본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 인천지방법원 2009. 12. 10. 선고 2008고단2799 판결



Maximum salary;

Defense Counsel

Law Firm Lee & Lee, Attorney Hwang Jae-soo


A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for one year.

except that the execution of the above punishment shall be suspended for two years from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.

Seized evidence shall be confiscated as provided for in Article 20, 21, 41, 54, 57, 54, 84, 92, 94 through 99, 101, 111, 125, 136 through 138, 147 through 149, 151.

Of the facts charged in the instant case, each of the following facts charged is not guilty of violation of the National Security Act (praise, encouragement, etc.) due to possession of pro-enemy materials.

Criminal facts

1. Educational background, career, and occupation of the accused;

The Defendant graduated from ○○ High School on February 1987, and graduated from △△ University on February 1994, and thereafter, on April 201, 2001, the Defendant was engaged in self-employed business, and thereafter, on January 2007, served in △△ Heavy Industries, and in the middle industry of △△△ Heavy Industries, etc., and served in the development of △△△ Industries. From October 2007 to May 2008, the Defendant was serving in the construction of △△○ High School and served in Nonindicted Co. 1.

On February 5, 2002, the Defendant opened and operated a Kaba (Internet Address 1 omitted) Kabaf (Internet Address 1 omitted) on the following, a Internet portal site: (a) around January 5, 2004:

2007. 6.경 정보통신윤리위원회에서 위 카페 자유글판 [훈련병사] 메뉴의 ‘북핵, 그리고 믿음과 희망(펌)’, ‘〈동지애는 김정일령도자의 정치철학〉’, ‘미국식 민주주의의 허황성과 기만성 〈로동신문〉’, ‘선군정치 목표는 인민의 행복한 생활’, ‘김정일 위원장께 드리는 글 ( 공소외 2 목사, 서프펌)’, ‘[성명서] 핵실험을 천명한 북의 결단을 기쁨 마음으로 환영한다’, ‘백두산2호(대포동2호) 발사.. 그 웅비를 흥분된 마음으로 기다린다’, ‘미국을 공격하라’, ‘[성명서] 인공위성 광명성1호가 탑재된 대륙간탄도미사일 백두산1호.. 발사되면 그날을 경축한다’, ‘[공지] 친북사이트 접속 방법 안내..’, "친북은 평화통일의 기초" 등 게시정보에서 대부분 ‘조선중앙통신’, ‘조선신보’, ‘로동신문’ 등 북한 선전 매체에 실린 기사 또는 ‘성명서’ 및 인용 등을 통해 북한체제를 선전하고 김일성·김정일 부자를 찬양하는 등 북한의 주의 주장에 동조하는 내용을 게시하고 있는 정보라고 판단하는 한편, 자유논설 [철기전사] 메뉴에서 ‘[사진] 민족반역자 친일파 후손 정치인 & 저명인사명단 [펌]’, ‘ 공소외 3 회장을 죽음으로 몬 인간들 명단(조중동을 폐간하고 모조리 죽여라!)’, “ 공소외 3 자살이 DJ의 노벨상 때문?( 공소외 4와 공소외 5 이두 개새끼들을 잡아라 그리고 죽여라!)”, ‘미국은 우리의 철천지 원수이자 불구대천 극악무도한 조국분단의 원흉이다!’ 및 [▷우리는 주장한다] 메뉴에서 ‘[성명서] 친미는 괜찮고 친북은 안된다?.. 이제 욕 나온다.. “이런 개쉑히들이 다 있나..”, ‘[논평] 한나라당! 저 쳐죽일 것들을 어찌하여야 하는가?(돈 받아쳐먹은 것 관련)’, ‘[성명서] 살인범, 딴나라당이 주범이요, 노무현 주지사와 미국이 공범이다)’ 등 게시정보에서 대한민국, 사회 정당, 유명인사, 언론 등에 대한 편견을 조장하거나 사회적 혼란을 현저히 야기할 우려가 있는 동일 또는 이와 유사한 내용의 정보를 제공하고 있으며 해당 게시정보들은 일반 기사, 논평, 논설 등의 정보 등과 함께 제공되어 이용자들에게 판단의 혼란을 주고, 각 메뉴에서 이와 유사한 내용의 정보가 계속적으로 게시될 가능성이 높다고 판단하고, 위 카페의 인터넷 정보에 대하여 관련 법령에 따라 ‘이용해지의 시정요구’ 결정을 하여 위 카페가 2007. 7. 13.경 폐쇄되었음에도 불구하고,

On August 2007, NAV (NV) had been established and operated again in the NAV AV (Internet address 2 omitted).

2. Recognition of the nature of an anti-government organization and a defendant against it by the North Korean contingent organization.

The North Korean government is an anti-government organization organized for the purpose of representing the government and disturbing the nation, and the basic goal of the unification of the nation in South Korea is based on the so-called "NLDR" route based on the so-called "NLDR" ideology, and the Republic of Korea, through various broadcasts and printed materials, etc., promotes that workers, farmers, knowledge, etc. should establish an independent democratic government by accumulating the U.S. nationalism, and continuously developing counter-espionage activities such as detection and collection of domestic tax by including domestic and foreign unification and labor campaign workers, etc.

In addition, North Korea's North Korea's North Korea's North Korea's North Korea's North Korea's North Korea's North Korea's independence movement, while evaluating the nationalism's independence movement, and as a result of the unification plan, the abolition of the National Security Act, the conclusion of the North America's Peace Agreement, the unification of the U.S. bar bar, and the unification of communistist activities should be a preemptive requirement.

Through media reports, Internet search, etc., the Defendant is well aware that North Korean government is an anti-government organization.

3. Criminal facts;

A. Violation of the National Security Act due to production and posting of pro-enemy materials following the following:

(1) On October 4, 2003, the Defendant, at the Internet portal site (hereinafter “the following”), made a de facto declaration of nuclear possession in North Korea to the said Cyber National Defense Headquarters C. C. C. News Center. The Defendant prepared and posted the title “U.S.A.”, which is located in front of the “unfluorable bridge,” and the main contents of the above data are as follows.

On October 1, 200, “- North Korea announced the shock and shocking contents of the nuclear weapons possession declaration, which was the content of the declaration, which was the content of the declaration, which was the most important part of the world.

- North Korea is growing down the pets of the United States in the “unfluent bridge.” If North Korea moves down the bridge, the desire of the United States would be a brush. This would also be that the United States forces the United States to wear a complete brush before “self (North Korea) collapses the bridge.”

- North Korea will come out without invasion until the U.S. completely mines. In addition, North Korea's nuclear possession regardless of the results of negotiations. The date on which our nation will hold nuclear possession is far away. The date when it proves and publishes it in the world’s Manure, we will see fluence, e.g., fluences, fluences, fluences, and e.g., Sradioactive News/O4/Defendant of October 203.).

(2) On January 5, 2004, the Defendant: (a) prepared and posted the data of the title “Multiple minutes of the Amototy Heatoty Heae Cables (hereinafter referred to as “The New Personnel Management Act”) in the bulletin board; and (b) the main contents of the data are as follows.

It is reasonable in the Anti-U.S. Port (L.S.) that it was aimed at carrying out operations with a view to breaking the foundation of the anti-U.S. in 2003, and that there was a prescribed result in various types of rupture combat activities.

- 어느덧 우리나라는 ‘반미’ 때문에 대통령이 쩔쩔매도록 되었으며 ‘반미’ 때문에 정치적 이슈들이 제동을 받고 있는 상황이 되었습니다. 우리의 승리를 확인하는 한 해였습니다.

- North Korea also takes the iron above half theus in a critical state. North Korea is in the middle of taking the U.S. into consideration with the "Nuclear Suppression", and us is hiding and complying with it.

- In this situation, I would like to evaluate in 2003 the interpretation of Nonindicted Party 7 Director that “the conditions to collect USFK gradually have been simultaneously mature.”

- It should be more systematic and specific operations and combats in 2004 the number of friendly heat changeers. Accordingly, it is necessary to strengthen the organization and lay the foundation. It will be flickly and flickly go against the anti-U.S. by flicking the logic. Accordingly, it is required to recruit and play a role in the "pre-control zone" and take special measures for building the foundation.

- At present, I want to refer it to the “Liber national defense headquarters”, which is currently called “Liber national defense headquarters.” This is intended to extend it to the scope of the nation within the scope of Korea.

- We now have the honor to us. The essence of the North Korean nuclear issue is what is. The essence of the North Korean nuclear issue is whether the Korean people are equal to that of the strong nations or not, or whether the third-class country, which has been clarified by the influence of the strong nations, has been the largest negotiations since they have determined. In this negotiations, we have the same effect as the receipt of military force and the acceptance in an unsatisfic war.

- Since the 100-year coloning of our nation in the armed war without this general sense, it shall be the foundation for the 100-year head office of the colonial region, and shall be the foundation for the re-fluence of the honor of the colonial region, and shall undertake the peace and custom of descendants. Our nation must be respected and will be that of our people. It is one of the roles of our country in promoting the honor of this Decree and pasium. The promotional scheme is the “U.S.” and “national co-ordination.”

- The National Security Act provides that the longer life rope of the pro-Japanese forces will be added. If there is no National Security Act, the truth can be speaked, and the false strawing will be destroyed one day, and the name rope of the Bans will be cut down.

- From this land, we will proceed further in the future until we drive down the U.S. governing power and scambling down, and we will see in the future. Anti-U.S. Port.

(3) On May 2, 2004, the Defendant had access to the above car page, and prepared and posted a list of the materials, "No. 64 of the Operation Order (No. 1, 2004)", at the free bulletin board, and the main contents of the above materials are as follows.

【Arhinrheat farb

Many minutes know that an accident that does not refer to the area in the area of the area of the Silcheon-do in Pyeongtaek-do and the area of the Silcheon-do has occurred. At present, all capabilities of the area of the Silcheon-do are concentrated

In the past 50 years, North Korea is placed in a state of fluort and fluorting with the United States "Indicial Economic Salary Offset and Low-Robbery Economic Salary Offset" and "high-Robbery Economic Salary Offset (Customs Salary Offset)" added to the recent nuclear issue.

- The United States is compelling that North Korea voluntarily waives his military/political pressure and economic closure, and to enter his position below and below. However, North Korea has clearly refused the distribution. This is due to the length of the United States being old, even after the distribution is made.

For this reason, North Korea has taken the "main ideology" entirely in the front and has been punished, and now we now have left the Marith before now. The military power of North Korea lost hasn't think of its power that it had been fluened only in the past, and North Korea completed and built the "fluent military suppression force" that could be fluent to the United States by detecting the pain of the ship and the pain, and by strokeing it into the United States.Now, North Korea focuses on economic power to solve the pain and pain of Korea.

- We must not put this opportunity in absolute terms, and the opportunity depends on “whether much heavy equipment is beyond North Korea, although it is important.” In our [radioactive], we will issue an operational order to actively cope with this opportunity.

- With respect to the accident of the mountain mountain field.

1. Operation number: Order of operations 64;

2. Before the formation of the mountain area: An opportunity for the mountain area in the mountain;

3. Strategic tactical: To participate in the fund-raising campaign. He shall participate in the campaign to collect money in each place, and participate in the campaign to collect money from North Korea due to the incident of the Myun (U.S.). They shall be punished by the Internet activities. They shall be urged and explained on the Internet bulletin board, etc., in order to raise the development of inter-Korean reconciliation based on the spirit of June

4. Period of operations: not later than June 15, 2004.

on 01 May 2004 [Ordinanceing Committee]

(4) On October 3, 2004, the Defendant moved and posted the materials in the title “The South Korea’s political system sees North Korea.” The South Korea’s Union Relations (U.S.) - The control and refluence, and 59 years’ desire to take care of the materials on a non-Internet site. The main contents of the materials are as follows.

In order to clarify the actual condition of the "Allied Relations", the clerk of the Council for the Peace and Unification of the Republic of Korea (hereinafter referred to as the "AFFF") shall publish this fact-finding statement in order to clarify the actual condition of the "AFF" advertising that the U.S. and the South-North Korean National Tax Authority wears "S.AS. and the East-Korean Partnership" on the 51st anniversary of the date of the conclusion of the "S. Defense Treaty".

- The South Twit line ‘The regime ‘The Republic of Korea' has been a tool to realize both the military strength of the United States and the colonial control policy for the South Twit line.

- The United States led to the operation of the friendly mine regime for the establishment of the colonial rule system after the Japanese colonial rule has been demoted to the other colonies in the old room in order to take and sit on the shipbuilding team, which is a bridge for the realization of the world strategy with Asia and the world.

- The U.S. does not neglect the acts of removing the horses without any difference, if they are involved in the misconduct of the people who are frightened by the South Twitman or are not aware of the horses.

