2016 Highest 2475 Violation of the National Security Act (praises, rubber, etc.)
Escopies (prosecutions, public trials)
Defense Counsel
Attorney B (Korean National Assembly)
Imposition of Judgment
October 6, 2016
1. The defendant;
(a) As for the crimes listed in the judgment Nos. 2, 3 1 to 81 in the annexed list No. 4 in the annexed list No. 1 to 36 in the annexed list No. 4 in the annexed list No. 5, 1 through 5, 7 through 11 in the annexed list No. 7 in the annexed list No. 7 in the annexed list No. 1 to 2, 88 through 93, 8 in the annexed list No. 8 in the annexed list No. 8, six months of imprisonment;
B. Of the 1st, 3 set forth in the [Attachment 3] list 82 to 254, 37 to 149, 5 of the annexed list 5 in the annexed list 5, 3 through 87, 94 to 101, 5 through 227 of the annexed list 7 among the annexed list 7, 8 of the crime list 8 in the annexed list 8, 5 through 227, and 9 through 20 of the annexed list 8 of the crime list among the annexed list 4, 1 year and 6 months of imprisonment and 1 year and 6 months of suspension of qualifications;
Each punishment.
2. Seized heading 1 and 5 through 8 of the Seoul Central District Prosecutors' Office shall be confiscated from the accused;
3. Of the facts charged in the instant case, the charge of violating the National Security Act (praises, rubber, etc.) regarding the portion of the “C” as of May 7, 2015 (attached Table 5 Nos. 6) (attached Table 5) is acquitted.
Criminal facts
Ⅰ. Defendant’s career and criminal records;
1. Career of the defendant;
From February 2009, the Defendant opened a so-called ‘D', ‘E', ‘F', ‘H', ‘H', or ‘I' as an operator of the so-called ‘pro-North Korean regime' or ‘pro-North Korean regime', or posted a representation of the North Korean system, its members' activities, etc. to praise and advertise, and around December 201, the Defendant, upon the death of the North KoreanJ, set up a cyber branch office in the ‘Ka PPG' operated by the Defendant at the time of the death of the Defendant, and helps the death of the J as a leader of the Korean nation'.
2. Criminal records;
On March 17, 2014, the Defendant was sentenced to a suspended sentence of one year for a crime of violation of the National Security Act by imprisonment with prison labor for one year at the Suwon District Court, and the judgment became final and conclusive on June 4, 2015. On May 13, 2015, the Defendant was sentenced to a suspended sentence of two years for one year for a crime of violation of the National Security Act at the Suwon District Court. The judgment became final and conclusive on April 15, 2016.
Ⅱ. An anti-government organization in North Korea
In the text of the Code of the Joseon Labor Party, the North Korean Public Labor Group set the basic goal of the unification of the Korean Peninsula based on Kim Il-sung's ideology (so-called "the subject ideology"), such as "The purpose of the North Korean Public Labor Party is to build the Socialism Party in the North part of the Republic of Korea, to conduct the revolution of democracy against the nation within the nation, and to fully realize the independence of the people by making the society which has been finally aimed at achieving the independence of the people through Kim Il-Seoul-Seoul's unification."
In addition, in accordance with the so-called ‘Nannam Revolution strategy', North Korea has promoted that North Korea should promote ‘self-government, democracy, and unification struggle by recognizing South Korean citizens as the principal ideology in order to prevent South Korea's national defense power, and to realize the unification of the Korean Peninsula. After J, the so-called ‘military election system' is called ‘military politics', which raises all the issues that will go through the revolution and construction, and carries out the whole socialist activities on the ground that the people's military forces are the columns of the Revolution, and the self-defense power of North Korea established through this system guarantees the peace and safety of the Korean Peninsula and to secure the peace and safety of the Korean Peninsula, and to establish national autonomy power within the nation to achieve the unification of the Korean Peninsula.
As a result, North Korea joined the United Nations on September 17, 1991. On December 13, 1991, North Korea adopted the Framework Agreement between South and North Korea at the so-called "Seoul High-level Assembly" held on June 15, 200 and October 4, 2007. During the process of exchanging and cooperating in various fields, such as politics, economy, society, culture, etc. between the Republic of Korea and the Republic of Korea, on June 15, 199 and June 29, 1, 2002, on the 20th century, North Korea continuously maintained the 15th century of the Korean War, 2006 and the 3th century of the Korean Peninsula on May 27, 2009.
On the other hand, North Korea, on June 15, 200 and October 4, 2007, has been held two times, and when the South and North Korean Joint Declaration has been announced, North Korea claims the implementation of the above Declaration, and in front of the term such as "Korean People Ba", "low level federal system", etc., the U.S. control and interference is excluded, the number of irons in the U.S., the Korean Union destruction, anti-U.S. national cooperation, anti-Korean unification and private national tax power generation, abolition of the National Security Act, the unification of the U.S. system, etc. constantly instigates the so-called anti-U.S. anti-stateization, anti-frequency shock democracy, and the unification of the U.S. system.
Ⅲ. Specific facts of crime
On May 2015, the Defendant established a Ka Pon (M) in the following "Daum" on the Internet portal site, and posted pro-enemy contents as follows.
1. Posting pro-enemy materials in the category of "pro-enemy materials";
At around 20:20 on October 7, 2015, the Defendant posted the representation of “P” in the title “P” in the said category “LL” operated by the Defendant. The content is as follows:
Q 조선로동당 창건 70돐에 즈음하여R주체 104(2015)년 10월 4일우리 당원들과 인민들은 조선로동당창건 70돐을 가장 경사스러운 혁명적명절로뜻깊게 맞이하고 있다.위대한 K동지께서 창건하신 조선로동당은 K동지와 J동지의 탁월하고 세련된 령도밑에 불패의 혁명적당으로 강화발전되어 혁명과 건설을 빛나는 승리의 한길로 이끌어온 영광스러운 K, J동지 당이다.조선로동당의 위업은 인민대중의 자주성을 완전히 실현하기 위한 성스러운 력사적위업, 주체혁명위업이다.조선로동당의 70년력사는 K, J동지 당의 위업의 정당성과 필승불패성을 과시한자랑찬 승리의 력사이다.조선로동당은 창건 후 70성상 주체혁명위업을 수행하는 력사적투쟁속에서 주체의혁명적당, 위대한 K, J동지 당으로 강화발전되었으며 우리 인민의 모든 승리의 조직자, 향도자로서의 역할을 훌륭히 수행하여왔다.혁명과 건설의 승패는 혁명의참모부인 당을 어떻게 건설하고 그 령도적역할을 어떻게 높여나가는가 하는데 달려있다.조선로동당은 위대한 K동지와 J동지의 주체적당사상건설과 현명한 령도에 의하여수령의 사상과 령도의 유일성, 계승성이 확고히 보장된 수령의 당, 주체의 혁명적당으로 건설되고 강화발전되었다.혁명적당은 본질에 있어서 수령의 사상과 위업을 실현해나가는 수령의 당이며 당건설에서 기본은 수령의 사상과 령도의 유일성을 보장하고 그 계승성을 실현하는것이다.사상과 령도의 유일성을 보장하는데서 중요한 것은 전당을 수령의 혁명사상으로일색화하고 수령을 중심으로 한 당의 통일과 단결을 실현하며 전당이 수령의 유일적 령도밑에 한결같이 움직이게 하는 것이다.우리 당은 위대한 K동지와 J동지의 혁명사상을 유일한 지도사상으로 하고 당건설과 당활동을 오직 김일성-김정일주의의 요구대로 진행하여 당을 수령을 유일중심으로 한 위력한 사상적순결체, 조직적전일체로 되게 하였다.(이하 생략)
In addition, from October 7, 2015 to January 1, 2016, the Defendant posted a total of four items, such as Rins, which was posted on the website of North Korea's large South Korean Republic of Korea's Republic of Korea's Republic of Korea's Republic of Korea's Republic of Korea's Republic of Korea's Republic of Korea's Republic of Korea's Republic of Korea's Republic of Korea's Republic of Korea's Republic of Korea's Republic of Korea's Republic of Korea's Republic of Korea's Republic of Korea's Republic of Korea's Republic of Korea's Republic of Korea on October 6, 2015, as shown in attached list 1.
The above posts are contents that justify the reading of daily allowances of the Chondong Party, promote North Korea's socialist, instigate South Korean Revolution route, instigate K and J.
