본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 창원지방법원 2018.11.07 2018고단1788


A Imprisonment with prison labor for one year, for eight months, and for six months, for Defendant C, respectively.

, however, the defendant.


Criminal facts

[Defendant-Appellant 2018 high group 1788, 2018 high group 2251 – Defendants

1. The Defendants’ joint crime - Special larceny Defendants planned that a foreign woman be stolen by pretending to engage in commercial sex acts against the foreign woman, and Defendant A distributed their respective roles to Defendant B and C, Defendant B promised to commit an act, and Defendant C went back to the room of the mother telecom who promised to leave the foreign woman after having promised to leave the mother telecom, Defendant C was in the above mother telecom, and Defendant C got out of the above mother telecom. After having delivered the money to Defendant B, Defendant A and B, who had reported the network in the nearest place, had been deprived of the room while the foreign woman was ssawd, and attempted to escape from the scene.

According to the above public offering, around 02:00 on June 24, 2018, Defendant C had a room consisting of 81 phones, cosmetics, 1, cosmetics, 200, and 1,200,000,000,000 won in the market price of the victim who was in the toilet change box, and 1,20,000,000,000 won in the market price of the victim who was in the toilet change box. Defendant C and B were waiting in the nearby wife and escaped from the scene of the vehicle. Defendant C and B got away from the scene of the vehicle.

As a result, the defendants stolen the victim's property together.

2. Joint crimes committed by Defendant A and B;

A. Defendants in violation of the Act on Financial Business Specializing in Fraud and Credit Financial Business conspired to use the stolen bank check arbitrarily, as stated in paragraph (1).

(1) On June 24, 2018, around 18:18, the Defendants purchased a penalty of one half of the amount equivalent to 40,500 won of the market price, and 53,100 won of the market at “G” stores managed by the Victim F in Kimhae-si, Kim Jong-si, and Defendant A presented the above physical card to the above victim as if he had legitimate right to use.