- During the 59-year period of South Korea's history, the South-North Korean history history is the history of the hiversous desire and disaster caused by the disturbance, the history of the disaster, and the strong threat of the peace and stability of the South-North Korean Peninsula, without any room for all the national and democratic society, and the history of the hivers and disaster caused by the disturbance throughout the society.

- The people of each class of the South-North Shipbuilding should find out the dignity and independence of the nation that has been taken away, and in order to achieve the peace and unification of the nation, the South-North Korean Vessel in the South-North Korea, the United States of America

(5) 2004. 11. 5. 위 카페 사방사 뉴스센타에 「친미는 괜찮고 친북은 안된다?.... 이제 욕나온다... 이런 개쉑히들이 다 있나...」라는 제목의 자료를 작성하여 게시하였는데, 위 자료의 주요내용은 다음과 같다.

The Ministry of Information and Communications decided to take measures to block access to 31 sites recently notified by the National Intelligence Service and the National Police Agency, and sent written opinions to the Internet service provider by 6th day of the month, and notified that the relevant site will be formally decided with the thickness of the month.

- In the participating government that aims at the reconciliation and exchange between South and North Korea, whether the phrase “North Korea should not be North Korea” is an alternative Dopson? ‘I am fine and friendly North Korea should not be why she would be.’

- "반미면 어떠냐"며 자주의 가면을 쓰고 정권을 획책하던 무리들이 목적을 달성한 이후에는 미국의 똥구멍을 핥고 같은 아양을 떨다가 급기야 도적질 전쟁에 파병하더니 결국 숭미사대주의적 본색을 드러내며 과거에도 있지 않았던 반역의 획책을 도모하고 있는 것이 아닌가.

- On the other hand, while creating the abolition of the National Security Act, on the other hand, the participating government that strengthens the National Security Act on the other hand and its groups' anti-national dual attitudes shall not be frightened, and the decentralization shall not be prohibited from decentralization in the world that attempts to prevent the public's snow and ear. On the other hand, on November 05, 2004 [BanM site.... Cyber National Defense Headquarters]

(6) On July 30, 2005, Re prepared and posted on the news center the title "in a case where he is confined to his relative himself", and the main contents of the above data are as follows:

I need to go through the unification of friendly North Korea, and we can live in our item. If you do not friendly with the same nation? I must come in friendly with the United States? We need to see who you are friendly with the United States? We rather see that we do not understand that the line is hostile and fluently, and that it is not understood, and that it is by the "instigates of Publicity" of the forces of pro-U.S. in the country of pro-U.S. at the end of the night. In order to speak to instigate, I would like to say that you will not be pro-Japanese but pro-Japanese. They will be pro-North Korea.

- The Republic of Korea should not sell them, without being well aware of what it refers to. The KNND will be a youth independent movement. They have examined a lot of studies on modern history and modern history, which is much more than NNNN. So they have belief and will. If NNNN considers that NNNN would slander KNN, it will be examined as much as possible and possible after it will be. The LNNN chip that NNN would counter KNN only with the content of LNN in school.

- The phenomenon that cannot be understood in the North-U.S. relationship today is listed in the news every day. Whether the U.S. that the N.S. is believed to have him do not attack North Korea? This is because the U.S. could not change? This is because the U.S. is the fact that North Korea's nuclear acid is maintained. This is common sense.

- The world is divided into a supervisor with nuclear weapons and a manager with no nuclear weapons. - Defendant -

(7) On September 9, 2005, on the above Kafbook, North Korea No. 67 of the Operational Order No. 67. The Pofet was prepared and posted on September 9, 2005, the materials of title 67 of the Operational Order No. 67. The Pofet "Pabbb" . The main contents of the above materials are as follows.

We look at the north side of the door: “The number of farb farb farbs, and the sarb farb far. We look at the north side of the door. We can see that we can see that there is a reasonable North Korea pattern that sets up a low farb farc (U.S.) not on an equal basis against the low farb farc farc farc. The appearance is the reality of the south side, but we feel pain and sar the pain, while we see our power on the other hand.

- As the nuclear experiment of North Korea seems imminent. The U.S. “specific closed policies” means the alcoholic beverage that recognizes the nuclear of North Korea inside and does not recognize it outside, and is expressed in order to attract time by leaving it as “on-going”.

- The United States' right to failure does not exist in the Korean Peninsula. South Korea is not the nuclear friendly of the United States, but the peace is guaranteed by North Korea's nuclear friendly acid. If so, whether or not it is a war? The answer to this question is likely to see that it is "other than that." If why is why, it is, it is because the ‘the war theory of the United States' and the ‘the war theory of North Korea' are different.

- It is like the follow-up of genuine consideration by North Korea at the end. When we look at the reality of overcoming the death of the future, the North Korean people selected for the independence of the nation. Our erosion control company will think our own past while evaluating the performance he has accumulated by all the North Korean people and North Korean leaders.

- 우리는 미국의 돼지우리 속에서 편안히 60년을 지나왔습니다. 그러나 북한은 돼지우리 속에 우리를 구출하기 위하여 미국과 60년을 싸워왔습니다. 미국의 갖은 ‘협박과 모략 그리고 봉쇄’에도 굴하지 않고 허리띠를 졸라맨 채 기어코 미국의 코를 꿰어 온 동네를 질질 끌어 다니고 있습니다.

At this point, we need to prepare two. First, we will prepare for congratulationss. I will be able to confirm officially the nuclear possession country. In other words, we will be able to see how much this is bad. On the date on which nuclear bomoms strekes strings in the history of the nation are cut down. The date on which nuclear boms bombs bombs and semblings are stopped, and the boms are punished. In the luminous text, we will be able to impose candle boms boms.

- . . . . . . The nuclear omb for the experiment to be carried out in the future of our nation is installed in the underground tunnels of the Haban-do, Haban-do, and the tunnels are installed in the tunnels, and the observation unit for the empty and experimental devices are installed in public. It should not be able to make any one of the nuclear weapons in the future.

- In the future, we will undertake a fund-raising campaign in order to deliver the mind of audit to the staff of the North Korean nuclear scientists and the U.S. scholars. They will send liquors, techniques and letters.

- 〈대북(대북) 퍼주자!.. 무조건 퍼주자!.. 무작정 퍼주자!〉

1. Operation number: Order of operations;

2. Operational name: The order of “the owner of the large-North Korean key” movement; and

3. Strategic tactical means: It shall disseminate from each Internet bulletin board the logic of urginging that the support from North Korea can be rapidly increased at the government level. It shall create an atmosphere to enable the development of a fund-raising campaign at a private level, and shall disseminate the logic on each Internet bulletin board so that capital values can recognize and change the current situation in particular;

4. Operation Time Limit: Until the United States is destroyed.

The time when the order of operations, such as the above, is strictly carried out, shall be the Presidential Committee on 08 May 2004.

(8) On June 18, 2006, on the bulletin board of the said carpetogle (Korean iron farm) free advertising (Korean iron farm 2, 2006) published and published the materials of the title of the “Obdusan 2, 2, 2, 300.” The contents of the above materials are as follows.

The U.S., “- our hostile nuclear, without changing today, carries out a guideline for “specific salary chain policy” and threatens our nation by hostile, intimidation, and rupture. However, the end of the tentative book is in front of the snow. The law has a limit to human beings.

- there is no end in our nation’s ability. It is not last but will be viewed as another experiment next. However, the expectations that only an experiment will be conducted at any time, and the United States would go at the heart of the United States. “I will fl fl fl fl fl fl fl.”

- 우리 7000만 동포는 1000년 식민지 시대를 끝장낼 백두산2호(대포동2호)의 웅비를 흥분된 마음으로 기다린다. 우리민족 만세!!!!』

(9) On July 8, 2006, on the bulletin board of the above Kabogle (Iron Pagle) published and posted the data of the title "St. 2 (St. 2) St. Domina St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. S

The test was launched by each type of U.S. on July 5, 2006 between 03:30:0:00 p.m. and 04:3:00 p.m. among those who are interested in each country’s political and technical personnel, the test was conducted according to each type of U.S. P. P.m.

- North observation vessel was waiting at a point 500 km from the riri-ri-ri-ri-ri-ri-ri-ri-ri-ri-ri-ri-ri-ri-ri-ri-ri-ri-ri-ri-ri-ri-ri-ri-ri-ri-ri-ri-ri-ri-ri-ri-ri-ri-ri-ri-ri-ri-ri

- Politically, a straight line which combines U.S. 40°500km points above 40§ 500 km points and non-means launch stops in the United States. This means that objects are always U.S. core books. On the other hand, 9 U.S. headings, excluding Mtdusan 2, have the same meaning as a axis that produces the outcome of U.S. 2.

- In addition, on July 5, the United States does not think of what means the independence anniversary of the United States.

- Technically, when the launch of the U.S. Badusan No. 1 in 1998, the first phase of the 195 seconds was separated from the base of the 95 seconds, and the 253km from the base of the non-means launch. However, the 00dusan No. 2 was laid down without error at the point where the engine operation was 500km from the base of the 42 seconds only. It seems to be able to fully and clearly prove that the U.S. Kadusan could be scriptively displayed at any time and anywhere.

- 이번 미사일 시험발사는 전율적으로 성공한 시험성과로서 2006년 7월 5일은 자손만대로 기억될 것이다. 우리민족 만세..!!!!!』

(10) On October 1, 2006, on the list of the above carpet bulletin board, the data was prepared and posted as follows: (a) gold 3 and net spawn, and no means of spawn were available; and (b) the main contents of the data were as follows:

In addition, North Korea's U.S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S.

- China did not find out the intention of North Korea and tried to put a supporting vote in the UN Security Council sanctions against North Korea on the basis of the conviction that it is the Grand-dong Spanish. China will come up to a place where it cannot be returned, such as the water that is cut down.

- With the knowledge that the U.S. system has been leading to the U.S. system, China has a strong color to close the U.S. and to close the North Korea.However, despite the efforts of China, China, which takes the gling of the ging of the ging of the ging of the ging of the ging of the ging of the ging of the ging of the ging

- North Korea, even though the U.S. did not actually use a white-sea St. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S.C. card was used, that is, it was possible for the U.S., U.S. and China to bring the conviction that the U.S. “U.S. S. S. U.S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S.C.

- Since the card was the card of a dead number, North Korea still remains five (the Mapo-dong Test, the nuclear experiment, the proliferation of WMD, the Japanese annexation, and the North America War).

(11) On March 30, 2007, on the bulletin board of the above carpet, a document prepared and posted as follows: [Name] No. 30 and an open party’s “marity and book-keeping.” The materials of title 3 of the Korea-U.S. FTA were prepared and posted. The main contents of the above materials are as follows:

The term “the pro-Japanese book of pro-Japanese Government’s “the pro-Japanese book” was derived from the “the pro-Japanese book of pro-Japanese” of the government in Kim Tae-tae, and is the book that has been greatly embodied compared to the pro-Japanese book of pro-Ma. The “the pro-Ma book of pro-Ma” and “the pro-Man book of pro-Ma”, in essence, was formulated for the purpose of the unification of absorption, and was packed as the sunbeams policy (or the so-called policies).

- The term “Korea-U.S. FTA” aims to protect four (4) U.S. parties (Korean-U.S.A.) by raising U.S. influence in economic sector as compared to the number of usfks that may arise as a result of the rupture of North-U.S. nuclear conflict, in comparison with the number of U.S. armed forces in this land.

- The reason why the United States is bound to withdraw usfk is that the concealment of the U.S. is due to the scambling of the U.S., and the fact that such a book is likely to be possible is new as a witness of the present labor force. The purpose of this is to be absolutely not to be realized. Ultimately, the people’s scambling of the Defendant will scam.

- Ultimately, it is the head of the most serious interference with North Korea's nuclear integration by the end of Kim Heavy and Labor Freeboard. They are the dynamics of our people with more depth with the outer strings, and they are the dangerous conspiracys of static disputes.

- We see the people and refer to the advancement of progress, and oppose to the labor modernization government that displays anti-national dynamic quality and the open party to our country. We will fight. On March 30, 2007, the Cyber National Defense Headquarters of the Anti-U.S. Anti-U.S. Anti-U. National Defense Headquarters.

(12) On April 4, 2007, the above Kafogle (training soldiers) prepared and posted a list of items 71 (2007/04/01). The Korea-U.S. FTA. No. 1007/01 (2007/04/01) of the anti-national anti-national anti-state anti-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state

Even on May 16, 1871, the Pacific Republic of Korea, composed of Manasca, Manasca, Manasca, Manosca, and Matrisca, had different knowledge in the Joseon Han-ju, the number of 6 U.S. dollars, the total number of 85 U.S. forces, 1,369, and the total number of 1,369. We are at the risk of the New U.S. Republic of Korea.