As a result, the Defendant distributed expressive materials for the purpose of praiseing and promoting the activities of anti-government organizations, North Korea and its members, knowing that it may endanger the existence and security of the Republic of Korea or democratic fundamental order.
2. Posting pro-enemy materials in the category of "In the Kapeta" and "in the Kapeta" category.
On May 3, 2015, at around 19:52, the Defendant posted an expression of the title "V" in the above "OPC" to the category "P" in the above "L" Kapeta" and the content thereof are as follows.
무릇 인생만년에 자기의 한생을 회고한다는 것은 참으로 감회로운 일이다. 걸어온행로가 같지 않고 보고 듣고 느낀 생활체험이 천차만별이라 사람들은 서로 다른 심경으로 지나온 나날들을 더듬어 보게 되는 것이다.하나의 평범한 인간으로서, 근대 이후 세계정치에서 언제나 두드러졌던 한 나라와인민을 위하여 복무한 정치가로서 나(K)는 깊은 추억과 잊을 수 없는 회포 속에 자신의 한생을 돌이켜 본다.민족수난의 비운이 칠칠히 드리웠던 망국초엽에 태여났고 격변하는 내외정세의소용돌이속에서 생의 첫걸음을 떼여야 했던 나는 어린시절부터 조국과 운명을 같이하고 겨레와 더불어 희로애락을 나누는 길을 걷게 되었으며 바로 그 길에서 어언팔순에 이르렀다.인류의 생활에 미증유의 대흔적을 남기고 세계의 정치지도에 괄목할 만한 변화를일으켰던 20세기와 더불어 흘러온 나의 한생은 그대로 우리 조국과 민족이 걸어온력사의 축도이다.그 길에는 물론 기쁨과 성공만이 있은 것이 아니었다. 거기에는 뼈를 에이는 슬픔과 희생도 있었고 심한 우여곡절과 난관도 많았다. 투쟁의 길에는 벗도 동지도 않았지만 앞길을 막아서는 사람 또한 적지 않았다.애국의 넋은 10대의 그 시절에 나로 하여금 길림시가의 포석우에서 배일의 함성을 외치게 했고 적들의 추적을 피하는 아슬아슬한 지하투쟁도 체험하게 했다. 항일의 기치높이 백두밀림에서 풍찬로숙하며 광복의 그날을 믿어 눈보라만리, 혈전만리를 헤쳐야 했고 수십수백배나 되는 강적과 맞서 힘겹게 고군분투해야 하였다. 해방은 됐어도 분렬된 조국의 운명을 건지려 몇밤을 지샜고 인민의 나라를 세우고 지키던 나날에는 또다시 형언할 수 없는 재난과 불행을 뚫고 나가지 않으면 안되였다.그러나 나는 이 길에서 한번도 물러서거나 주저앉지 않았다.파란만장의 인생항로에서 내가 키를 잃지 않고 꿋꿋이 살고 싸워나갈 수 있은 것은 오로지 동지들과 인민들이 나를 진심으로 믿고 도와준 덕이였다.(이하 생략)
In addition, from May 3, 2015 to May 7, 2015, the Defendant published the list of offenses as shown in [Attachment 2] from May 3, 2015 to May 7, 2015, to commemorate K’s 80-time birth days from North Korea’s publishing company of the 1992 North Korea, and published the same in the category as shown above by dividing the contents of North Korea’s publication into the categories of ‘V’, ‘W’, and ‘X’, which are posted on the website of the 156-day Central Cable.
The above posts are contents that K are friendly, such as the U.S. dollars and praiseing of K's whole household during the anti-Japanese War, which was born in the home and led by forming another anti-Japanese War Union, which is the organization of anti-Japanese War in the territory of the nation from the boys to the nation of the nation of the nation of the nation of the nation of the nation of the nation of the nation of the nation of the nation of the nation of the nation of the nation of the nation of the nation of the nation of the nation of the nation of the nation of the country of the country of the
As a result, the Defendant distributed expressive materials for the purpose of praiseing and promoting the activities of anti-government organizations, North Korea and its members, knowing that it may endanger the existence and security of the Republic of Korea or democratic fundamental order.
3. Posting pro-enemy materials in the category of "pro-enemy materials" in the carpeta.
On May 4, 2015, at around 23:05, the Defendant posted the representation of the title “Y” in the above “OPC” category as “P” in the said “L” category. The content is as follows.
위대한 수령 K동지를 내가 처음 만나뵙게 된 것은 1933년 9월이었다.그때 연길지방에서 항일유격대 중대장으로 활동하고있던 나는 전투준비를 갖추고급히 오라는 K동지의 지시를 받고 왕청유격근거지를 향해 떠났다.유격대에 입대한지 한해가 넘도록 항상 마음속깊이 흠모하여 마지 않으면서도 정작 만나뵈올 기회를 가지지 못하던 내가 이제는 그이를 직접 만나뵙게 됐다고 생각하니 기쁨은 비할데 없었다. 이것은 나뿐만아니라 나와 함께 떠나게 된 우리 중대의전체 대원들의 공통된 심경이였다.우리들은 그 어느 때보다도 빠른 걸음으로 소왕청유격구 마촌에 당도하여 그이께서 계시는 사령부로 안내되었다.그때로부터 오랜 세월이 지났으나 그때의 일이 지금도 생생하다.맑은 개울물이 흐르는 아늑한 골짜기 분위기 한쪽 약간 높직한 터전에 자리잡은자그마한 초가집 한 채가 있었다.나를 안내하는 동무가 먼저 문앞에 다가서서 보고하였다.그러자 인차 풍채좋은 젊은분이 나오셨다.《아! Z동무가 오셨습니까!》그이께서는 만면에 웃음을 띠우시며 마당에 내려오시여 나의 손을 덥석 잡아주셨다.(아, 이분이 K장군이시구나!)하고 직감적으로 느끼는 감격으로 나의 가슴은 뜨거워졌다. 비록 이때가 초면이였지만 이미부터 품고있던 위대한 수령님에 대한 흠모의정이앞서서 도무지 처음 만나뵙는다는 생각이 들지 않았다.(이하 생략)
In addition, from May 4, 2015 to December 13, 2015, the Defendant published it for the purpose of external publicity in North Korea's publishing company in North Korea in 2003, and published it in the category of ‘Y', ‘AA', ‘AB', ‘AB', etc., in total, 254 items, such as ‘Y', ‘Y', ‘YA', and ‘AB', which are included in the North Korea' site.
The above posts are the contents of the Korean War, such as the United States and Professor Professor, etc. of K's anti-Japanese war in the form of a meeting of those who suffered from the war as soon as possible.
As a result, the Defendant distributed expressive materials for the purpose of praiseing and promoting the activities of anti-government organizations, North Korea and its members, knowing that it may endanger the existence and security of the Republic of Korea or democratic fundamental order.
4. Posting pro-enemy contents in categories, such as "main philosophicals in carpets".
On May 17, 2015, at around 20:09, the Defendant posted the representation of the title “AC” in the said Category “L” as “P in the subject philosophy”. The content is as follows.
머리글주체철학은 위대한 수령 K 동지께서 창시하시였으며 위대한 령도자 J동지께서 전면적으로 체계화하시고 심화발전시키신 독창적인 철학이다.주체철학은 사람중심의 세계관을 밝혀 인민대중의 운명개척을 위한 투쟁의 올바른 지침을 주는 로동계급의 가장 과학적이며 혁명적인 철학이다. 주체철학이 창시됨으로써 인류의 세계관, 로동계급의 철학은 가장 높은 단계에 이르게 되었으며 로동계급을 비롯한 인민대중은 주체철학이 밝혀주는 길을 따라 우리 시대의 요구에 맞게 자기 운명을 자주적으로, 창조적으로 개척해 나갈 수 있는 위력한 사상리론적 무기를 가지게 되었다.주체철학은 우리 당의 지도사상인 주체사상의 철학적 기초와 혁명의 근본원리를밝혀주는 혁명철학이다.우리 혁명은 주체철학을 세계관적기초로 하고 있는 주체사상을 지도사상으로 하여 영광스러운 승리의 한길을 따라 힘차게 전진해올 수 있었으며 우리 인민은 이땅우에 세상에서 가장 우월한 인민대중중심의 사회주의를 일떠세우고 빛내여올수있었다. 오늘 제국주의자들과 반동들의 반사회주의 책동이 그 어느때보다 악랄하게감행되는 조건에서도 우리 당과 인민이 사회주의기치를 견결히 옹호고수하고 주체혁명위업의 완성을 위하여 꿋꿋이 전진하고 있는 것은 인민대중의 운명개척의 길을밝혀주고 사회발전을 가장 곧바른 길로 인도하는 정치의 원리적 기초를 밝혀주는위대한 주체철학을 혁명의 지도사상의 세계관적기초를 삼고있는데 있다.(이하 생략)
In addition, from May 17, 2015 to February 1, 2016, the Defendant posted it to the category of ‘AC', ‘AD', ‘AE', as shown in [Attachment Table 4] from May 17, 2015 to ‘the philosolosolosolosolosolosolosolosolosolosolosolosolosolosolosolosolosolosolosolosolosolosolosolosolosolosolosolosolosolosolosolosolosolosolosolosolosolosolosolosolosolosolosolosolosolosolosolosolosolosolosolosolosolosolosolosolosolosolosolosolosolosolosolosolosolosolosolosolosolosolosophsolosolosolosolosolos
The contents of the above notices are that South Korean citizens should be perceived as the principal ideology in order to emphasize the superiority of the principal idea, to protect South Korean citizens who are bound by the Americanism, and to realize the unification of the Korean Peninsula.
