees K, who had been on duty at the above three ports around 23:0, did not request the victim K to have goods on credit, but, as such, the Defendant would inflict bodily harm on the victim on the ground that the Defendant refused the request.

"The victim threatened the victim".

Summary of Evidence

1. Statement by the defendant in court;

1. Each statement of D, G, I, and K;

1. Investigation report (Attachment of photographs of the scene of crime);

1. Previous conviction: He/she shall report a reply to inquiries, such as criminal history, and a report on the result of confirmation of the previous conviction;