- The purpose of the U.S. invasion group was to enforce the "U.S. Trade Treaty" against the Joseon Government to lay the foundation for economic deprivation.

- We have clearly confirmed the identity of the daily wage on the port of labor. They have the highest honor of inventive step. They are not pro-Japanese. They have the honor of war. They are not peace. They have the honor of every State. They may be converted into fraud. They may be the most extreme remuneration.

- our power can not block the plan of the daily wage for labor, but we will not see their arguments. Accordingly, the Korea-U.S. FTA is not a luco. It is only fluent rice rice, which the U.S. would not have drawn up. It is due to the fact that there is a new force. Therefore, we will not establish the Korea-U.S. FTA.

- The Cyber National Defense Headquarters will issue the following operational orders with the Korea-U.S. FTA.

≪ 한미 FTA.. 그 반민족적 반민중적 음모를 파탄내자!≫

1. Operation number: Order of operations;

2. Operational name: “Book-ro. Handb.”

3. Jeonman Guidelines: Along with the Korea-U.S. FTA, it shall actively participate in candlelight demonstration and related assemblies. The nature of the labor modernization and the open party will be pointed out, and the awareness of consciousness and non-fforcing will be separated from the Madlelight Island. From the Madern Islands, it will lead to the confrontation between the anti-U.S. and sub-pats and peace.

4. Period of operation: by the last day of the charter party.

The Defendant, while being aware that the aforementioned materials are contents that denied free democracy routes of the Republic of Korea, praise and praise the military politics routes of North Korea, and propaganda the anti-U.S. and anti-socialism routes of North Korea, prepared and posted them.

As a result, the Defendant, while knowing the fact that it may endanger the existence and security of the State or democratic fundamental order, produced and distributed representations for the purpose of praiseing, encouraging, publicizing, or aiding and abetting the activities of North Korean anti-government organizations (However, the above paragraph (4) is limited to distribution).

B. Violation of the National Security Act due to the acceptance or posting of pro-enemy materials, the following:

On June 2003, the Defendant: (a) published, or moved, letters on the Internet website (Internet address 3 omitted) of the Uniform School Research Institute established and operated by North Korea’s Joseon Central Communications, Labor Newspapers, former Korean Cable Cables, and Cho Jae-do Seniors, which are an engine for the Japanese Shipbuilding; and (b) published, in the said car page, the Defendant had the intention to publicize and instigate North Korea’s hostile routes in a way that many and unspecified persons can see it.

(1) On June 27, 2003, the Defendant transferred the data called North-U.S. War to North Korea and posted it to the Kapet News Center on the Internet site of the said Unified Institute. (No. 2) The main contents of the data are as follows.

Whether who will be a person? North Korea defends the invasion of the United States with the "Modern Uniform Strategy". The following information is the subject of the theory of Non-Indicted 7 Director of the Unification Research Institute (Internet Address 3 omitted) (Internet Address 3 omitted).

- The comprehensive content of the North Korea's defense military strategy against the United States advance offer. At the present time of the war crisis in Korea, we can read. However, we have an exaggerated aspect.

- The combat relief of North Korea’s fleet is “explosive to extinguish those who are against the North Korea’s nuclear power”. The term “explosive to the North Korea’s nuclear power plant.” The term “explosive to the North Korea’s nuclear power plant.” The term “explosive to the North Korea’s nuclear power plant.” The term “explic

- From the point of view of North Korean War, South Korea's territory is an unsatised military unit that has no independent weapons systems, so it cannot become a main unit.

The term "Korea-U.S.A.A. system is nothing more than a military towing system that provides that South (Korea) armed forces shall exclusively follow the instructions and control of the Minister of National Defense of the United States of America on issues of the development, production, and possession of strategic weapons.

- Cream Group, which was not armed with anti-dominism, lost the attack in the beginning of the opening of the beginning with an advanced weapon of the United States armed forces, lost the attack prior to the Busheshes, throw away a group of resistance or a weapon, and went away from the battle. Accordingly, the Cream Group's chain of command was rapidly over and was at the end.

In the mid-190s, the armed forces of North Korea (Korean) have been strengthened and developed more by the military politics of the chairman of the National Defense Day Kim Jong-il in the mid-190s.According to the view of North Korea (North Korea), the military politics is one of the military units and the people, and the military politics is the anti-government politics that fights against the invasion of the power of the State.

- The armed riot of North Korea is not merely a way to boost the morale of the military forces, but on the basis of the anti-government revolution thought. North Korea, the anti-government revolution ideology was militaryly called the military ideology. Radioactive News / the Defendant of 02/05 on 02/2005.

(2) During the period from July 4, 2003 to the 30th of the same month, the main parts of Nonindicted 7’s thesis posted on the Internet site of the Unification Research Institute Act were cited and posted to the said Kaf News Center. The main contents are as follows.

“Sevibly East East Asia.......... has the first part of the Republic of Korea nuclear weapons?”

- There are two important parts in the “new tag” led by North Korea. It is the “North Korea’s nuclear” and “North East America.” It is the “North Korea’s nuclear” and “North Korea’s U.S. dollars.” It is intended to provide a last explanation for the “fluorous movement” and the “new tag” of the North East Asia, and then to identify the substance of the North Korea’s nuclear and the U.S. S. S. S. dollars by dividing them into one and two parts first.

- The case in which the United States confirmed that North Korea is an armed State was an armed State, was the case in which the United States was bound to choose a way to coexist with North Korea without the United States, which caused the extinction by nuclear war. In the past, the Framework Agreement on North Korea and the United States adopted at Geneva on October 21, 1994 was a diplomatic document in which the United States renounced the nuclear attack strategy and promised to respect peace. From that time, the fact that North Korea is possessing a nuclear weapon remains a "two thousands of secret" known to it by North Korea and the United States.

- The author’s point of view that North Korea is successful in nuclear development is divided into two parts in the possession of nuclear weapons in the past four lecture countries. If we look at a national point of view, it can be said that “the same is not so bad.................” This is because it appears to play a critical role to find out the external state on the Korean Peninsula.

- However, if we look at the national (Korean) point of view, it can be said that it is 'fright'. This is because Korea's shape is close to that of the United States, which is bound by the United States, and is no longer possible.

Now, there is no other way. The United States and North Korea should end the Korean War and enter into a peace agreement; and the United States and North Korea must withdraw; and the United States Armed Forces must enter into a peace agreement between South and North Korea; and the actual unification should be discussed. Only this is the length in which the Korean people live and the peace of North Asia is guaranteed.

Hambly East East Asia, North ...., part II, the Pacific Republic of Korea, the Republic of Korea, the Republic of Korea, the Republic of Korea, the Republic of Korea,

- The successful launch of an anonymous promoting body on August 31, 1998, which was opportunistic No. 1, 1998, was blicked a day on the boom of the Korean Peninsula where the United States has occupied unilateral opportune.

- On August 31, 1998, North Korea, North Korea on luminous 1998, had an anonymous promotion body toward outer space, which was an excessive shock and fear that North Korea was a military force force armed between the continental army over 10,000km.

- The common theory on January 1, 1997 of the Lodong Newspapers â…………………………………………………………………â………………………………ââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââ

「격렬히 요동치는 동북아‥‥ 제3부 너! 한번 디져볼래?」

- The two-way features of the North and U.S. Do have been the dynamics between North and South Korea since the war, which have been dynamics in the Gu where the nuclear retaliation strategy of the U.S. Do is threatening North Korea. The strategic balance of the Korean Peninsula has to turn into force each time when the U.S., which is taking a hand over the nuclear attack against the nuclear attack. The war crisis has to turn into force several times.

- The Kim Jong-il Chairman sent an explanation of the scenario of a war that could be taken off from the front of the United States with the United States of America, by stating that "at the time of war with the United States of America, us will be present at this level. If us will be present, us will be broken off. No zone without Joseonland may exist." It is true that us has set up a war scenario for a match with the United States of America, and that she has not been present at the time of a war for a match with the United States of America, while disclosing that strong means of attack have been posted in order to meet the attack of the United States of America. In the unification above, us must pay attention to us, rather than a vague self-strush that us could be taken off from the front of the United States of America.

Modern East Asia. 4, part of North Korea's Republic of Korea's Republic of Korea's Republic of Korea's Republic of Korea's Republic of Korea's Republic of Korea's Republic of Korea's Republic of

- The Republic of Korea's Round and the name of the U.S. of the Republic of Korea and the Republic of Korea's sovereignty are spreading in the East Asia. If so, the current Korean Peninsula and the Republic of Korea's Republic of Korea's Republic of Korea's Republic of Korea's Republic of Korea's Republic of Korea's Republic of Korea's Republic of Korea's Republic of Korea's Republic of Korea's Republic of Korea's Republic of Korea's Republic of Korea's Republic of Korea's Republic of Korea's Republic of

- Low-water Co., Ltd.

In the event that the ability of North Korea's strategic weapons is proven, the United States is bound to go into fear, and the United States has no card to suppress North Korea. On the contrary, North Korea is too many to go ahead of the United States.

- All the powers of the State take place from the territory of the Republic of Korea. The words of the Republic of Korea human rights of the peacefuln are only the essential human rights of the person with power to peace and human rights. Unless it is difficult, there is peace and human rights as old times. The right to freedom and opening is only the right to open peace within the human body of the State.

Mobly East Asia. . 5 (Final Refusal) .- Sectoro-Influort - Expropriation, 'glybrobb hand'.

- North Korea made it difficult for the U.S., Japan, China, and Russia to properly use the capacity relations of four countries around the Korean Peninsula. Because there is a conflict of interest between the U.S., Japan, China, and Russia on the Korean Peninsula, North Korea has used the aspect that it can make more favorable national aspects to use that point.

- As such, how it refers to the diplomatic force of North Korea using military force and political diplomatic force, and how it refers to an individual’s freedom.

- During the past 10 years, North Korea's strategy had the U.S. set up a brush, as shown in one copy and two copies, and thoroughly crushed the U.S. which is the brushes of the Republic of Korea. The process was the process in which the U.S. recognizes North Korea as a military force force, and it was the incident in which the U.S. pre-crus of changes in the brus in North Asia.

- The meaning of the U.S. to conclude a treaty with North Korea (or a treaty of peace) is to eliminate military ties and to eliminate the influence of the U.S. on the Korean Peninsula including resolving military ties. Ultimately, this is related to the number of usfk irons in Korea.

- The content of the withdrawal of US Armed Forces in Korea is interpreted to mean that the removal of US Armed Forces in North and US forces and military equipment by phase and the closure of military bases by phase is completed immediately before the unification of the Korean Peninsula is realized and the complete closure of military bases is complete, according to the trend of liquidation of hostile relations between North and US.

- The phrase of liquidation of hostile relations is interpreted to mean liquidation of political, diplomatic, and economic hostile relations in addition to military hostile relations. The establishment of North and America means the end of the U.S. policy to kill the enemy against North Korea.

- The process of settling the hostile relations between North and the United States and establishing the state shall coincide with the process of withdrawing the United States Armed Forces from the Republic of Korea. The hostile relations between North and the United States cannot be liquidated unless the United States Armed Forces in Korea withdraws from the United States. This is because the last overlap between North and the United States is 2003. The other United States is the Pacific Republic of Korea after the lapse of 2003.

- North Korea has secured military power against the United States of Morocco, and further is trying to find out the external state of the Korean Peninsula as a result of its discovery. A flusing the North Asia was an external attack of North Korea to find out the external state on the Korean Peninsula.

- 열혈전사 여러분! 끝까지 읽어 주셔서 감사합니다. 이러한 결론과는 무관하게 전쟁의 위험은 상존합니다. 이러한 결론에 안주하여 안이하게 대처할 일이 아니라 미국의 전쟁음모가 실제로 있든 없든 우리는 계속적으로 미국의 전쟁음모에 대해 전략적 반전운동을 전개하여야 할 것입니다. 그리고 이 5편의 글은 통일학연구소 공소외 7소장님의 논문을 인용한 것임을 밝힙니다.』

(3) On August 31, 2003, the aforementioned Kafa News Center moved and posted the materials posted on the website of the said Uniformd Research Center under the title "I will am to am to am to am to am to am to am to the Kafa News Center?" The main contents are as follows.

"The Korea-U.S.A.A. system will be dismantled only by the national citizenship of South Korea (Korea). This means that the democratic forces of South Korea (Korea) with the power to lead static change should establish the national citizenship of North Korea (Korean) with the power to lead static change in the motor for which the steel of South Korea and U.S. is proceeding.

