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텍스트 조절
(영문) 인천지방법원부천지원 2015.08.18 2014가단18874

All of the plaintiffs' claims are dismissed.

All the costs of lawsuit are assessed against the plaintiffs.


Facts of recognition


A and B were employed in March 5, 201, while Plaintiff C was employed in each Defendant company as an employee with a fixed-term driving worker on February 18, 2011.

The parts related to this case in terms of the contents of the collective agreement or wage agreement between the defendant company from 2011 to 2013 are as follows:

Article 14 (Reward) (1) of the Collective Agreement, 201 (Conclusion, Term of Validity, : August 1, 2011 to July 31, 201) (1) A company shall pay 600% of its basic pay to class-I workers working in office in the company, in 2011 by dividing them into 12 times a year.

(3) Class-II workers shall be paid bonuses when they are elevated to Grade-I.

(4) No bonus shall be paid to any employee employed on a fixed-term basis after the retirement age of a commissioned worker.

Article 24 (Grades of Salary) (1) The class of drivers shall be classified into Grades I and II, and it shall be classified into the following categories according to their career or performance record:

1. Class-I workers: The ratio may be up to 85% including an exclusive officer in preparation for the total number of drivers for each company;

2. Second grade position: A company may employ at least 15% of the total number of commissioned workers in preparation for the total number of drivers of all kinds of companies;

(2) When a company raises an employee in Grades II through I, it shall consult in advance with the employer.

§ 25 (Conversion to Regular Workers) The Company shall convert fixed-term workers (excluding commissioned workers) from among those who hold office as of the date of the conclusion of this Convention into workers who do not have fixed periods of time.

Article 24 (School Salary Grades I and II) (1) of the Collective Agreement, 2012 (Conclusion, Effective Period: August 1, 2012 to July 31, 2013) (1) abolish the existing class system, administer the salary class system, and shall not apply Article 24-2.

Article 4 of the Wage Agreement, 2012 (Conclusion of Contracts and Period for Implementation on November 12, 2012: From August 1, 2012 to July 31, 2013), Article 4 (Income System)3 (Standards for Application of Salary Rate) (5) Length of continuous service by salary class.

1. A person who falls under class 1 as of the date of conclusion shall be applied to salary class 3 for not less than five years;