As a result, the Defendant distributed expressive materials for the purpose of praiseing and promoting the activities of anti-government organizations, North Korea and its members, knowing that it may endanger the existence and security of the Republic of Korea or democratic fundamental order.
5. Posting pro-enemy materials in the category of "the idea of Mau-ray" in the carpeta.
On May 4, 2015, at around 23:11, the Defendant posted an expression of the title "AF" to the category "L's idea of "L" in the said category "L", and the content thereof are as follows.
AF.(comfort) Socialism is a ideology of the people in the era of sporadism and aggressiveism. The autonomy of the people in the People's Republic of Korea is realized by socialism and publicism.(comfort) The autonomy of the people in the people's Republic of Korea is not realized in the modern class society because it was a multi-personalism-based society. Personalism is a product of private ownership system. A society based on private ownership and the individualism that is born by it is divided into a class of French society with a hostileism, brings about rank- large and social inequality, and is accompanied by the exploitation and pressure of the minority class of the domination class to the people in the people's Republic of Korea.The historical task of the People's Republic of Korea on the basis of a new scientific foundation (socialism) was to start the subject of the above K-dong thickness, and to find a new socialism-based socialism-based socialism-based model and to resolve all people's new socialism-basedism-based socialism-based society.
In addition, from May 4, 2015 to January 31, 2016, the Defendant posted a total of 32 cases, such as a written answer from May 30, 1995 to May 31, 2016, in the category of “aF,” which is posted on the website of “former electric wires,” which is a medium for promoting North Korea’s Republic of Korea’s Republic of Korea’s Republic of Korea’s Republic of Korea’s Republic of Korea’s Republic of Korea.
The socialism of North Korea, which is based on the person's principal idea, is a socialist that is a scientific proof, and the above posts are praises of the North Korean system and the friendship of North Korea's socialist.
As a result, the Defendant distributed expressive materials for the purpose of praiseing and promoting the activities of anti-government organizations, North Korea and its members, knowing that it may endanger the existence and security of the Republic of Korea or democratic fundamental order.
6. Posting pro-enemy materials in the AI category.
On January 29, 2016, at around 20:20:22, the Defendant posted the representation of the title “AJ” in the said “L” category to “P”. The content is as follows.
AJ통일문제의 본질을 정확히 알아야 올바른 관점과 립장, 자세로 통일운동에 림할수 있다.위대한 수령 K동지께서는 다음과 같이 교시하시였다.《우리나라의 통일문제는 인위적으로 갈라진 민족의 혈맥을 다시 잇고 민족적화합을 이룩하는 문제이며 전국적범위에서 민족의 자주성을 실현하는 문제입니다.》조국통일문제는 두가지 본질적 내용을 담고 있다.그것은 첫째로 전국적범위에서 민족의 자주권을 확립하는 문제라는 것이다.다시말하면 남조선에서 미군을 축출하고 남조선에 대한 외세의 지배와 간섭을 끝장냄으로써 전국적범위에서 나라와민족의 생명인 조선민족의 자주성을 완전히 실현한다는 것을 의미한다.(중략)자주권확립은 북이나 남이 일방적으로 해결할 수 있는 문제가 아니다. 남조선에서민족의 자주권을 무참히 유린하고 통일운동의 앞길에 장벽을 쌓아놓고 있는 미제국주의자들은 결코 몇사람이 《양키고홈》 을 웨친다고 해서 물러날 그런 무맥한 존재가 아니다.(이하 생략)
In addition, on January 29, 2016, the Defendant posted an expression of the title "AK" in the above 'OPC room' at the bar of 'P' in the above 'AI' category, and the content is as follows.
AKK's Democratic Republic establishment plan is a new unification plan of the Republic of Korea, which is based on the third principle of the unification of Korea, and the specific reality created in Korea.(1) The essence of the establishment plan of the Democratic Republic of Korea is the establishment plan of the Democratic Republic of Korea, and the establishment plan of the Democratic Republic of Korea is to realize the unification of the Republic of Korea by establishing a traditional Republic of Korea (hereinafter omitted) by establishing a national unification government in which North Korea and South Korea equally participate in, as the foundation for recognizing and paying the ideas and systems of North and South Korea exist in the other party.
In addition, from January 29, 2016 to January 31, 2016, the Defendant posted 11 cases of representations, such as 'AI', 'AJ', and 'AL', posted on the website of 'Korean People', which is a medium for publicity in North Korea, in the above category of 'AI'.
As part of the North Korea's theory, the above notices claim the acceptance of usfk and advocate the legitimacy of the North Korea's federal unification system.
As a result, the Defendant distributed expressive materials for the purpose of praiseing and promoting the activities of anti-government organizations, North Korea and its members, knowing that it may endanger the existence and security of the Republic of Korea or democratic fundamental order.
7. Posting pro-enemy materials in the category of "AM" in the carpeta.
At around 19:38 on May 17, 2015, the Defendant posted the representation of the title “AM” in the said “L” category as “P”, and the content thereof are as follows.
우리나라 사회주의는 제국주의의 온갖 도전과 전대미문의 반공화국고립학살책동속에서도 사회주의기치를 높이 들고 《세계사회주의의 보루》로 세인의 경탄을 불러일으키고 있다.우리나라 사회주의는 인민대중의 자주적 지향과 요구, 신념과 의지에 따라 우리나라의 구체적 실정에 맞게 자체의 힘으로 일떠 세운 주체의 사회주의이며 인민대중이 모든 것의 주인이고 모든 것이 인민대중을 위하여 복무하는 인민대중중심의 우리식 사회주의이다.이전 쏘련을 비롯하여 동유럽사회주의가 맑스-레닌주의에 뿌리를 둔 주체의 사회주의로서 모든 면에서 질적인 차이를 가지는 사회주의이다.이 질적인 차이가 20세기말 세계를 휩쓴 사회주의붕괴의 광풍을 이겨내고 21세기《세계사회주의의 보루》로 서 있게 된 근본요인이기도 하다.우리나라 사회주의의 과학성과 정당성, 위대한 생활력은 역사에 유례없는 시련 속에서 더욱 깊이 검증되였으며 그래서 우리 인민에게 있어서 사회주의는 생명으로,생활로 그리고 영원한 미래로 깊이 뿌리내려졌다.우리식 사회주의는 그에 대한 인민대중의 절대적인 믿음과 굳은 신념이 있기에어떤 도전 앞에서도 좌절되지 않으며 그 무엇으로써도 깨뜨릴 수 없다.(이하 생략)
In addition, from May 17, 2015 to September 20, 2015, the Defendant published “AM” in North Korea’s ordinary publishing company in 2004 as shown in attached Table 7, and divided the same contents into “N” and “AO” into “N” and “AM” and posted them in the same category.
Since the above notices are absolutely supported by the people of North Korea who were armed with the idea of self-defense, the contents of the North Korean-style socialism are praises and propaganda.
As a result, the Defendant distributed expressive materials for the purpose of praiseing and promoting the activities of anti-government organizations, North Korea and its members, knowing that it may endanger the existence and security of the Republic of Korea or democratic fundamental order.
8. Posting notices to the category of pro-enemy materials, such as ‘comfort women' and ‘comfort women';
On May 31, 2015, at around 20:17, the Defendant posted an expression of the title "AP" to the category of "L's "L" Kafin and "Japanese". The content is as follows.