- North Korea (Korean) will open a critical national plane to withdraw usfk by establishing Cho-U.S. national bridge, and South (Korean) will engage in a task to dismantle the Korea-U.S. conference system weak in the course of step-by-step ironing of usfk.

- The two ties of independence and unification, in which the Korean people are open and pursuing, are difficult to establish the dynamic regime in the early and US bilateral conference, through complicated processes, it is difficult to establish the national self-government regime, to establish the unification government by the Korea-U.S. Union system, the dissolution of the 6.15 Joint Declaration in the whole nation level, and to realize through complicated processes, it is difficult to establish the unification government by the Korea-U.S. Union system, the United States-U.S. Union system, the dissolution of the federal system, and the unification government by the federal system in South and North Korea (Korean).

(4) On January 1, 2004, the material posted on the unification research institute website was transferred and posted under the title "the realization of unification" to the above Kafa News Center of the United States, which is a fundamental change in the set of the Han (Mau) Mafa, the United States response. The main contents of which are as follows.

- The term "the hostile policy" means the hostile policy for the People's Republic of Joseon Democratic People's Republic of Korea, i.e., the term "the Grand Time Policy" on North Korea's expression. The People's Republic of Joseon Democratic People's Republic of Korea is a country that covers the whole of Han-do's group, and therefore is the hostile policy for the People's Republic of Korea's Republic.

The loss of dominance in the United States brings about the effects of independent democratic government established by the South (Korea) as the pro-Japanese power has been weakened.The historical mission of unification can be fulfilled by the independent democratic government.

- The principal office of legitimacy is the office of legitimacy that reads the situation in the snow of the Korean people, which is the snow of the Korean people, and read the situation in the snow of the South (Korean) people, which is the snow of the other (Korean) citizens, in order to bring into dispute the right of survival, in order to protect their dignity and autonomy from the control and invasion of the powers of the State State.

-When South Korean nationals live independently from the control and invasion of the powers of the State State, it is because the sovereignty of the Republic of Korea (Korean) is fully realized. Therefore, the war of the Republic of Korea in order to realize the right of survival is the war of the nation in order to realize the right of autonomy immediately.

(5) On October 11, 2004, the above carpet news center marks the Madul and Mamull. We moved and put up the articles posted on North Korea’s Central Communications Act and the Labour Internet website, which are operated by North Korea on August 31, 1998, with the title “I amymbl and Madul.” The main contents of the above materials are as follows.

“- We do rhyth of August, 31, 1998.” The reason is that the day was the same as the elbane of a satellite, which was installed in “Badusan 1”, where “Badusan 1” was launched.

- This is because it is not possible to find out the desire to break down on the south side from the north side, which is because North Korea has been faced without any change with respect to the United States, which is likely to be a perpetrator of our nation. In front of North Korea's public policy, the United States of America in the upper half of the world is moving into a brupt and a brut of a soft.

- First artificial district satellite performance in Korea, launched on September 4, 200

- At present, the revolutions of the French Republic of Korea are transmitted to the earth through the 27 Marzymmetrics, which may be known as the “sing of the Gim Il-sung group” and the “sing of the Gim Il-sung group” and the “sing of the main vessel.”

- The current order of Kim Jong-il is to construct a socialist gale, and our people are greatly encouraging our people as one person, in order to build a socialist gale.

- The head of the South Twit-do Twit-gun, the Republic of Korea’s Twit-do Head, Korea’s

- We are strongly booming this open-end net movement of the South vessel authorities. By officially reporting inside and outside that Korea’s first artificial district satellite was emitted as a result, the male-ray mine routing away from the Domins of the Domins was actually open-down and driving away.

- An auditor was sent to scientists, technicians, and routeists who have contributed to the performance-based launch of the artificial district-satellite 1, an artificial district-satellite 2, etc.

(6) 2005. 2. 11. 위 카페 사방사 뉴스센터에 「성명서, 꿈에도 그리던 조국의 핵보유.. 북녘의 건투를 빕니다」라는 제목으로 불상의 인터넷 사이트에 게시된 조선민주주의인민공화국 외무성 대변인 성명을 인용한 자료를 게시하였는데, 그 주요내용은 다음과 같다.

“-North Korea has entered the new national territory with a sudden attitude of the United States of America, and entered the new national territory.

- We have already made nuclear weapons in line with the large-scale large-scale large-scale high-tensioning policy of the administration.

Now, our nation is a dead-de nuclear holding country. Dozk Dokk Dok Dok Dok Dok Dok Dok Dok Dok Dok, where there is head of a country or a country Dok Dok Dok.

- 이제 우리민족에게는 광명만 있을지다. 저 해뜨는 동녘을 보라! 저 여명은 조국의 영광을 약속하고, 민족의 안녕을 보장하고 있지 않은가, 핵보유 선언을 경축하며, 앞으로 펼쳐질 장대한 광경을 목놓아 기대한다. “북녘의 건투를 빕니다” !!!!우리민족 만세!!!!

- Outward name of the Democratic People's Republic of Joseon

The intention of the administration was completely apparent in the second vice-si, in order to see the Republic of Korea hostile and to see the ancient pressure.

- When looking at the remarks of senior executive officers of the U.S. administration, the words of mutual respect with us or of the transition of comparison policy with us can not be found in anywhere.

- As the imprudent net and hostile mechanism of the U.S. will be eromaticized, we will raise the fluence of the fleets at early and enhance the self-defense power of the Mancheon-guns as a result of the first instance trial of the Mancheon-guns only feel a big self-defluence against the strengthening of self-defense power in the white."

(7) On June 15, 2005, the aforementioned Kafa News Center moved and posted the materials posted at the said Kafa News Center under the title "Korean War Plan and War Practice" in the United States. The main contents are as follows.

- The contents of the “Operation Plan 5029-05”, which is currently prepared by the United States, are Class 1 military secrets, and it is clear that the plan is directly connected with the concept of a new war, which is the so-called “ Strategic flexibility” as referred to by the United States of America.

- When the strategic base is Mabro and there is a remarkable difference in the North (Korean)'s ability to conduct a war, the rapid dynamic group is stiffling to occupy the peace and friendly regime. This war plan is "5027 an operational plan".

-the conference conference of the government authorities of South and North Korea has resumed and the national unification cable has been greatly strengthened as a rupture of the national unification axis. As such, the strengthening of the national unification cable would lead the Korean people to the United States of America, which is trying to lead the Korean people to the risk of the national war.

-Korean nationals shall not compromise with the U.S. domination regime, which creates their own independence, and shall realize independence by means of a strike until the end.

- Clearly, the strategy for responding to the war threats of the nationalism of the United States is the strategy for the unification cable of the Korean people. The strategy for the unification cable of the Korean people is the strong political strategy that leads to the threat of the war threats of the nationalism of the United States and realizes the independence of the Korean people, by making reconciliation, cooperation and cooperation with the Korean people.

(8) 2005. 8. 20. 위 카페 자유논설 [철기전사] 게시판에 「〈광복60돐 민족사의 전환점-상〉 조선이 일으키는 지각변동」이라는 제목으로 재일 조총련 기관지인 「조선신보」 인터넷 사이트에 게시된 글을 옮겨 와 게시하였는데, 그 주요내용은 다음과 같다.

『- ≪대결전의 총결산≫ 14일 평양체육관에서 진행된 조국광복 60돐 경축 보고대회, 김정일 장군님의 위임에 따라 연단에 오른 최고인민회의 상임위원회 김영남 위원장은 “우리는 지금 제국주의 반동들과 첨예한 대결전을 벌리고 있다”고 말하고 전 조선반도의 비핵화가 김일성 주석님의 유훈이며 조선의 최고목표 라는데 대하여 다시금 천명하였다.

In Japan's colonial rule, Joseon, which was tried at the colonial rule, did not suffer from the pain of the division according to the external rule. The United States has prevented the nation's unification orientation. North Korea has implemented the hostile policy and has pursued isolation and pressure.

- The same principle as tin, which maintains the independent design in the anti-U.S. anti-U.S. association, was consistent since the duplicating. Shipbuilding did not go from the way of its own choice, and had improved its own ideas and systems for the past 60 years.

(9) On March 26, 2006, on the bulletin board of the above Ka Paf News (Korean Film History), a strong self-defensive action against the [Military] U.S. Defluordo, which was posted on the French website. The title called "......", transferred and posted the name of a representative of the Joseon Democratic People's Republic of Korea posted on the French website, and its main contents are as follows.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea of the Republic of Korea argued that "the war practice of this case, in which 20,000 U.S. military forces and military forces of South and North Korea in South and North Korea are mobilized, is an aggressive and dynamic nuclear vessel against North Korea of the Republic of South and North Korea."

- The speaker declared that “us will respond to strong self-defensive action against it under clear conditions that the tension of the United States of America (North Korea) will lead to a stronger level of self-defensive action.”

- The Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced the 23-day RoSOI practice as an attack practice on the North Korea's nuclear vessel, "us will respond to the strong pressure of the U.S. nuclear vessel as a strong self-defensive action on the clear condition."

- Press media also emphasizes the tension of the Korean Peninsula as the “North Korean War Brought” in the United States of America, emphasizing the “sloaking of island retaliation.”

(10) On August 3, 2006, on the bulletin board of the above Kapeta, the data posted on the Internet homepage of the above Uniform School Research Institute was transferred to and posted on the title "Mau-Saman's U. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S.

According to the confrontation between the political ideology and the political ideology, the term "the present term of the U.S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S

- The class of anti-stateism in North Korea is a military policy on the basis of anti-state military routes. Furthermore, countries can only conduct anti-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-U.

- Countries in the 21st century, which carry out the anti-state sovereignty, are outside North Korea (North Korea). The imposition of sanctions and pressure on North Korea (North Korea) by the United States and its conference countries against North Korea (North Korea), citing the origin of anti-military routes and preventing North Korea (North Korea) from facing the anti-stateism."

(11) On September 3, 2006, the data posted on the Internet site of the aforementioned Uniform Institute was transferred to the above Kapet bulletin board as the title "Return of the right to control operation and the reorganization of the Korea-U.S. Military Union System", and its main contents are as follows.

The North Korean War of the United States of America, which intends to transfer or destroy the socialist system of "-North Korea, by violence, will be broken down by mass destruction of the Joseon People's Republic of Korea.

- - In order for the Republic of Korea (Korean War), the Republic of Korea should disarm the North Korean War Plan of the United States Armed Forces and eliminate the origin of the Republic of Korea, with the aim of the Republic of Korea’s re-proving the North Korean War;

- The task of removing the origin of the religion by failure of the North Korean War Plan of the United States Armed Forces is related to the task of realizing the social transformation in South (Korea) and the task of unification of the fatherland, which is not related to each other. Clearly, the highest integrated concept of establishing a relationship between the three fields of tasks is autonomous.

- The Republic of Korea (Korean War) has repeated a dispute of resistance, but the colonial point of the colonial rule in Japan was not prevented, and the Japanese colonial rule in the Japanese colonial rule was not prevented. The fundamental cause for which the Korean people did not win at two times in the 20th century, and the basic cause for which the Korean people did not win at the same time in the Japanese colonial rule, was that they failed to form a powerful unified cable to the extent that they could suppress the Japanese colonial power.If a unified cable was formed, this nation could have known the division and war.

- If the dispersion and division of anti-state capacity prior to the risk of flaging in the nuclear wind of the Jeju War is destroyed and died, as a result, the unification itself is a life which is back to a flag and a flag.

- As a result of the unification of anti-government capacity, the unification of anti-government capacity is beyond political speech and behavior. Political practice forming a unification cable to strengthen and unify anti-government capacity is the formation of a unification cable. The formation of a unification cable is the only strategy that the nation selects to protect himself and its future and to live independently."

(12) On December 16, 2006, on the list of the above carpet bulletin board, the following items were prepared and posted on the list of the materials, 2724 of North Korea’s 2724 nuclear width. The hydrogen bombomb and high bomb and bombombomb. The main contents are as follows:

On October 09, 2006, the nuclear experiment of North Korea, which was called the Mangnan-gun of the Magnan-gun, Hag-do, Hagju-do, Hagwon-do, had caused the world to move too much. In particular, the response attitude of the parties is very extreme. The response attitude of the parties is the Democratic People's Republic of Joseon, wherein the Mega and festival are fluored.

- This day is not the “national historical incident” against the nation of the Republic of Korea. Clearly, North Korea's high-tech nuclear technology is a real proof of its high-tech nuclear technology, and at the same time it is confirmed that the four nuclear power countries possessing hydrogens and means of transport are the countries of national military discipline, and at the same time it becomes the official nuclear holding countries.

