본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 제주지방법원 2018.06.27 2017고정660


A A shall be punished by a fine of one million won, and Defendant B shall be punished by a fine of five hundred thousand won.

The above fines are imposed by the Defendants.


Punishment of the crime

"2017 High 660"

1. On April 13, 2017, around 10:00, Defendant A found the victim D, a manager, at C management office in Jeju-si, and assaulted the victim by breaking the breath’s breath to the wall by making the victim’s breath in relation to the management of the victim’s office work.

Defendant A and Defendant B are the occupants of C in Jeju, and the victims D(64) work as the director of C management affairs.

1. Defendants and E’s joint criminal defendants and E find the above C management office around 14:00 on April 19, 2017, and they threaten them as they might be at the time they look into the victim D’s body, strong knife, knife the knife the knife, and “nife the knife,” and Defendant B “F from the knife if they want to continue to knife the knife,” and “a sentence to knife the knife the knife the knife.,” and

Before writing in F, they are unable to enter the absolute and low scarfly, and smelling low scarfs

C. The Defendant A expressed that she was unfolded and “weed”, and the Defendant A interfered with the duties of the victim’s management office for about 30 minutes by threatening the victim to “picker, imprison, imprisoned, imprisoned.”

2. Defendant A and E’s joint criminal defendants and E found the above C management office around 09:00 on December 9, 2016 and did not show that they changed employment contract to the victim D and expressed it to the victim. The Defendant’s “Pastch Satch Co., Ltd.” and “satch guym Matson Co., Ltd.”;

개 새 꺄, 시 발 놈 나와 ”라고 욕설하고, 피해자의 목을 잡아 밀치면서 놓지 않고 계속 “ 개새끼” 등의 욕설을 하고 피해자의 코를 찌르고 목을 잡고, E는 “ 우리 어머님 아니면 너 죽었어 야 씨 발 놈 아 5,000번 전화했어

For about twenty (20) minutes, such as intimidation of the victim, interfered with the management office duties of the victim.

3. The result of the complaint filed by the victim D at the management office around 08:50 on May 1, 2017, around 08:50 on the Joint Crimes E and the Defendant, E and the Defendant.