The head last son created a unification. However, the depth and effects of the width and meaning of the content are different from each other depending on the age and people.In the era of the history of the history, the unification of the head Domine, Jindo, Jindo, and Jindo, which has been able to answer each other only once he has built by the Domine of Jindo, Jindo, which is a new era of the history of the history, is reached in the aggressive contents, but in the heart of ideas, and in the public sense of ideas, it has reached the most noble spirit.In the unification of the revolution, the profound ideas of Nindo, Nindo, are the coordinates of the life, and its strong love that goes beyond the revolution, is to purify and convergence the spirit of people, and it is difficult to enjoy the Domine of the Domine of the Revolution, which is the chest of the Domine of the Revolution, and the Domine and Domine of the people.
From May 31, 2015 to February 6, 2016, the Defendant, as shown in the annexed Table 8, posted the articles on North Korea's large South Korea's Republic of Korea's Republic of Korea's Republic of Korea's Republic of Korea's Republic of Korea's Republic of Korea's Republic of Korea's Republic of Korea's Republic of Korea's Republic of Korea's Republic of Korea's Republic of Korea's Republic of Korea's Republic of Korea's Republic of Korea's Republic of Korea's Republic of Korea's Republic of Korea's Republic of Korea's Republic of Korea's Republic of Korea's Republic of Korea's Republic of Korea's Republic of Korea's Republic of Korea's Republic of Korea's Republic of Korea's Republic of Korea's Republic of Korea's Republic of Korea's Republic of Korea
The above posts are contents that protect the principal ideology, military politics, and North Korean socialism, and praise K, J and U.S., because they are not impossible in North Korea system that prosecution K and J.
As a result, the Defendant distributed expressive materials for the purpose of praiseing and promoting the activities of anti-government organizations, North Korea and its members, knowing that it may endanger the existence and security of the Republic of Korea or democratic fundamental order.
9. Posting pro-enemy materials in the category of "AT" in the carpeta.
On December 26, 2015, at around 19:34, the Defendant posted an expression of the title “AU” in the said “L” category as “P” in the said “L” category. The content is as follows.
The J leader's thickness is to prepare food of crypted crypted crypted crypted crypted crypted crypted crypted crypted crypted crypted crypted crypted crypted crypted crypted cryp in the other countries.Therefore, crypt cryped cryped cryped cryped cryped cryped cryped cryped cryped cryped cryp. However, even though the cryped cryp was kept with prepared crypous crypted cryp in the region where the crypted cryp had been carried out at the time of departure without any lack at the time of departure, it refers to the crypous cryp cryp to the hym.
In addition, around December 26, 2015, the Defendant posted the representation of the title "AV" in the above 'OPC room' in the above 'AT' category as the 'P', and the content thereof are as follows.
AW씨는 부친의 유언을 받들어 나라를 구하는 일에 온몸으로 투신했고 충성을 다하였다. 1904년생인 효성스런 자식이었고 항일정신이 투철했던 열혈 애국자였으며그리고 K장군의 열렬한 숭배자이기도 했다. 그는 1945년 8.15 광복 당시 이미 고향충남 홍성군 AX에서 AY 위원장직을 지내고 있었다. 그러나 광복후 미군정이 들어서면서 사회주의자들에 대한 탄압이 심해지자 지하투쟁에 들어갔다. 그러다가 1948년 평양에서 개최된 남북련석회의에 참가하게 된다. 그는 평양에서 돌아온 후 이렇게 당시의 감회를 말했다.《위대한 장군님 보니까 불과 30대의 젊으신분인데 천재요, 참으로 영특한 분으로 이 세상에 그런 분 다시 없을 것 같다. 그런분 계셔서 조국통일은 반드시 되리라. 완전독립되면 고향을 치산치수해서 잘 살아보자. 과일나무도 심고 산을 잘 꾸려련못 양어도 해서 우리 조선사람도 남부럽잖게 살 수 있으리라. 장군님 따라가야 모든 일 잘 된다. 그리고 만경대혁명가유자녀학원에 가보고 감동하지 않을 수 없었다.건국 사업에 바쁘신데 사방에 흩어져 있는 혁명가유자녀들 다 찾아다 먹이고 입히고 공부시키고...... 그 일 하나만 보아도 장군님이 위대해 보였다.이후 그는 평생토록 K주석의 초상을 가슴에 품고 다녔다.(이하 생략)
In addition, from December 26, 2015 to January 2, 2016, the Defendant published North Korea’s ordinary publishing company in 2004 as shown in attached Table 9, and up to 20 items such as “AT”, “AU,” and “AV,” which are posted on North Korea’s medium for publicity, divided into 20 categories such as “AT”, “ABU,” and “AV.”
The above notices are contents that propaganda of North Korean socialist system and that North Korean residents suffered benefits from K and J, and that they propaganda K and J.
As a result, the Defendant distributed expressive materials for the purpose of praiseing and promoting the activities of anti-government organizations, North Korea and its members, knowing that it may endanger the existence and security of the Republic of Korea or democratic fundamental order.
10. Posting pro-enemy contents in the category of "National Security Act-related";
On December 6, 2015, the Defendant posted the representation of the title "AZ" in the above "OPC bank" around 20:03 on December 6, 2015 to the category "P" related to the National Security Act. The content is as follows.
12월 1일은 국제사회에서조차 우려와 비판의 대상이 되고 있는 《보안법》이 조작된지 67년이 되는 날이다. 일제식민지지배수단의 유제이면서 랭전체제의 산물인반인권, 반통일악법인 《보안법》은 사상탄압, 체제대결, 분렬고착, 정치적 반대세력에 대한 탄압도구로 리용되여왔다.현 보수당국의 집권 후 내란음모 조작, 정당강제해산, 간첩조작 사건, 통일운동단체 탄압 그리고 자주통일에 대한 의사표현 등을 리적행위로 몰아 쉴새없이 압수수색하고 강제련행, 구속기소하여 법정에 세우게 하였다.지난 한해도 례외는 아니였다. 《보안법》은 전가의 보도로 무소불위의 악역을 다하였다. 그런데 《보안법》은 제 혼자만으로는 종이호랑이에 지나지 않지만 공안 기구와 결합하면 공안 권력이 원하는 그 무엇이든지 해내는 요술단지가 된다.(이하 생략)
On December 6, 2015, the Defendant posted 3 cases, such as “AZ” or “BA”, posted in the category of “National Security Act”, as shown in [Attachment Table 10] around December 6, 2015.
The above notices are criticizes that the legitimate exercise of public authority, such as investigations and trials, to protect the liberal democratic basic order of the Republic of Korea, is an anti-public suppression, and ultimately, claims to abolish the National Security Act.
As a result, the Defendant distributed expressive materials for the purpose of praiseing and promoting the activities of anti-government organizations, North Korea and its members, knowing that it may endanger the existence and security of the Republic of Korea or democratic fundamental order.
11. Posting pro-enemy materials in the category for the sake of the people's freedom and prejudice;
At around 19:48 on October 11, 2015, the Defendant posted an expression of the title “BB” in the category of “L” to “P for the sake of the people’s freedom and prejudice.” The content is as follows.
The entertainment publicity team, which led to the collapse of the Republic of Korea, made a great contribution to cultivating the people of Korea, who had been sold at the crypian era, when he was punished for the revolution activities centered on the unfresh, and led to the revolutions. The entertainment publicity team, which was carried out in the dypical guidance of the natural people and the entertainment publicity team that was carried out in the crypthic spirit, had the people know about their high ideas and artistic value at every stage, and had the people cryp from among the military.In that time, the new youth union was a member of the entertainment publicity team, who participated in the entertainment propaganda team, and sent a deep sense to the people of the Republic of Korea, with the strong character of the natural people, and had the people receive the culture of the crypianism, and had the people receive the culture of the crypianism, and had the people of the Republic of Korea, who had been able to receive the culture of the crypianism.
In addition, from October 11, 2015 to October 27, 2015, the Defendant published the publishing company of the North Korean Cho Dong-dong in 1979 as shown in the annexed Table 11, and published it in the category for the sake of the freedom and prejudice of the people, such as “B,” “BC,” “BD,” and “BD,” which are posted on the website of the North Korean National Electric Cable.
The above notices are contents that propaganda the legitimacy of the North Korean system while the K's campaign for the Round Revolution is spreading K.
As a result, the Defendant distributed expressive materials for the purpose of praiseing and promoting the activities of anti-government organizations, North Korea and its members, knowing that it may endanger the existence and security of the Republic of Korea or democratic fundamental order.