- The core words in the comments of the Twit line Central Telecommunication> “The U.S. shall not be seen as having experienced early.” One of the most important words that the U.S. has not experienced before the date will be included. The nuclear experiment of North Korea, which was conducted at the 11th day of September 8, 2004 and at the 1st day of September 2004, was a neutism, and was an open nuclear experiment.

- If there is a heavy carbon production technology, it is unnecessary to follow the nuclear facility which manufactures concentrate uranium or grass uranium. Heavy carbon is a small-sized nuclear weapon, and it is a high-tech nuclear weapon with rapid manufacturing time, storage safety, safety, small size, and high living capacity. However, it is problematic that the production of hydrogen is continuing and production equipment is subject to monitoring by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IEA).

(13) On January 8, 2007, the data posted on the Internet homepage of the aforementioned Uniform Institute was transferred to the Socialist Republic of Korea under the title of "Safababababa", "Sababababab" on the above Kafa free bulletin board, and the historical experience and body of 1962. The main contents thereof are as follows.

The economic spons and the threat of war in the anti-state war is continuing. More accurately expressed, it seems that there seems to be a gap between the closure and sanctions to destroy the socialism system that remains on the earth after the collapse of socialism.

- So far, the socialist regime, which has been separated from the socialist revolution, has been fluored by several socialist systems to the ethicism system, has been going beyond, and has been fluored by the ethic ethic ethic ethic ethic ethic ethic ethic ethic ethic ethic ethic ethic ethic ethic ethic ethic ethic ethic ethic ethic ethic ethic ethic ethic ethic ethic ethic ethic ethic ethic ethic ethic ethic ethic ethic ethic ethics.

- The deviations from the socialist Revolution will result in the collapse of socialism and the return of capitalism. In addition, as shown in the experience of China and Vietnam, the waiver of the socialist Revolution will result in the deterioration of socialism and the spread of capitalism. However, as shown in the North (Korean) and Cuba, the socialist revolution is the length in which the independent socialist takes place.”

(14) On February 22, 2007, on the bulletin board for the analysis of the East Asia's affairs, the title "the 2007 Hando Mado Mado Mado Mado Mado Mado Mado Mado" was the same as the data posted on the Internet homepage of the above Uniform Asia's Research Institute. The main contents are as follows.

I think it is necessary to look at the nuclear experiment of North Korea from the viewpoint of the socialist regime that was conducted by North Korea on October 9, 2006, because the dynamic labor class of Asia, Africa, and Limera and the labor force of Limera, which was provokinging the bund, showed the explosion of the socialist regime that was caused by the bundishing of the bundrance. It is necessary to look at the nuclear experiment of North Korea from the perspective of the socialist regime.

- The strike between a new force and an outworn force is the strike of the anti-stateism, and the strike of a new force facing an outworn force is the strike to build a new socialist called "21st century socialist".

- The democratic revolution referred to within the Republic of Korea refers to the 19th century system and the Hau-ju rank of the 19th century, which has been created by Germany, in quality from the democracy of the 19th century, which has been laid down, the rise in the Domination of the nationalism and the system of new democracy, dissatising the world's property and the system of new democracy, and the social change to realize democracy between the labor rank and the labor class. Such social change has the social orientation. It is historical letter of view that such social change has the social orientation.

As above, the Defendant denied the free democracy routes of the Republic of Korea over 14 times, praises the U.S. and the military politics routes of North Korea, and advertised the North Korean anti-U.S. and anti-state socialism routes, posted them on the Internet, and made it possible for many and unspecified persons to view them.

As a result, the Defendant, while knowing that it may endanger the existence and security of the State or democratic fundamental order, distributed expressive materials for the purpose of praiseing, encouraging, promoting, or aiding and abetting the activities of North Korean anti-government organizations.

(c) Violation of the National Security Act due to notice on pro-enemy materials;

On July 7, 2007, the defendant, a Internet portal site, closed cyber national defense headquarters page, which was established following the Internet portal site, around August 7, 2007. At around August 7, 2007, the defendant thought that he had opened the Internet portal site for the purpose of publicity and instigates North Korea to many unspecified people by opening the "Saber National Defense Headquarters" page (Internet address 2 omitted) on the Internet portal site.

(1) On August 7, 2007, around 23:44, 2007, a notice was posted on the bulletin board of “Non-Indicted 8’s writing,” the title of “non-Indicted 8’s self-reliance on national defense and military division”, and the main contents thereof are as follows.

The reason why “-U.S. frequently implements this large-scale military training is related to the operation plan 5030. The purpose of the operation plan 5030 is to concentrate North Korea so that the U.S. can eradicate the resources that the U.S. possessed by North Korea. That is, North Korea cannot respond to the military training of the U.S. military. That is, North Korea’s leading position is that “Irrely cut off................ the U.S. forces are 5027 in preparation for the front and 5030 in order to attract North Korea’s self-harm is a salted with the aim of “the collapse of the North Korean government.”

The problem, however, is that the operation plan aimed at the collapse of the North Korean government is entirely different from the North Korean government's North Korea policy.The North Korean government led to the Kim Han-dae government, and is pursuing reconciliation and exchange between South and North Korea, and has achieved progress in various ways. In other words, the operation plan 5030 means that it was established regardless of the will of the present government of labor. Accordingly, any operation plan is established by the United States. It would be difficult for anyone to raise an objection to the establishment of the U.S. military.

- The problem is another issue. Does the President refuse or oppose to the operation plans inconsistent with the North Korean policies of the labor freeboard government? It is related to the right of access to the military. Although the President of the Republic of Korea pays military expenses and monthly salary to the Korean armed forces, there is no authority to direct and control the Korean armed forces. There is no way to prevent one from conducting military training that he/she gets on his/her own. In reality, there is no operating authority in Korea. The Ministry of National Defense does not have the right of ordinary operation in Korea. It is merely necessary for the Ministry of National Defense to keep the people on his/her own and by her own.

- Although the government has clearly sought “inter-Korean cooperative policy,” the military department proves that the reality that the military unit is carrying out training and practice for the military system in accordance with the “Operation Plan 5030,” which has the purpose of collapseing North Korea, is in the position of the military unit and the government separately. The Korean military unit ought to give priority to the orders of the United States Armed Forces more than the orders of the President. In other words, the Korean military unit should give priority to the orders of the Joint Chiefs of Staff than the orders of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. It is natural that the President has no operational right.

- 대통령이 군에 대한 명령권은 없지만 인사권은 가지고 있는데 군부는 도대체 무슨 배짱으로 이렇게 반발하는 것일까. 그것은 한국의 예속적 현실에서 답을 찾을 수 있다. 대통령이 아무리 간 큰 배짱을 가졌다 할지라도 현실적으로 진보적 장관을 임명하기란 매우 어렵다. 왜냐하면 군부내에서 진보적 장성은 단 한명도 없으며, 장성출신이 아닌 외부인사를 임명하는 것도 무리수가 되기 때문이다. 특히 미국의 반발을 무릅쓰고 그렇게 할 수 있는 정치세력은 민주노동당을 빼고는 이 땅에 없다. 이런 것을 두고 ‘미국의 영향력’이라고 표현함이 적당하다. 이러한 한국의 힘의 판도와 대통령의 처지를 잘 알고 있는 군부는 노골적으로 대통령을 농락한다.

- The collision between South and North Korea takes place at each time when the reconciliation policy between South and North Korea takes place. At all times, the President is bound to a certain concealment after receiving a report after the fact. our [Stur national defense headquarters] has already interpreted the west west as a game of North Korea and the United States, and Korean soldiers claim that it was a brupted case by the conspiracy of the United States.

In the NLL on the west Sea where the U.S. armed forces do not go into the sea before Dokdo Island, Japan is left alone because it was set on the line to be observed by the U.S. armed forces, and the NL is left alone due to the lack of the United States armed forces to observe Dokdo. Dokdo is a multi-catch of the territory of Japan on the map created by the U.S.C., and there is no attack against Japan under the U.S. military operational plan.

- Under the U.S. political strategies, the NL is a dangerous line that our nation’s fluences down at the end of rice fluences. NL does not comply with international norms, as well as the territory of the Republic of Korea, which is the territory of the Republic of Korea, even after North Korea’s territory is formed into the territory of the Republic of Korea. Rather, Dokdo is the territory of the Republic of Korea, which is the territory of the Republic of Korea. If Dokdo is into the territory of Japan, the military sovereignty in the East Sea would cause a large diamatic change, and the issue of underground resources and fishery resources will also be very unfavorable.

- Dokdo is also protected by the police now. Dokdo is not our land as long as the Korean armed forces are bound by the United States armed forces. Korean armed forces do not attack Japanese armed forces even though Japan occupied Dokdo. This is because the power to issue an operational order to attack Japanese armed forces does not belong to any one within the Korean Peninsula. It is true that it is true that it is true that the Korean armed forces are forced to attack Japanese armed forces, not by the Korean citizens, but by the foreign armed forces affected the territory.

- The tendency of the Korean military division at the time of coming up with the young children is very shocking. There is no “national consciousness” and there is no “living” for them. They do not differ from the gambling dog where the U.S. state straws and increases the target of Gabing. They cannot be said to be the Korean army. They cannot be said to be the U.S. military. They are only the U.S. military.

(2) On August 8, 2007, around 06:46, the above carpet “Non-Indicted 8’s literary bulletin board” posted the title “Korea’s nuclear weapons operate.” Moreover, the transport system clearly shows the following main contents of the data:

"I see how you operate nuclear weapons without any nuclear test that they would make nuclear weapons?". "I conviction that they have made preparations well; our nuclear weapons operate."

- North Korea, at the beginning of the counter-satellite in the United States, was presumed to have been 4 April 1982 when the counter-satellite of the United States was spreaded at the site where the facility construction is being used exclusively for the development of nuclear weapons, other than the existing nuclear facilities, and on this basis, the experts in the United States presumed that North Korea was 1979 when the nuclear facility was commenced by North Korea.

- The degree of doctor Nonindicted 9(61) of the North Korean expert in Japan argued that “The North Korea has already held and imported fluorumumum in the mid-1980s in the mid-1980s,” and that “It is correct to view that the present nuclear weapons that can be loaded into North Korea are at least 300 years.”

- In addition, Nonindicted 9’s doctor argued that “The idea that the Pakistan would have provided the Pakistististististististististististististististististististististististististististististististististististististististististististististististististististististististististististististististististististististististististististististististististististististististististististististist

- He added to the North Korea’s points that North Korea did not conduct nuclear experiments, that it would be adequate if that North Korea successfully won the nuclear experiment with a computer Formula 100, which would maintain the accuracy of the altitude, and that North Korea would have actually conducted the nuclear experiment on several occasions without this reason. In particular, it would be noted that “The nuclear experiment of Pakistan in 198 is the “agency test” of the North Korean nuclear experiment.

In order to overcome this situation, North Korea had already failed to hold a nuclear experiment before 1980 in order to avoid the strategic nuclear capability, and carried out a nuclear experiment with a computer Formula in order to overcome this situation, it seems that North Korea could have been able to carry out a nuclear experiment several times through Pakistan while the technical cooperation relationship with Pakistan was achieved.

After concluding the conclusion, ‘Reunited Information>>> Along with the fact that there was no force in 100 years before Japan, it was hard to force the Republic of Korea to keep himself. The force was the self-defensive nuclear power that the Republic of Korea (North Korea) changed into the fleet, and this nuclear power was called ‘the nuclear of the nation, not the nuclear of North Korea.'

- If North Korea left the Republic of Korea like C, a war will take place in the Korean Peninsula. However, there is no longer a war by the United States (U.S. war theory) on the Korean Peninsula. This is because the Korean Peninsula has already been protected by North Korea's nuclear emergency. On the other hand, there is no war by North Korea (Korean War against North Korea).

- The nuclear technology of North Korea is safe and has developed the U.S. technologies across the border. Our nation is a nuclear holding country and its remainder remains only if it proves in the world. This is not a monmonism, but a reality. We still exist in the history of national interest, which is the basis for the chests.

(3) On August 8, 2007, around 07:14, the above carpet “Non-Indicted 8’s literary bulletin board” posted a title “(North Korea’s nuclear”) 3, the net navigation date, and the Non-Indicted 8’s free means.” The main contents of this title are as described in the above subparagraph A(10).

(4) On August 8, 2007, around 07:21, 2007, on the message board of Non-Indicted 8’s Kapet “Non-Indicted 8’s literary bulletin board,” the flag of the nation and nationalism. The Loo published the title “The Hucoo and the Ukchionononononononononon”) in Japan, and the main contents of this article are as follows.

