본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 의정부지방법원 2017.09.08 2017고단1972

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for one year.

However, the execution of the above punishment shall be suspended for a period of three years from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

On September 29, 2014, the Defendant was sentenced to a fine of KRW 5 million for a crime of violating the Road Traffic Act (drinking driving), etc. by the District Court of Jung-gu on September 29, 201, and a fine of KRW 3 million for a crime of violating the Road Traffic Act (dacting driving) in the same court on April 28, 2014, respectively.

"2017 Highest 1972"

1. On April 20, 2017, the Defendant: (a) driven a C Poter under the influence of alcohol with approximately 0.185% alcohol concentration at a section of about 1km from around 22:45 to around 13, 201, in the same city from the south-si, Namyang-si, Namyang-si to the same city.

Accordingly, the Defendant, while under the influence of alcohol, was punished more than twice, was driving a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol.

2. The Defendant violated the Road Traffic Act (unlicensed Driving) driving of C Poter Cargo Vehicles without the driver’s license at the location specified in paragraph 1.

『2017 고단 2276』 피고인은 2017. 4. 26. 17:40 경 자동차 운전면허를 받지 아니하고 2017. 4. 26. 17:40 경 남양주시 D에 있는 피고인이 운영하는 ‘E ’에서 남양주시 봉 현로 13번 길 4에 있는 ‘ 짬뽕 9 단 ’까지 500m 가량 C 포터 화물차를 운전하였다.

"2017 Highest 3128"

1. On June 20, 2017, the Defendant: (a) driven an Iter cargo vehicle while under the influence of alcohol content 0.121% without the driver’s license for the vehicle while under the influence of alcohol content 0.121%, from the G Scki in the south-si of Gyeonggi-do to the Gcki in F in the Southern-si of Gyeonggi-do.

2. The Defendant is a person who is engaged in driving of an I Poter cargo vehicle in violation of the Act on the Aggravated Punishment, etc. of Specific Crimes (Bodily Injury resulting from Risk Driving).

On June 20, 2017, at around 17:42, the Defendant driven the above cargo vehicle with alcohol content of 0.121% while under the influence of alcohol without a driver’s license, and led the back-side road of H in front of the Gyeonggi Nam-si at the economic south-si, the design of decoration led the back-side road of H to the gradation from the gradic surface.

At this point, a person who was a T-type cross-section.