12. Posting pro-enemy materials in the category in the People's Republic of Korea;
On June 18, 2015, the Defendant posted the representation of the title "BE" in the above 'OPC room' around 21:30 on June 21, 2015 to the 'P' in the People's Republic of Korea. The content is as follows.
하늘은 푸르고 내 마음 즐겁다손풍금소리 울려라사람들 화목하게 사는내 조국 한없이 좋네우리의 아버지 K원수님우리의 집은 당의 품우리는 모두다 친형제세상에 부럼 없어라나는 이 노래를 제일 좋아합니다.그것은 이 노래에 우리들의 생활과 감정이 바로 그대로 반영되여 있기 때문입니다.우리해주유자녀학원 원아들은 K원수님께서 보내주신 손풍금소리에 맞추어 자주이 노래를 부르며 즐깁니다.이 노래는 언제나 우리들을 즐겁고 행복한 기분에 싸이게 싸며 부르고 또 불러도싫증이 나지 않습니다.그것은 이 노래가 우리들의 심정을 그대로 노래하여 주기 때문인것입니다.나는 이 노래를 부를 때마다 K원수님께서 우리 학원에 오셔서 우리들을 친자식처럼 돌봐주시던 지난날들과 원수님의 품에서 이처럼 부러운 것 없이 씩씩하게 자라고 있는 기쁨과 행복감에 휩싸여 우리의 아버지 K원수님, 우리의 집은 당의 품하고노래의 구절을 다시 조용히 입속으로 외워보곤 합니다.(이하 생략)
In addition, from June 18, 2015 to August 3, 2015, the Defendant divided "BF," "BG," "BE," etc. into 310 items, such as "BG," "BE," and posted them in the category, as shown in attached Table 12, from around June 18, 2015 to August 3, 2015.
The above posts are the form in which the North Korean residents who met K and J talk with the North Korean father's ability to see the North Korean father's ability to see and praise the North father's ability.
As a result, the Defendant distributed expressive materials for the purpose of praiseing and promoting the activities of anti-government organizations, North Korea and its members, knowing that it may endanger the existence and security of the Republic of Korea or democratic fundamental order.
13. Posting pro-enemy materials in the category of “a pro-enemy with the People’s Republic of Korea”;
On September 2, 2015, at around 20:38, the Defendant posted an expression of the title “BH” in the said “OPC” as an clinic of “P” with the People’s Republic of Korea. The content is as follows.
태양같이 환하신 그 영상 뵙고싶습니다.해빛같은 미소수백만년을 헤아리는 인류사에는 남다른 품격과 자질로 하여 후세에 이름을 남긴위인들이 적지 않게 기록되여 있다.하지만 위대한 K 주석처럼 뛰여난 품격과 자질을 겸비한 위인은 동서고금에 찾아볼 수 없다.경애하는 J장군님께서는 위대한 K주석께서 지니신 특출한 위인상에 대하여 《수령님은 예지가 비범하시고 인품이 위대하실뿐아니라 체격과 모습이 숭엄하시고 목소리도 독특하신 미남이시였습니다. 수령님과 같은 위인은 세상에 다시 나오기 어렵습니다.》라고 말씀하시였다.위대한 사상리론과 비범한 령도력, 고매한 인덕으로부터 뛰여난 인품과 소탈한 품성, 검소한 생활에 이르기까지 K주석께서 지니신 숭고한 풍모와 거룩한 영상은 력사가 일찍이 알지 못하는 특출한 위인상으로 세계를 감동시켜왔다.바로 그것으로 하여 우리 민족은 물론 만민이 어제도 오늘도 그이를 한없이 흠모하여 영원히 잊지 않는 것이다.위대한 K주석께서 지니신 위인상에서 천이면 천, 만이면 만사람이 가장 가슴뜨겁게 받아안게 되는 것은 해빛같은 미소이다.어버이수령님을 잊지 못하는 그리움의 대하가 그이께서 생전의 모습으로 계시는금수산기념궁전으로 끝없이 흐른다.수령님에 대한 그리움을 안고 물결처럼 흐르는 인파와 더불어 금수산기념궁전마당에 들어서면 해빛같이 환한 미소를 지으신 어버이수령님의 태양상이 하늘 가득히안겨온다.(이하 생략)
In addition, from September 2, 2015 to October 9, 2015, the Defendant published the North Korean ordinary publishing company in 2007 as shown in attached Table 13, and published the same in the category as ‘BH', ‘BI', and ‘BJ' which are posted on the ‘Korean People', which is the medium for publicity of North Korea. The Defendant: (a) divided the same into 19 items into 'BH', 'BI', and 'BJ', and posted the same contents into the category' with the People.
The above posts stand in the history of K's achievements and dignity, and the North Korean residents always praise and praise K with the content that K's achievements and dignity remains in the history.
As a result, the Defendant distributed expressive materials for the purpose of praiseing and promoting the activities of anti-government organizations, North Korea and its members, knowing that it may endanger the existence and security of the Republic of Korea or democratic fundamental order.
14. Posting pro-enemy contents in the category of 'componization' in the People's Policies.
On July 19, 2015, the Defendant posted the representation of the title “BK” to the category “P” in the “L” policy of the People’s Republic of Korea on July 22 and 11, 2015. The content is as follows.
BK《우리 나라에서 국가부담에 의한 전반적무료교육제도는 후대교육과 민족간부양성을 위하여 모든 것을 아끼지 않는 우리 당과 국가의 인민적시책과 날로 더욱 튼튼하여지는 나라의 자립적민족경제에 의하여 확고히 담보되고있다.》K□ 첫 면비교육중국 동북지방의 장춘으로부터 서남쪽으로 200여리 떨어진 외진 곳에 오가자라는마을이 있었다. 위대한 K주석께서는 주체19(1930)년 10월 항일무장투쟁의 대중적지반을 꾸리시기 위하여 이곳으로 오시였다.처음 다섯집이 모여서 살았다는데로부터 오가자라는 이름이 붙은 이 고장은 민족주의자들이 《리상촌》 을 건설한다는 소문을 내면서부터 사람들이 모여들기 시작하여 300여호의 주민지로 되었다. 당시 완고한 민족주의자들이였던 이 마을의 유지들은 《리상촌》 을 건설한다고 하면서 외부와 담을 쌓고 이 고장에 저들의 주장과 맞지 않는 그 어떤 사상조류도 침습하는 것을 허용하지 않았다.마을의 이러한 실정을 료해하신 위대한 수령님께서는 먼저 BL로인을 비롯한 이마을 유지들과의 사업을 진행하시였다. 그이의 높으신 인품과 겸손하고 소탈한 품성, 사리정연한 론리와 해박한 지식앞에 마을의 유지들은 머리를 숙이게 되었으며일제의 식민통치하에서 《리상촌》 건설이란 한갖 꿈에 지나지 않는다는 것을 깨닫게 되였다.(중략)그나마 월사금을 바쳐야 했기 때문에 돈이 없고 가난한 집의 자식들은 학교에 다니지 못하고있었다. 마을의 이러한 교육실태에 대하여 알아보신 위대한 수령님께서는 삼성학교를 혁명적으로 개편하여야 하겠다는 결심을 내리시였다.위대한 수령님께서는 조선혁명군 대원들과 지하조직성원들가운데서 유능한 청년들을 선발하여 삼성학교 교원으로 배치하시였다. 그리고 가난한 농민들의 자녀들을새로 받아들이도록 하시였으며 월사금제를 폐지하고 면비교육을 실시하도록 하시였다. 또한 학교의 교육내용을 혁명적으로 개편하도록 하시였다. 또한 학교의 교육내용을 혁명적으로 개편하도록 하시였다.(중략)돈이 없어도 글공부하는 세상, 그것만으로도 오가자는 마을사람들에게 있어서 리상촌이였다. 좋아라고 학교로 뛰여가는 아이들의 모습을 보며 오가자의 인민들은 세상에 없는 면비교육을 실시하도록 하시여 자식들을 마음껏 배우게 하려는 자기들의평생소원을 풀어주시였을뿐아니라 그들모두를 혁명가로 키워주시는 위대한 수령님께 감사의 인사를 올리고 또 올리였다.(중략)《우리가 후날 조국광복회10대강령에 의무적인 면비교육에 대한 조항을 하나 넣기는 하였지만 사실 조선의 공산주의자들이 무료교육을 처음으로 시도하고 실천에옮긴것은 고유수, 카륜, 오가자에서였다. 오가자의 삼성학교는 카륜의 진명학교, 고유수의 삼광학교와 더불어 우리나라 교육력사에서 첫 면비교육이 실시된 의의깊은교육기관이였다. 》참으로 항일혁명투쟁의 개척기에 오가자의 삼성학교에서 실시된 첫 면비교육, 그것은 전반적인 무료의무교육을 중요내용으로 하는 사회주의교육제도의 뿌리로서 후대교육사업을 나라와 민족의 전도를 좌우하는 중대한 문제로 보시고 그 무엇도 아끼지 않으시는 위대한 K주석의 숭고한 인민사랑의 결정체였다.(이하 생략)
In addition, from July 19, 2015 to July 20 from July 19, 2015, the Defendant published the list of crimes in North Korea as shown in attached Table 14, and published the same contents in North Korea's Pyang Publication company in 2009, and published the same contents in North Korea's policies such as "BK," "BM," "BN," etc., in total of four items, and posted a pipe in the category of "comparation of the above policies of the people."