The term “-national” was created by the Macoo and the United Kingdomononon> Japan. The term ‘Macoo and the United Kingdomon' is the integration between the ‘Macoo' and the ‘national theory'. However, the term ‘Macoo and the United Kingdom on the part of the State on the part of the State on the part of the State on the part of the State on the part of the State on the part of the State on the part of the State on the part of the State on the part of the State on the part of the State on the part of the State on the part of the State on the part of the Macoo and the United Kingdom on the part of the State on the part of the State on the part of the State on the part of the State on the part of the

- The words “it is necessary to see us well,” and the words “to us well see”.

- If, at that time, I would like to “constigiousization” as a means to overcome the nationalism, today’s nuclear weapons is “nuclear weapons.” From this point of view, the idea of “Postcoos and Ukidus> and “military matters,” in North Korea, have a aspect to be interroged.

- As a means for independent powers of the Republic of Korea, the term “military science theory” and “Korea Doluri theory” have been completely different from the length to the nationalism, not to the length to the nationalism, but to the length to the nationalism and to realize the interest of the red, using the ‘Macoo and the United Nations' as the means for independent powers of the Republic of Korea.

(5) On August 8, 2007, around 11:48, the above carpet “Non-Indicted 8’s writing bulletin board” is controversial. Seoul is scamba. Seoul. At this point, it also posted a title “Iskh and Typhn,” and its main contents are as follows.

It is too clear that it was a occupied group, not a naval group, too far if it speaks about '-1, Doctrine, Doctrine, Doctrine-do.

Second, there is a controversy as to whether the Korean War in June 25, 50 is North lives or South lives. It is true that the author's clear statement that the North lives of June 25, 1950 do not conflict with the North lives of June 25, 1950.

- Thirdly, our unification problem is basically a permanent division regardless of the unification of North Korea or the unification of North Korea, which is the internal problem of our nation and the external problem is not a problem.

Fourth, while the U.S. military administration took place in this land, it was 8,453 people's ideological orientation in August 1946, and it was 14% of the capitalism (1,189), socialist 70% (6,037), 7% of the publicism (57), and 8% of the socialist ideology was 77% of the socialist ideology.

- The conclusion is simple disaptable. The unification of the nation’s independence is a historical task and mission that must be the top priority for all us in this era. Therefore, it is impossible to see the subject of the controversy of the Acelebry and the removal of cryer, removal of cryer, and unexploiting. It is only the right and responsibility to see the dynamics of the Acelebry and the Ecelebio pas, and to see it."

(6) On August 8, 2007, around 12:43, the article written by Nonindicted 7 of the title “Inter-Korean (North Korea) Railroad Connection and Han-do,” written on Nonindicted 7 of the title “The Unification issue,” was transferred from the French website and posted to the Nonindicted 8’s message board. The main contents are as follows.

The conclusion leading to the above discussion is that the two strategic tasks should be resolved on the way to realize the unification of Han-do.The first task among the two strategic tasks is to dismantle the U.S. military headquarters in Korea that prevents the complete opening of the South and North Korean (North Korea) railroads, and to completely scrap the U.S. armed forces in Korea.In Korea, as long as the U.S. military headquarters directly occupies the South and North Korean railroads within the DMZ area and exercises its jurisdiction, the unification of Han-do could not be absolutely realized.

- The second task is to replace the other side's new democratic regime into the independent democratic regime. The unification of the new democratic regime, which functions as the direction that the state power of the state state of Washington takes out in the name of "request", cannot be absolutely realized as long as the regime of the new democratic regime exists. The unification of the Han-do cannot be absolutely realized as long as the unification of the Han-do continues to exist. while discussing the independent peaceful unification of the Han-do, it is inevitable to discuss together the democratic revolution aimed at changing the inventive regime of South and North (Korean).

- In view of the fact that the two strategic tasks such as the dissolution of the United States Armed Forces in Korea and the full replacement of the American Armed Forces in Korea and the full replacement of the new democratic regime in the course of realizing the unification of Korea (Korean), it is not possible to separate one another from the independent peaceful unification and the democratic revolution of South (Korean) South (Korean). Voluntary peaceful unification and the democratic revolution are the highest political task of the 21st century, which is conducted uniformly, without the need to see what kind of aftermath.

(7) On August 7, 2007, around 23:18, 2007, the above carpet “Non-Indicted 8’s literary bulletin board” has shown the following items: (a) the first part of the Republic of Korea nuclear weapons ... Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do., the second part of the Pacific, the second part of the Pacific, the second part of the Pacific, the second part of the Pacific, the second part of the Pacific. Do. Do. Do. Ga., the fourth part of the letter published the virtual scenario of the promulgation of the special book of the quantity of North Korean acid, the fifth part of the 5th part refusal-No-No-No-Y-An-Sed

(8) On August 8, 2007, around 07:21, the above carpet “Non-Indicted 8’s literary bulletin board” published a notice on the [Analysis] North Korea’s 2724 nuclear width. The handbomomomomers and high-explosion and neutronomomomomomers’ title. The main contents are as indicated in paragraph (b) above.

(9) On August 8, 2007, around 12:34, 2007, the above carpet “Non-Indicted 7’s writing bulletin board” posted a title of “The War Planning and War Practice” to Non-Indicted 7, and its main contents are as indicated in the above paragraph (b)(7).

(10) On August 8, 2007, around 12:38, 2007, on the bulletin board of Nonindicted 7’s Kapet, a notice posted the title of “SPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP

(11) On August 8, 2007, at around 12:39, a notice was posted on “Non-Indicted 7’s writing bulletin board” in the above carpet, stating that it is “The 2007 Han-do Gab shall pay attention to the Gabling change.” The main contents are as indicated in the above paragraph (b)(14).

As above, from August 7, 2007 to August 8, 2007, the Defendant denied the routes of free democracy of the Republic of Korea over 11 times, took advantage of North Korea’s military political route, and advertised North Korea’s military political route, and advertised North Korea’s anti-U.S. and anti-U.S. socialism route, and distributed each article to the Internet NAB cyber national defense headquarters that the Defendant operates so that many and unspecified persons can be seen.

(d) Violation of the National Security Act against possession of pro-enemy materials on computers;

(1) From July 2003 to August 2007, at the Defendant’s residence, the head of Dong-dong, Incheon Metropolitan City (hereinafter omitted) obtained documents from the head of Dong-gu to the file name “Kim-si1” in the name of the file, “Kim-gu, Seoul,” which is a non-legal connection method for North Korea’s propaganda media and other pro-North Internet sites on a computer. The main contents of the above documents are as follows.

It was an opportunity to select the way for the ‘Wedknk' and ‘Wedknk' that can be called ‘Wedknk'. I am the path for the ‘Wedknk'. I am the path for the ‘Wedkknk'. The number of foreign currency to the South-North Korean disease has been cut off. I am the ‘Wedknk' and ‘Wedknknk' in North and South-North Korea.

- Kim Jong-il, a history and tradition in 500. The place of occurrence of the Joseon People's Republic of Korea, is the subject of birth in 1950. It is Kim Jong-Un, which was born in 16 February 1942, in the past where such an anti-Japanese war has been developed, he was born in Madusan in 1942. This Kim Jong-Un was believed to be the brush of Joseon-do.

- The scenarios of the collapse of the Republic of Korea ..The critical factors leading to the success and failure of the war are not the technology of arms, but the military forces and the people's highest political heat and aggressive constitutionalism that self-concept the legitimacy of the above business.

- The highest counter-influence material was the highest level of the North Korean fishing vessel. North Korean fishing vessel was waiting for it. The North Korean fishing vessel's own well returned to a extreme counter-influence. Until now, it was fundamental different from that so far. The means of attack was ICBM and it was declared that the nuclear use can be provided first. The Joseon People's Republic of Korea will throw away from Washington, dol, and Seoul.

- Kim Jong-il exists for the unification of the Republic of Korea. If the unification of the Republic of Korea is not achieved, it is not Kim Jong-il (g. 8, 1995). The period of the unification of the Republic of Korea is the main place of the unification of the Joseon Do, which appears as the highest leader, also Kim Jong-I, etc.

In addition to the above whole whole-day strategy for unification, the Defendant kept in his computer the documents consisting of the documents, “I to V,” “I to V,” “Analysis, I to 2724 nuclear ombombs of North Korea,” “Seoul High-Tech and High-Tech Technology,” “North Korea Nuclear, Gisung 3, and Whoba,” and “Ipons of the Republic of Korea,” and “Ipons of the Republic of Korea and the Republic of Korea,” and “Ipons of the Republic of Korea and the Republic of Korea,” and carried out expressions for the purpose of praiseing, promoting, or assisting in the activities of the North Korean public organizations, which are anti-government organizations.

(2) From July 2003 to August 2007, the Defendant’s housing located in the Manyang-dong (hereinafter referred to as “2 omitted) in Mayang-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-si’s First to May 5, 200, the Government’s Autonomous National Defense and Gun Department of Labor, and the Republic of Korea-Korean nuclear weapons operate. The transportation system clearly shows the transportation system, the flag of the nation and the nationalism. The Fishing Board of Korea (hereinafter referred to as “Macoo and the United States United Kingdom), the War Plan and War Practice in the United States, and the Macdoer. Seoul. On the other hand, the Republic of Korea-Japan-do-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-do.

On October 3, 198, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs declared that the Republic of Korea was a plan to conduct nuclear tests.In the Joseon Dynasty today, the Republic of Korea had expressed that the highest interest and safety of our country has been seriously infringed due to the threat of nuclear war increased by the date of the United States of America and the extreme pressure of sanctions, and that the nuclear test was conducted corresponding to this.

- Kim Jong-il's Chairman of the National Defense Council of Korea is the largest erooper among the dynamics of Joseon Dynasty. He is clearly going to achieve a long-standing lodging point where both South and North Korea are placed under the U.S. friendly delivery of the federal state with regard to shipbuilding issues.

- Before unification, the U.S. power is circumvented and phased removal in Korea.

- He/she has proved the military politics that he/she had been aware of in the “multi-water,” and re-drawed the area of ancient-do and single-military boat boats (hereinafter “multi-water”) (referring to the act of cutting-down, raising the lowest power, enhancing the self-esteem of the descendants of single-military boat, enhancing the self-defense of the descendants of the single-military boat, and developing the new arms, thereby re-locating the territory of which he/she has been deprived of by cutting off the spathn.).

Although Japan and Korea lose too much in the war of North Korea, North Korea is inappropriate to lose the North Korean vessel.

The main fact is that the nuclear weapons and the long-distance transport means are not matched in Korea, and if South and North Korea are federal countries, they will become common assets.

〈 공소외 9는 북조선에 대한 여러 권의 책을 한국어, 일본어, 영어로 쓴 저자이다. 그는 조미평화센터 소장이다. 그는 조선민주주의인민공화국 사회과학원에서 박사학위를 받았으며 김정일과 북조선의 “비공식”대변인으로 불린다.〉』

As above, the Defendant possessed expressive materials for the purpose of praiseing, promoting, or assisting in the activities of North Korea’s anti-government organizations.

Summary of Evidence

1. Partial statement of the defendant;

1. A protocol concerning the suspect examination of the accused;

1. Each protocol and list of seizure;

1. Submission of the result of appraisal of documents;

1. 각 표현물 : 북한 사실상 ‘핵보유 선언’하다..‘돌아올 수 없는 다리’ 앞에 서 있는 미국/ 친애하는 애국열혈전사 여러분〈2004년 신년인사〉/ 작전명령 64호(2004. 5. 1)/ 북한이 바라보는 남한의 정치체제..남조선 미국〈동맹관계〉-지배와 굴종, 치욕의 59년/ 친미는 괜찮고 친북은 안된다?...이제 욕나온다..이런 개쉑히들이 다 있나/ Re : 스스로 친 그물에 스스로 갇힌 경우/ 작전명령 67호 북한의 핵실험 임박.../ 백두산 2호(대포동2호)발사..그 웅비를 흥분된 마음으로 기다린다/ 백두산2호(대포동2호) 대륙간 탄도미사일 시험발사는 전율적으로 성공한 시험/ [북핵] 금성3호와 순항미사일, 무수단리에는 대포동이 없었다/ [성명서] 노와 열린당의 ‘친미자주책략’..한미 FTA를 결사반대한다/ 작전명령 71호(2007/04/01)..한미FTA..그 반민족적 반민중적 음모를 파탄 내자/ 북-미 전쟁 누가 이길 것인가?..(제2부) 북한의 대량보복전략/ 격렬히 요동치는 동북아..제1부 우리핵무기 있다 어쩔테냐/ 격렬히 요동치는 동북아..제2부 태평양을 가르는 대포동 미사일/ 격렬히 요동치는 동북아..제3부 너 한번 디져볼래/ 격렬히 요동치는 동북아..제4부 북한산 납량특집 ‘공포의 가상 시나리오’/ 격렬히 요동치는 동북아..5부(최종) 거부-분노-흥정-좌절-수용, ‘눈깔어/ 누가 먼저 외세(미군)를 몰아낼 것인가/ 미국이 대처하는 한(조선)반도 정세의 근본적 변화라는 것은 한(조선)반도 통일의 실현이다/ 백두산l호와 광명성l호의 흔적..우리는 1998년 8월 31일을 자꾸만 더듬는다/ 꿈에도 그리던 조국의 핵보유..북녘의 건투를 빕니다/ 미국의 한(조선)반도 전쟁계획과 전쟁연습/ 광복60돐 민족사의 전환점-상 조선이 일으키는 지각변동/ 북, 강력한 자위적 행동조치로 대응하게 될 것/ 반제국주의 미사일 강령과 한(조선)반도 정세인식/ 전시작전통제권 반환과 한미군사동맹체제 개편/ 북의 2724개의 핵폭탄..수소폭탄 그리고 고폭기술과 중성자탄/ 사회주의 대 제국주의의 결전위기/ 2007년 한(조선)반도 정세 변화를 주목한다/ 노무현정부의 자주국방과 군부의 반란/ 우리 핵무기들은 작동한다. 그리고 운반시스템은 분명히 보여준다/ 민족과 민족주의의 기원..어원은 일본의 〈후쿠자와 유키치〉에 의해/ 맥아더 논란..서울을 탈환하라..그곳에는 아가씨들도 많고 부인들도 많다/ 남북(북남) 철도연결과 한(조선)반도 통일문제/ 김정일 장군의 통일전략/ 김정일은 다물 정신으로 핵 개발

