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텍스트 조절
(영문) 춘천지방법원 원주지원 2012.10.24 2011고단163

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment with prison labor for not more than ten months and a fine not exceeding three hundred thousand won.

If the defendant fails to pay the above fine, 50.


Punishment of the crime

"2011 Highest 163"

1. Violation of the Road Traffic Act;

A. On April 23, 2010, at around 12:25, the Defendant driven a wing-in freight vehicle B without obtaining a driver’s license in the section of approximately 3 km in front of the instant road located in the Hensan-dong, Masan-si, Masan-si, in front of the instant road located in the same Sinsan-do.

B. On October 3, 2010, at around 16:27, the Defendant driven a motorcycleba without obtaining a motorcycle driver’s license from a section of approximately 300 meters in front of the original medical center located in the same time at the same time on the roads front of the Kim Han-dong, Hancheon-si.

2. On October 3, 2010, the Defendant violated the Resident Registration Act, counterfeited a private signature, or forged a false investigation or signature, and the Defendant’s exercise of a false investigation or signature is subject to subparagraph 1(b) above around 16:

As stated in paragraph (1), while driving the Otoba, it was controlled from a slope D, a traffic control police officer of the original police station, to a traffic control violation of vehicular traffic, and the driver tried to use the name of E, known to the Internet game, to escape criminal punishment.

No one shall unlawfully use any third person's resident registration number.

Nevertheless, the Defendant, at the same time and place as above, was subject to the control by violating traffic on the roadway, and entered the above E's resident registration number (F) into the PDA in a portable device for traffic control by leaving the above control police officer.

Accordingly, the defendant used the E resident registration number unlawfully.

B. When the suspect was discovered from the above date, place, the sidewalk, and the roadway on the street, as seen above, with the suspicion of traffic violation on the roadway, the suspect signed the “E” in the “E” column for notification/ibrucated management on the PDA mobile device (PDA)/the instant traffic control device as if he were E.

Accordingly, the Defendant forged the above E’s signature with the private signature for the purpose of exercising the right.

C. The Defendant, at the above date and place, has the above-mentioned forged signature to D police officers who are aware of the forgery.