The above posts have improved the education system, health system, housing system, etc. of North Korea due to the noble love for North Korean residents. The contents of K's praise and U.S. dollars are as follows.
As a result, the Defendant distributed expressive materials for the purpose of praiseing and promoting the activities of anti-government organizations, North Korea and its members, knowing that it may endanger the existence and security of the Republic of Korea or democratic fundamental order.
15. Posting pro-enemy materials in the category of 'BO Dong' in the carpeta;
On July 31, 2015, at around 20:51, the Defendant posted an expression of the title "BP" to the category of "L's "BP", "BP" in the said category. The content is as follows.
It is a beautiful breakdown that is located in the bend and bend of South Korea's north side on the top of the 2nd and top of the river basin.In this context, the 1st and top of the 1st half of the Joseon Revolution, which came into a place outside the top of the 2nd and top of the 1st century, and came into a place in the middle of the 1st and top of the 2nd of the 2nd of the 2nd of the 1st of the 2nd of the 2nd of the 2nd of the 2nd of the 2nd of the 2nd of the 2nd of the 2nd of the 2nd of the 2nd of the 2nd of the 2nd of the 2nd of the 2nd of the 2nd of the 2nd of the 2nd of the 2nd of the 2nd of the 2nd of the 1st of the 2nd of the 2nd of the 2nd of the 2nd of the 3th of the 2nd of the 2nd of the 2nd of the People.
On July 31, 2015, from around August 2, 2015 to around August 2, 2015, the Defendant published the “BO Eastbook” in North Korea as shown in [Attachment Table 15], and published the same content in the category of “BO Eastbook” by dividing it into 78 parts, such as “BP,” “BR,” and “BS.”
The above notices are the contents of the North Korean system's unity while making the anti-Japanese movement of K and BO (K) known to be favorable and promoting the unity of the North Korean system.
As a result, the Defendant distributed expressive materials for the purpose of praiseing and promoting the activities of anti-government organizations, North Korea and its members, knowing that it may endanger the existence and security of the Republic of Korea or democratic fundamental order.
16. Posting pro-enemy materials in the category of "pro-enemy life";
On October 5, 2015, at around 19:44, the Defendant posted an expression of the title "BT" to the category of ‘P' in the above ‘L' ‘L' life. The content is as follows.
오늘 우리 공화국은 사회주의강성대국의 대문을 힘있게 두드리고 있다.돌이켜보면 지난 세기 1990년대 세계 여러 나라들에서 사회주의좌절과 자본주의복귀의 역풍이 몰아치는 속에 《고난의 행군》, 강행군을 하지 않으면 안되였던 공화국이 불과 15년이라는 세월의 언덕을 넘어 오늘과 같은 비약의 새 력사를 창조할것이라고 과연 누가 생각이나 할 수 있었던가.바야흐로 조선이 2012년에 강성대국의 대문을 활짝 열어젖히리라는 것을 세계는믿어의심치 않는다.보다 세계가 관심하는 것은 과연 조선이 무슨 힘으로 오늘에까지 왔으며 찬란한미래를 그렇듯 확정적으로 내다보는가에 대한 문제이다.그에 대한 대답은 명백하다.탁월한 수령, 비범한 령도자의 현명한 령도를 받는 인민대중의 힘은 무궁무진하며여기에 바로 공화국의 창조와 건설의 지나온 력사를 리해하고 미래를 락관하는 비결이 있는 것이다. 이것은 공화국의 오랜 투쟁력사를 통해 검증된 진리이다.미래가 아름답고 찬란할수록 그것을 위해 바쳐진 노력의 대가는 크다.공화국이 강성대국의 대문을 두드리는 오늘에 이르기까지에는 당과 수령의 두리에하나로 굳게 뭉치여 나라와 민족의 부강발전을 위해 자기의 모든 것을 다 바쳐온인민대중의 고귀한 피와 땀이 슴배여있다.이러한 인민들속에는 지나온 각이한 년대들에 정의와 진리의 길을 찾아, 애국의일념에서 남에서 북으로 들어온 사람들도 당당하게 서있다.(이하 생략)
In addition, from October 5, 2015 to October 8, 2015, the Defendant published it at the ordinary publishing company of North Korea in 2009 as shown in attached Table 16, and published it in the category of "living space" by dividing the same into total of 40 items, such as "BT", "BU", and "BV."
The above notices distort the history and distort North Korea’s socialist system and K’s praise, as they were the responsibility of South Korea after the release, and South Korea caused the 6.25 war, but North Korea retired from the war.
As a result, the Defendant distributed expressive materials for the purpose of praiseing and promoting the activities of anti-government organizations, North Korea and its members, knowing that it may endanger the existence and security of the Republic of Korea or democratic fundamental order.
17. Posting pro-enemy materials in the category of "major politics and economics";
On August 9, 2015, the Defendant posted an expression of ‘BW' in the above ‘OPC room' on August 19, 2015 to the 'BW' category of ‘P' in the subject of ‘L' political economics'. The content is as follows.
The characteristic of the principal politics is that it gives a full-scale answer to the issues of the dynamics of the political power and economic life of human society, which have been implemented in the economic science sector.The principal politics and economics are the most scientific and aggressive economic science in our era because it is the dynamic principles and the contents of the dynamics.(China) political economics is not the first-grade political economics which represents the dynamic relationship of all ranks. Each class is different from the economic life, and it is different from the purpose of recognizing and using the economic law.In order to realize the dynamics of the people's dynamics of political power and economic life, it is the most peaceful and economic-oriented policy of the people's dynamics of political power and to protect the people's dynamics of political and economic-oriented policy as the first-class economic-oriented policy of the people's dynamics of political and economic-oriented policy.It is the first-class political-oriented policy and the first-class economic-oriented policy of the people's dynamics of political and economic-oriented policy.
In addition, from August 9, 2015 to August 12, 2015, the Defendant divided the "major political economics", which was published by the publishing company of Kim Il-sung University in 2004, into 22 categories, such as 'BW', 'BX', and 'BY', and posted it in the category of 'major political economics'.
The capitalistic economic system of North Korea is merely a tool to escape the people's lives. The socialist system of North Korea, which is the basis of the principal ideology, is a society in which all members are equal, and are guaranteed a comfortable material cultural life, and thus, praises and propagandas the socialist system and the ideology of North Korea.
As a result, the Defendant distributed expressive materials for the purpose of praiseing and promoting the activities of anti-government organizations, North Korea and its members, knowing that it may endanger the existence and security of the Republic of Korea or democratic fundamental order.
18. Posting pro-enemy contents in the category of "the principal rigo to socialism";
On November 22, 2015, the Defendant posted an expression of the title of “BZ” to the category of “P” in the said category of “L” as the subject of socialism. However, the content is as follows: (a) the Defendant posted an expression of the title of “BZ” to the category of “P”.