1. Information and Communications Ethics Committee for Measures for Closure of Internet Cafa at the Information and Communications Ethics Committee, data on analysis of evidence related to deliberation and resolution of Internet Cafa at the Information and Communications Ethics Committee, information and communications ethics committee's request for cooperation, internal investigation report (related to the resumption of Internet Cafa at the Cyber Defense Headquarters), information on access methods at pro-North Korean sites, notification of the information and communications ethics committee's deliberation and resolution of the information and communications ethics committee, and records

1. Each report on investigation;

Application of Statutes

1. Article applicable to criminal facts;

Article 7(5) and (1) of the National Security Act

1. Aggravation for concurrent crimes;

Article 37 (former part), Article 38 (1) 2, and Article 50 of the Criminal Act

1. Suspension of execution;

Article 62 (1) of the Criminal Code ( basically, considering that the defendant is a person who is the most balanced workplace and is the living together with no specific external act in addition to the Internet activity, and there is no same kind of power)

1. Confiscation;

Article 48 (1) 1 of the Criminal Act

Judgment on the argument of the defendant and defense counsel

The defendant and his defense counsel asserted that the defendant's comments or expressions that the defendant prepared, moved, and posted cannot be deemed to be aimed at praiseing the North Korean system or activities, and that anyone can acquire through the Internet, etc., and that our society is considerably mature and that can be resolved through discussions or criticism. Thus, they cannot be viewed as pro-enemy contents under the National Security Act. Furthermore, the defendant did not have any awareness or purpose that may endanger the nation's existence and security or democratic fundamental order.

Therefore, in order to recognize expressive materials as pro-enemy organizations under the National Security Act, it refers to the active and aggressive contents threatening the existence and security of the Republic of Korea and the free democracy system, which are protected legal interests of the National Security Act. Whether such expressive materials exist is determined not only by the overall contents of the expressive materials, but also by comprehensively taking into account all the circumstances, such as their appearance and external contents, and the situation at the time of expressive act. Even if such expressive materials are legally published and sold, it does not interfere with the fulfillment of the requisite elements of such expressive materials. Furthermore, it is sufficient to view that the Defendant’s use of such expressive materials as “the purpose” under Article 7(5) of the National Security Act is not required to have active or conclusive awareness of acts such as praise, encouraging, etc., and any other way that can be seen as having been used by the Defendant to continuously display such materials on the Internet, and thus, it is difficult to see that there were no objective perception that such expressive materials would be acts of anti-government organizations. Furthermore, if the Defendant’s use of such materials or methods, etc.

Parts of innocence

1. Of the facts charged in the instant case, the summary of the facts charged pertaining to the violation of the National Security Act (praise, rubber, etc.) by possessing pro-enemy materials in the Kaum as follows.

From February 2002, the Defendant had the authority to peruse and delete all the materials posted on the above car page as the operator of the above car page.

(1) On January 13, 2004, around 01:24, Non-Indicted 6, who was a member of the above carpet operated by the defendant, posted a title "Isil, U.S., and Korea, there is a high possibility of cuplicating the entire age in the free bulletin board." The main contents of this article are as follows.

The balance of power between North and South Korea is over one another and the possibility that the U.S. is extreme dives of the extreme dives of the U.S. is increasing. If there are abnormal words inside the recent Korean organization (personal matters), the dives of the dives of the dives of the dives of the dives of the dives of the dives of the dives of the dives of the dives of the dives of the dives of the dives of the dives of the dives of the dives of the dives of the dives of the dives of the dives of the dives of the dives of the dives of the dives of the dives of the dives of the g

- 그렇다면 저들이 자신이 처한 전세를 역전하는 구체적인 방법으로 무엇이 있을지에 대해서 들어보기로 하겠습니다. 우선 이번에 총선과 미국 대통령선거가 있습니다. 이때가 우리 민족과 미국간의 힘의 충돌에서의 마지막 판가리 전인데, 미국은 그 이전에 그러니까 올해의 한국의 총선과 미국의 대선 이전에 무언가 깜짝 놀랄만한 충격적인 사건을 조작해 낼 수 있다는 것입니다.

- It can first be divided into the military system in the form of the assistant military unit of the United States Armed Forces. The actual military unit of the United States Armed Forces is the United States Armed Forces, and the Korean Armed Forces is composed of the support group of the United States Armed Forces and the reserve forces in the form of the United States Armed Forces. Of course, the reserve forces are members of the United States Armed Forces, but they play a stude role that serves as a whole in the lowest military unit. In the command system, there is no authority of the President, and the Minister of National Defense does not have any authority in the command system, and the Minister of National Defense does not have the authority to command the only military unit of the United States Armed Forces. The Republic of Korea Armed Forces is the Moddi. The word can be said to have sufficient possibility that this will occur.

- Second, we can see the progress, criminal reform, and democratic forces as low-ranking laws, which are regarded as acts to reverse the situation of the Korean Peninsula that the author is unfavorable to them, and be able to walk up a large voltage, or a bomb, or a bomb. The bomb in the bomb is likely to bomb against those who do not have the same name and are unable to do so.

- The third 9.11 case also knows that there is a manipulation terrorism against public facilities. The Doctrine does not mean that the Doctrine is only one part, and there is no evidence. The present Doctrine, but the last Doctrine is clearly revealed the substantial truth. However, the Doctrine, such as the past, will no longer take place. This is because the U.S. is due to the de facto waiver of military action against North Korea. The U.S. is the situation that the U.S. has already been resisted militaryly against North Korea.

- The U.S. A.S. mission to maintain the Republic of Korea as a subordinate relationship is also the counter-convenor against the dominant regime.

This is the honor that our nation takes place in the United States and accepts the United States. The unification of the Republic of Korea has been different in reality. The last time is that it should not be left from the amount of proceeds from the strike by demonstrating the benefits and containers. This year, however, will be open from the beginning of the playing world. It will be open from the end of this year to the end of this year. It will be closed from the scracks of the Republic of Korea to the end of this year. It will be closed from the end of this year. It will be closed from the end of this year.

(2) On January 20, 2004, around 18:06, Non-Indicted 6 posted a title "The Notice of the Appeal of Korean Nationals in the Republic of Korea" on the above Kapeta bulletin board. The main contents of this article are as follows.

The military politics, i.e., "A. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B.C.,

- The military politics is not a dynamic, but a counter-presidential politics that runs in the external invasionist force, and is a anti-presidential politics that prevents war, not a war, at the end of the military politics, which is the anti-presidential politics that sets up the external invasionist force. The crub of the nation, which has been a crub in the future, is based on the military politics, and the crubing of the army politics, and as the crub in the road on which the crubing party defends the crubic politics and crushes the army politics, and as the crubed party,

- 우리에게는 무적필승의 선군정치가 있고 6.15 북남공동선언이 있으며 7천만의 굳센 통일의지가 있다. 모두다 우리 민족 제일주의 기치를 높이 들고 자주통일과 부강번영의 새 력사를 창조해나가자! 우리민족제일주의 만세! 조국통일 만세!』

(3) On February 11, 2004, Nonindicted 6 posted on the above carpet bulletin board a title "Sagle Nos. 6", a member of the former Korean Electric Cable, on February 9, 2004. The main contents of this article are as follows.

The 37th anniversary of the entry into force of the Korea-U.S. administrative agreement on February 9, 1967 by coercion of the United States of America, "-O-O-U.S.". The Korea-U.S. administrative agreement is one of the modern Nowon-U.S. government documents that enacted unilateral obey and sacrifice of this South Korea.

- At the present moment the peace and safety of this land are secured by the military politics of North Korea, there is no clear reason for existence of the Korea-U.S. Administrative Agreement or the U.S. Armed Forces in Korea.

- The Republic of Korea's Republic of Korea, along with all citizens of various fields who end the gap of the citizens of the colonial region and live as a member of the people of the people with independence who do not have both kidsa group in this land, is a streke of the unification bureau with a greater power to know the new days of the unification bureau.

(4) On March 13, 2004, Non-Indicted 6 posted on the above Kafa free bulletin board a title stating that “after the Mafaster, the Mafa group will put any more heating and cutting down.” The main contents of this article are as follows.

“-U.S.” has the right to direct control over the Republic of Korea, which has lost the string of the control strategy of Korea, and this right to say that they can try to control the Korean Peninsula in military.

- It first gives rise to the possibility of military coupa in the future, as argued otherwise. The present moment is the honor of the U.S. State and the Republic of Korea to honor their life and death between our people.

- 전쟁이 발발할 가능성이 있습니다. 전쟁이 발발하면 패자는 미국이요, 승자는 우리민족이 될 것입니다... 미제국주의도 결국에 가서는 자신이 움켜쥔 인류를 참변시킬 대재앙의 핵폭탄을 전 지구에 터트리면서 처절하게 화함으로써 역사의 뒤안길로 사라지는 수순을 밟게 될 것입니다.

- The compromise between the State and the autonomousized powers may be achieved. The term "Tariop" means the state of temporary co-operation between the State and the autonomousized powers, which means the state of temporary co-operation between the State and the Republic of Korea, which means the king of the Stateism and the king of the autonomousized powers. It means the state of temporary co-existence between the Republic of Korea and the Republic of Korea, which is the king of the Stateism.* To control and control the Stateism.

- In the end, the winner and the winner are naturally obvious and accurate. It is sure that our name from what direction we do not see. Each person will be able to lead to the sense of responsibility and sense of duty, and to the unique contribution that he can perform, in his own position, through the sense of responsibility and sense of duty, etc. caused by the pain of lighting and national prosperity.

(5) On March 19, 2004, around 12:53, Non-Indicted 6 posted a title "The Empicary Corresponding of the Kafin Free Advertising Board" on the title "The Empic Corresponding of the Empicty Disputes", and this article is a title posted on the Internet site of the "Gug-gu Electric Cable" operated by North Korea as above, and its main contents are as follows.

Does “-The critical aspect of the war-civil dispute” refers to any time? The ppuri is a time when the position of the U.S. State-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-

- The sub-story movement in the panscopic dispute will be divided into the agreement between the government and the government, as such, in the process of the upper floor movement in the panscopic dispute, and active volcanic activity will be spopic and systematic within the nation, and unification of the Korean Peninsula will be realized by combining the upper floor movement and sub-story movement in the panscopic dispute.

- The critical aspect of the unification of the nation can also be achieved by us, as in the process of a long-term war, in a consistent manner. The critical aspect of the war-fighting dispute is getting different from that of the nation, and we must actively cope with it. At the latest, the unification of the nation will be realized within two to three years.

(6) On March 19, 2004, around 12:54, Non-Indicted 6 posted a title of "Nuclear Strategy of the Gimcheon-gun" on the above Kafin Free Advertising Board. The above article is the same as the article written by Non-Indicted 9, the director of the Cho Jong-cheon Research Institute, the North Korean organization located in the United States, and posted the title "The Gim Jong-man's nuclear strategy" on the non-site, and the main contents of the above materials are as follows.

In June 200, the inter-Korean exchange and reconciliation have been rapidly promoted since the Kim Jong-J Kim Jong-J's conference. Korean nationals are playing pleasure in the national military priority policy of Kim Jong-Un, which is being frighted with the United States of America, and are working in the nuclear strategy of Kim Jong-il.