지구상에 사회주의국가가 출현한지도 어언 한세기를 가까이 하고 있다.비록 인류력사의 전 행정에 비추어볼 때 길지 않은 기간이지만 사회주의는 실로커다란 우월성과 생활력을 과시하여왔다. 선행한 그 어느 사회제도에도 비할바없는커다란 사회적진보가 이룩되였으며 인민대중의 지위와 역할에서는 근본적인 전환이일어났다.사회주의위업은 전인미답의 길인것으로 하여 겹쌓이는 난관을 헤쳐야 했고 예상치 못한 곡절과 시련도 겪었다.지난 세기 90년대에 일어난 동유럽나라들에서의 사회주의의 좌절과 자본주의복귀, 제국주의자들의 사회주의에 대한 훼방에도 불구하고 오늘 사회주의의 과학성과진리성은 결코 훼손되지 않았다. 력사의 반동들의 그 어떠한 반사회주의적책동과 도전에도 끄떡없이 사회주의기치를 높이 들고 승승장구하는 사회주의조선의 현실이온갖 반사회주의적인 책동을 물거품으로 만들고있다.오늘 세계의 이목은 조선에 쏠리고 주체의 사회주의에 대한 세계인민들의 동경과지향은 막을수 없는 세계적추세로 되고있다.에꽈도르의 한 국회의원이 《오늘의 인류, 2025년의 85억 인류, 2050년의 100억의 인류가 나아갈 길은 오직 J동지께서 이끄시는 조선식사회주의길이다.》 라고 한것은 세계인민들의 이러한 마음을 대변한것이라고 할수 있다.세계의 이목을 집중시키고있는 공화국의 사회주의는 주체의 사회주의리론에 기초하여 건설된 인민 대중중심의 사회주의이다.주체의 사회주의리론은 사람중심의 독창적이며 완성된 과학적세계관인 주체사상에 기초하고있으며 사회적운동의 주체인 인민대중을 중심에 놓고 전개되고 체계화되였다.주체의 사회주의리론에 기초하였기에 공화국은 사회주의길을 따라 확고히 전진할수 있었으며 가장 우월한 사람중심의 사회주의, 인민대중중심의 사회주의를 일떠세울수 있었다.이것은 인민대중중심의 사회주의길만이 인류의 리상인 사회주의를 건설할수 있는참다운 길이라는 것을 보여주고있다.(이하 생략)
In addition, from November 22, 2015 to December 6, 2015, the Defendant published the contents of the “socialism” in North Korea, as shown in attached Table 18 from around November 22, 2015, and posted them in category 18, by dividing them into “BZ,” “CA,” and “CB,” the subject of socialism.
The socialism system of North Korea is a content of North Korea’s socialism, namely, that North Korea’s socialist system does not have any exploitation and pressure on the basis of the ideology of subject, and that people can enjoy independent and creative enjoyment by the people.
As a result, the Defendant distributed expressive materials for the purpose of praiseing and promoting the activities of anti-government organizations, North Korea and its members, knowing that it may endanger the existence and security of the Republic of Korea or democratic fundamental order.
19. Posting pro-enemy materials in the category of "The Revolution theory";
On November 11, 2015, at around 20:44, the Defendant posted the representation of the title “CC” in the above “OPC” category, “P” in the said “L” doctrine, and the content thereof are as follows.
깊은밤.서북지방의 산협길을 여러시간 달린 승용차는 어느덧 평안남도 지경에 들어서고있었다.차내 조명은 끈지 오랬다. 친애하는 J동지께서는 문건더미가 쌓인 뒤좌석의 등받이에 몸을 기대신채 묵묵히 전조등빛이 넘실거리는 차창쪽에 눈길을 보내시였다.이슬에 눅눅해진 석비레길우에서 엷은 안개가 흩어지고있었다.오가는 차들도 사람도 없었다.길새가 좋아 승용차는 그다지 들추지 않았건만 J동지께서는 좀처럼 눈을 붙이고피로를 풀수 없으시였다. 평안북도의 일부 공장, 기업소들의 실태에서 받은 그늘진인상으로 마음이 번거로우신것이였다.온 사회주의 주체사상화강령이 선포된후 나라의 정치사상적분위기는 비상히 앙양되였고 경제부문에서도 커다란 성과들이 달성되였다. 70일전투의 숭리적결속에 이어 당원들과 근로자들은 6개년계획의 기본고지들을 당창건 30돐기념일전에 점령하기 위해 떨쳐 나섰다.속도전청년돌격대원들과 평양시청년학생들 5만여명은 철도전기화와 중서부의 새철길부설을 결의하여 홰불을 추켜들고 수도의 거리를 누비며 장엄한 시위를 하였다.김철에서는 4호해탄로를 건설하였고 자력갱생의 힘있는 공장인 룡성기계공장의 로동계급은 속도전을 벌려 정초부터 매달계획을 두배이상 넘쳐수행하고있다. 농업대회이후 압록강다이야공장의 3대혁명소조원들과 로동자들은 긴장한 로력투쟁으로 계획외에 2만개의 다이야를 더 생산하여 농촌에 보내주었다. 서해기슭의 은률에서는 만년대계의 기념비적창조물인 대형장거리벨트콘베아가 완공되여 가고있다....그이의 머리속에 떠오른 큼직큼직한 실례들만도 허다하다.그런데 이번 평북도의 일부 경제부문에 대한 료해결과는 그렇게 비등된 정치사상적열의, 혁신의 거세찬 흐름 한켠에서 아직 답보하거나 굼뜨게 전진하고있는 단위들이 있다는 것을 보여주었다.이것이 만약 서북지구의 한 개 도에 국한되는것이 아니라면?... 아직 그렇게 문제를 확대해볼 근거는 없다.(이하 생략)
On November 11, 2015, as shown in [Attachment Table 19], the Defendant published the contents of the publication at the Pyang Publication company in North Korea in 1996, and posted them to the category of 'the intent of destruction' by dividing them into 'CC' and ' CD' into 'the intention of destruction' by dividing them into 'CC' and 'the intent of destruction' by 'the Republic of Korea', which are the medium of publicity in North Korea.
The above postings are contents of the North Korean system, such as the fact that there was a great political and social outcome due to the ideology of subject, and that J resolved the economic pending issues of North Korea.
As a result, the Defendant distributed expressive materials for the purpose of praiseing and promoting the activities of anti-government organizations, North Korea and its members, knowing that it may endanger the existence and security of the Republic of Korea or democratic fundamental order.
20. Posting pro-enemy materials in the category of "traditional History" in the carpeta.
On March 12, 2016, the Defendant posted an expression of ‘V' in the above ‘OPC room' on March 12, 2016, to the 'P' category 'L' 'L' 'Korean History History History'. The content is as follows.
올해 10월 17일은 위대한 수령 K주석께서 타도제국주의동맹(략칭《ㅌ. ㄷ》)을 결성하신 80돐이 되는 날이다.《ㅌ. ㄷ》의 결성으로써 우리 인민의 자주위업실현을 위한 투쟁은 자기 발전의새로운 길에 들어서게 되었으며 이때로부터 조선로동당의 영광스러운 뿌리가 내리기 시작하였다. 뿌리가 든든한 나무가 그 어떤 풍파에도 그떡하지 않는것처럼 정당역시 어떤 전통을 계승하는가에 따라 불패성과 공고성이 좌우되며 그 승리적전진과휘황한 미래가 담보된다.《ㅌ. ㄷ》의 뿌리에서 조선로동당의 강령이 태여나고 당건설과 활동의 원칙이 마련되었으며 당창건의 골간이 육성되었다. 《ㅌ. ㄷ》가 조직된 때로부터 조선혁명은자주성의 원칙에 기초하여 새로운 걸음을 떼게 되었다.타도제국주의동맹에서 뿌리가 내리기 시작한 때로부터 영광스러운 투쟁로정을 걸어온 조선로동당은 그길우에서 세기에 빛나는 위대한 업적을 쌓아올리였으며 철석같이 통일단결되고 풍부한 경험을 가진 위력한 혁명정당으로 장성강화되였다.《ㅌ. ㄷ》의 전통을 계승한 조선로동당은 위대한 수령 K주석의 령도밑에 자주와일심단결, 애국, 애족, 애민의 위대한 력사를 창조하고 오늘은 21세기 태양이신 경애하는 J장군님을 모시고 력사의 새 시대, 선군시대를 맞이하였다.(이하 생략)
In addition, from March 12, 2016 to March 17, 2016, the Defendant published ‘traditional History', which was posted on the website of ‘Korean People', which is a medium for publicity of North Korea, in the category of ‘V', ‘V', ‘CE', ‘CF', and posted it in the category of ‘traditional History History'.
The above posts have become the roots of the Doldon Union created by K, and K and J have accumulated the impregment of the impregment of the North Korean Johdon Party while the Dondon Union came into the roots of the North Korean Johdon Party. This is the impregment of the achievements of the North Korean Johdon Party and K and J.
As a result, the Defendant distributed expressive materials for the purpose of praiseing and promoting the activities of anti-government organizations, North Korea and its members, knowing that it may endanger the existence and security of the Republic of Korea or democratic fundamental order.
Summary of Evidence
1. Partial statement of the defendant;
1. Some statements made against the defendant (1) in the protocol of suspect examination of the police officer;
1. Each protocol of seizure and the list of seizure;
1. Each internal investigation report, each investigation report, analysis opinion, the list of comments posted in each car page as shown in the attached list of crimes, each page and its printed materials, each page page and the comparison and analysis of North Korea source, each printed material of the North Korean data center in North Korea, each page of North Korea's Internet propaganda media, the page of the site's website's bulletin board, each page, the Defendant's posted comments and comments on each of the following car page's free bulletin board, each page's printed material, the next page's printed material, the list of documents posted in the name of "CG" in the name of "CG" on the Internet portal site, and the next screen printed material by cutting up the Kabook (M).
1. Previous convictions in judgment: Criminal records, each written judgment, and investigation report (verification of convictions of obscene expressions);
Grounds for the conviction (Aptitude of Apparent Goods and Their Purpose)
In light of the following circumstances acknowledged by each evidence, it is reasonable to view each of the instant notices as pro-enemy pro-enemy materials, since they threaten the existence and security of the Republic of Korea and the system of free democracy. The Defendant, while recognizing that each of the instant notices contains an aptitude, can be deemed to have distributed each of the instant notices for the purpose of pro-enemy activities, such as praiseing and encouraging anti-government organizations, etc.
① Each of the instant notices is a document that appears to be “originalization” written inside North Korea, or a document that appears to have been written by the power to unilaterally conject North Korea. The instant notices are the United States or Ra in which they are linked to North Korea’s K, J, and R, or are the contents of unilateral propaganda of political economic ideology and route, such as military politics, principal ideology, and principal ideology, political economy, etc. prepared to support this, and of the friendship and satellite of the routes, and at the same time expressing the vision and attack against the political and economic system of the Republic of Korea on the basis of liberal democracy and the capitalistic market economy order.
② As indicated in the previous record, the Defendant had already posted notices similar to those on the bulletin board of multiple Internet cameras, and had not been aware of the violation of the National Security Act, or even during the period of conditional suspension of probation against imprisonment with prison labor upon being convicted of the Defendant, the Defendant directly opened the instant “L” camera and repeated the same act of violation, and at the time of commencement of the investigation, even if there was judicial and administrative sanctions against himself/herself on the above car page bulletin board, the Defendant did not stop such acts of violation of the National Security Act.
③ The Defendant vindicateed to the effect that the Defendant merely provided the source and information related to North Korea via the Internet camera to accurately inform the interested persons of the actual situation of North Korea, and there was no illegal purpose. However, around January 1, 2016, the Defendant presented an comments expressing that the Defendant unilaterally represents the North’s position in connection with the recent major pending issues, such as the development of North Korea’s nuclear weapons, by citing R’s believers’s new history in the above bulletin board opened by him/her as it is and expressing his/her opinion to the effect that he/she was promoting the autonomous unification in accordance with the policy. In light of the Defendant’s power, career, occupation, etc., it is not recognized that the Defendant posted each of the instant notices on the above Internet camera as its main motive for other purposes, such as academic research or profit-making.
④ The Defendant’s assertion that each of the instant notices was already made available on the Internet and is an interested person as data that can be perused or loaned by the library, etc., but the determination of whether a expressive material has a equitable nature is based on the overall content of the expressive materials, the motive for the production, the form of the expressive act, matters related to the outside, and the circumstances of the expressive act, etc., such as the overall contents of the expressive materials, the manner leading up to the production, the form of the expressive act, matters related to the external appearance, and the situation at the time of the expressive act. The assessment of the expressive materials is not required to vary solely on the ground that the expressive materials were collected or used in the books or Internet sites, etc., which are open to the public. In addition, most of the instant notices are classified into special materials where their perusal is restricted, and are likely to be abused on the Internet, and thus, it is difficult for the general public to freely acquire such materials as long as they have considerable efforts
⑤ In addition, the Defendant was well aware of the fact that each of the instant notices was actively used for the purpose of propaganda of the system or anti-Nam-Naming with the content posted on the Internet site operated by North Korea, etc., and that each of the instant notices was acquired by means of directly accessing and downloading the web site opened in a foreign country where it is impossible to track in Korea.
Application of Statutes
1. Article relevant to the facts constituting an offense and the selection of punishment;
Article 7(5) and (1) of the National Security Act (the distribution of foreign expressions)
1. Handling concurrent crimes;
The latter part of Article 37 and Article 39(1) of the Criminal Act
1. Aggravation for concurrent crimes;
Articles 37 (former part), 38 (1) 2, and 50 of the Criminal Act
1. Concurrent imposition of suspension of qualifications;
Article 14 of the National Security Act
1. Confiscation;
Article 48 (1) 1 of the Criminal Act
Reasons for sentencing
Considering the fact that the freedom of ideas and the freedom of expression are widely guaranteed and that discussions on the unification or the relationship between North Korea should be freely held, North Korea still takes a duty to wear our liberal democracy system at the time of hostile unification routes, and strengthens such threats on the grounds of success in the development of nuclear weapons, etc. in recent years. The act of posting a large amount of comments unilaterally in North Korea’s argument, such as by opening an Internet camera open to many and unspecified persons for public use and obsing North Korea’s system and threatening their military threats, is subject to punishment, as it clearly deviates from the limitation of freedom of ideas and expression. In light of the motive, period, and size of expression posted by the defendant, etc., the nature of the crime of the defendant is not good. In particular, the defendant is not aware of the fact that the defendant was already under trial in the court for the same crime, or was under the circumstance that the judgment of suspension of execution became final on condition of probation, and his or her criminal act is not consistent with the premise that his or her criminal act was conducted during the investigation process.
However, such unfavorable circumstances are as follows: (a) there was no special offense except for the past records of violation of the National Security Act in the judgment of the defendant; (b) there was no record of active activities by joining an organization with which the defendant was confirmed to be able to become able to become able to become able to take out wrong values and ideas by itself through a sound common sense and a reasonable demonstration process based on the nature of values and ideas; and (c) the practical risk of the defendant's crime is limited; and (d) the crime committed before June 4, 2015 out of the above criminal facts should be considered as favorable circumstances for the defendant in relation to the crime committed before the crime committed during that period in relation to ex post concurrent crimes with the criminal facts as stated in the judgment of the court; and (e) further, the sentencing conditions indicated in the records of this case, such as the defendant's age, character and behavior, family relationship, home environment, motive and means of the crime, and the circumstances after the crime, shall be determined by taking into consideration the two factors as above.
The acquittal portion
1. Facts charged;
On May 7, 2015, the Defendant posted the following expressions: (a) in the “OPC room” as of May 23:13, 2015, the Defendant presented the following expressions: (b) “C” to the “P” category “P” (as of the facts charged, it constitutes the No. 5 No. 6 of the list of crimes in paragraph (5) of the same Article; and (c) at around May 3, 1972 and November 3, 1972, the Defendant posted a notice to the Republic of Korea’s representative who participated in the inter-Korean summit meeting, and (d) presented the North Korea’s unification principle, and (e) presented the North Korea’s unification principle, and (e) presented the North Korea’s letter of speech and publicity and obscenity, thereby, the Defendant distributed expressive materials with the intent to cite and publicize the activities of the North Korea and its members, an anti-government organization, while knowing that the existence and security of the Republic of Korea or democratic fundamental order may be harmed.
2. Determination
In order to be recognized as pro-enemy contents under Article 7(5) of the National Security Act, the contents of the pro-enemy contents must be active and aggressive to threaten the existence and security of the State, which is the legal interest of the National Security Act, and democratic fundamental order. Whether such contents are of this nature shall be determined not only by the overall contents of the expressive materials, but also by taking into account all the circumstances, such as the motive for their production, the form and outside, and the circumstances at the time of the expressive act. It shall not be viewed that only one of the expressive materials is separately removed, but also by analyzing the whole contents objectively through the context, and determining whether they are of this nature (see, e.g., Supreme Court Decisions 2007Do7042, Aug. 20, 200; 2009Do320, Oct. 13, 201). Although the above expressive materials were recorded in the Republic of Korea, it shall not be deemed that they were made for the purpose of pro-North Korea’s attack or propaganda, as a whole of North Korea’s basic order.
3. Conclusion
Therefore, since this part of the facts charged constitutes a case where there is no proof of crime, the defendant is acquitted under the latter part of Article 325 of the Criminal Procedure Act.
It is so decided as per Disposition for the above reasons.
Judge Su Tae-tae
Attached Form
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