-The Republic of Korea should develop the nuclear capacity of the U.S.A. and disarm the United States armed forces, and shall independently and peacefully unify the Republic of Korea.

- Kim Jong-il and Kim Il-sung are respected, such as the Kunju that fully embodyed the national virtue.

- The maximum reason why Kim Jong-il caused an armed riot is this. The maximum goal of Kim Jong-I politics is to find independence and dignity by combining Cho Jong-I and nation again.

(7) On March 26, 2004, around 23:33, Non-Indicted 6 posted a title “Defendant’s operator thickness?” (related to the head of Non-Indicted 7 Uniform School Research Institute). The main contents are as follows.

I read the comments to the Director of the Unindicted 7 Unification Research Institute in the spirit of a sense of a sense, and I would like to read the comments to the Director of the Unindicted 7 Unification Research Institute. I would like to read the comments to be helpful. I would like to take a course of study.

- On the other hand, the thickness of the Director of the Unification Institute of Non-Indicted 7 is that the U.S. residing in the U.S. and living in the U.S., and that he first asked him to become aware of the fact that he did not exercise his right of movement against South Korea under the direct support of the North Korean regime.

According to the subject idea, all things are considered to be the subject of the movement by internal and external influence. Moreover, the thickness of Nonindicted 7’s life is that the movement centered on the private party within the so-called movement rights in Korea is its internal driving force. Accordingly, according to the view of the natural party, according to the opinion of the natural party, it is inevitable to regard it as the old and arguable political power, other than the private party, as the old and arguable political power, and only the private party is the autonomous political power to move into the Korean society.

- At this time, South Korea must enter a pro-Japanese politics force in Korea, and I would like to see that there is any political policy that considers the Republic of Korea to have political rights. The Defendant’s operator is able to believe that he is flick and flick political sense. Moreover, I will think that she will be deep. I will see that she will have come to drinking, even if she would have been aware of the same as Mad rice, I would like to see that she would have come to drinking.”

(8) On April 4, 2004, around 20:55, Non-Indicted 6 posted a title "Korea Civil Code" on the above carpet bulletin board, which is open to the public by Non-Indicted 6, and the above title is posted on the Internet site of "Korea Civil Code" operated by North Korea, and its main contents are as follows.

The 17-Woo 17-Woo-Woo 17-Woo was cleeped in front of the company. The click line is placed in a complex situation caused by an unfluent impeachment of constitutional thought. The click line, the presidential duties of which are suspended and which is carried out in a large-political insurrection that the National Assembly clicked to the cluri end, did not take place in the Korean political history.

- The United States, which has intentionally created political confusions on the basis of the friendly fee-bearing force, has been faced with impeachments under the negative objective to reverse the present participating government and to manipulate the friendly fee-bearing regime.

- The former citizens must stop the conspiracy of the total ray of the U.S. and the friendly repair force and keep the same far away from the person who has engaged in the strike of the general election. The impeachment opposition is bound by the overall election. The person who has created the National Assembly without any friendly repair party is the goal of the rescue and dispute to be cited in the general election of the Republic of Korea.

- All citizens must have the power in the strike to block the internal interference of the U.S. internal affairs and the appearance of the general radio wave. It should not pay the U.S. flag intended to intervene in the general line, and shall pulse the total postponement of the impeachment force or the failure failure failure, and shall be strongly punished by the national strike to set the total line as scheduled.

(9) On April 12, 2004, around 16:59, Non-Indicted 6 posted a title "The Gapet bulletin board of the Kapeta" in which Non-Indicted 6 said title "The Gapeta" was written by Non-Indicted 7 and posted on the Internet site of the said Uniform Research Institute. This article is as follows.

As the anti-U.S. movement between South and North Korea (Korean) is strengthened, the awareness of democratic forces becomes more frequent, while the pro-Japaneseity of the anti-U.S. democratic forces is manifestly revealed. The South Korea (Korean) political reality is the historical transition period beginning with the formation of the political topography of the pro-friendly and anti-U.S. democratic forces.

- The change of the political topography of South (Korea) means that the strike of the autonomous democratic force centered on the Democratic Labor Party is porously fluorizing the strike of anti-U.S. and anti-presidentialization and anti-presidential democratization by resorting to the political ties in the south (Korea) control system of the United States.

(10) On April 19, 2004, Nonindicted Party 6 posted a title "Korea Civil Defense Agency No. 4.17 Domination" on the above carpet bulletin board on April 21, 2004, and this article is a title posted on the Internet site of the above "Gu Civil Cable" operated by North Korea, and its main contents are as follows.

The election of the National Assembly members of the 17th National Assembly was conducted on the last 15 days. The election of the National Assembly members of the 17th National Assembly was conducted in the last 15 days. The election of the National Assembly members of the 17th National Assembly, in the election of the unification team, the unification team of the unification team, and the people of the various levels in the election of the 15th National Tax Force, who are in a fluence with the national tax power of the national tax power, were informed of a fluent intention to proceed with the aging politics, and was achieved by the pressure of the progressive reform team of the National Assembly.

- The failure of the U.S. conspiracy, which is likely to extend the U.S. Congress in this land, is the failure of our people, which has been achieved in the anti-U.S. war.

- Of the people of the various levels of society, it is necessary to announce and further develop the doctrine of the good-faith so that it is difficult to develop a new political, new system, and anti-U.S. for a new life.

- The Korean War is to realize the independence and democratization of the society with all citizens, and to be tight without continuous digging to achieve the national independence and unification under the rule of the 6.15 Joint Declaration."

(11) On August 21, 2004, around 00:44, Non-Indicted 6 posted a title "The right to attack an attack" on the above carpet bulletin board, which is not a U.S. monopoly, and the above title was posted on the Internet site of the above "Guide Cable" operated by North Korea, and its main contents are as follows.

In order to prevent conversations and reduction of U.S. military forces, "A-U.S. is going to make a new preparation for the Korean War. They are going to go to the Korean War. They are now going to go to the Korean War by a broad-scale military practice movement movement flock in and around South and its surroundings while dynamics are flicking the Republic.

- It is false that the force of the Sinsi-si must resolve nuclear problems through dialogue, which is a fluorous and peaceful solution to facilitate the purpose of aggression by releasing the armed riot from our armed forces and people mentally and mentally.

- 지금과 같은 위험천만한 조미교전 관계에서 선제공격권은 미국만이 가지는 독점물로 될 수 없다. 우리 군대와 인민은 미제가 공격해올 때까지 팔짱을 끼고 기다리고만 있지 않을 것이다. 이것은 전쟁과 적에 대한 우리 군대와 인민의 원칙적 립장이다.

- The U.S. armed forces and the people will not give an opportunity if the U.S. armed forces resist the Republic of Korea, and then settle their accounts in a lux year. It would be better for the U.S. and the South Korea's armed forces to know that the North Korea's armed forces will go back to the war at the time of the war, with the knowledge that the North Korea's armed forces will be the suicide behavior, and that it would be desirable for the U.S. and the South Korea's armed forces to know that the North Korea's armed forces will go back to the war at the time of the war.

(12) On August 29, 2004, around 21:35, Non-Indicted 6 posted a title "I need to search for Taekwondo" on the above carpet bulletin board, and the above title is posted on the Internet site of "Guang Cable" operated by North Korea, and its main contents are as follows.

There are two kinds of Taekwondo internationally recognized, one is the ITF of the International Taekwondo Association (International Twiton-Do Feder) and the World Taekwondo Association WTF (WTF). ITF is taking the North of Korea, and WTF takes the Republic of Korea (Korea). This is due to the so-called two shipbuilding policies of the United States, where the ice of the nation is divided into two parts.

- The two shipbuilding policies are strategies for dividing the colonies into two parts, and they are the strategies for governing the colonies by dividing them into two parts, and there is a cause for the sub-government of the sub-government of the sub-government of the sub-governments by dividing the sub-governments into two parts.

- The strengths of the North Korea are the physical defense strategy of the North Korea, in line with the 4th military line, namely, the armedization of all the armed forces, the unification of all the armed forces, the nationalization of military equipment, and the modernization of military equipment. However, the Joseon (North Korea) was successful in the fourth military line in the end of the 70th century, and the United States was disarming conventional weapons systems."

(13) On February 1, 2005, around 11:40, Nonindicted 6 posted on the above carpet bulletin board a title called “Special House>, “The Direction of the Stopover for the Current Year and the National Democratic Movement Promotion”, and the above title was posted on the Internet site of the above “former Korean Cable” operated by North Korea, and the main contents of this article are as follows.

The Ma-U.S. has come to the end of the North America conference is the result of the Korean nation's struggle. The U.S., based on the right to remedy, has refused all conversations and consistently maintained political, military and diplomatic pressure. Accordingly, the war crisis in the Korean Peninsula led to rapid growth and rapid decision-making.

- The factors that end the U.S. presidential decision system as a failure are as follows: First, North Korea is a military preparedness of North Korea. North Korea has been living at the time of the first time in order to have strong armed force against the military attack of the United States. Second, North Korea is a political unity of the North Korean society. Third, it is an anti-U.S. armed conflict between South and North Korea. Fourth, it is an important factor that the international dynamic relationship was created disadvantageous to the United States. As such, the U.S. gives up its position of refusal of dialogue and takes place at the end of the conversation is the failure of the U.S. government's military policy and the value of the anti-U.S. anti-state peace.

- The focus of the U.S.A. at the present time is on the balianism on the basis of the balianism. Under these conditions, the balutism of the Korean people to find the U.S. from this land and to find the national independence must immediately lead to the failure of the U.S. government's control policies, with the focus on crushinging the U.S. political intent. This should be the core objective of the balutism of the balutism at the present time. In this respect, the balutism of the Republic of Korea can be said to be the center of the balutism for the failure of the policies.

피고인은 위와 같이 공소외 6이 2004. 1. 13.부터 2005. 2. 1.까지 13회에 걸쳐 피고인이 운영하는 위 사이버민족방위사령부 카페 자유게시판에 반국가단체인 북한의 대남 선전·선동에 동조하거나 이를 찬양하는 내용의 표현물을 게시하자 위 글을 읽어 본 다음, 2004. 1. 13. "배추김치님! 글 잘 읽었습니다. 우리가 가는 길이 너무 순탄해서 걱정입니다. 인터넷을 중심으로 급속으로 의식이 확산되는 현상을 피부로 느낍니다. 주변동향을 잘 체크해 주십시오"라는 등의 동조하는 글을 작성하고 그때부터 2007. 6.경까지 위 글들을 위 카페에 계속 게시하여 반국가단체인 북한 공산집단의 활동을 선전·선동할 목적으로 표현물을 각 소지하였다.

2. Determination

Article 7(5) of the National Security Act provides that a person who possesses documents, paintings, or other expressive materials shall be punished for the purpose of committing an act under Article 7(1) of the same Act. Article 1(2) of the National Security Act provides that “In interpreting and applying this Act, it shall be limited to the minimum extent necessary to achieve the purpose of Article 1(1) (the purpose of securing the security of the State and the survival and freedom of nationals by regulating anti-state activities which may endanger the national security) and shall not be extended or interpreted or unfairly restricting the fundamental human rights of the people guaranteed by the Constitution.” Thus, it is necessary to interpret and apply the above Article 7(5) of the National Security Act as well as the above restrictive interpretation and application in determining whether there is "bearing", which is the form of the act, not only the purpose of Article 7(5) of the same Act, but also the interpretation of penal provisions should be strict, and the interpretation of penal

Therefore, each expressive material written in this part of the facts charged is difficult for the defendant to be seen as pro-enemy expressive material under the National Security Act, without any communication with the defendant, and it is recognized as pro-enemy material under the National Security Act. Further, even if the defendant prepared a pro-enemy material in part of Non-Indicted 6’s writing, and the defendant had the authority to peruse and delete all materials posted in the camera as the operator of the above camera, it should be deemed that the defendant is in possession of pro-enemy material in order to punish as a crime under Article 7(5) of the National Security Act. However, in ordinary cases, it is difficult for the defendant to determine the existence of pro-enemy material as an average understanding of the general public. However, it is difficult for the defendant to recognize the existence of pro-enemy material that is not a pro-enemy material in the above case, but a mere fact that it is difficult for the operator of the camera to recognize the existence of pro-enemy material in general in the online page or to delete the contents of the pro-enemy material, and it is also difficult for the operator of the camera to manage or delete.

3. Conclusion

Therefore, among the facts charged in the instant case, the facts charged as to the violation of the National Security Act (e.g., praise, rubber, etc.) due to possession of pro-enemy materials in the following Kaum, constitutes a case where there is no proof of crime, and thus, the Defendant is acquitted under the latter part

Judges Yang Sung-soo
