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텍스트 조절
(영문) 인천지방법원 2014.08.12 2012고단10516

[Defendant A, C, E, and G] Defendant A’s imprisonment with prison labor for one year and eight months, Defendant C’s imprisonment for six months, and Defendant E for one year and six months.


Punishment of the crime

[criminal power] Defendant B was sentenced to two years of suspension of execution on March 16, 2012 in Incheon District Court’s Branch Branch of the Incheon District Court for fraud, etc. The above judgment was finalized on June 8, 2012. Defendant C was sentenced to two years of suspension of execution on July 21, 201 and the above judgment was finalized on July 21, 201. Defendant D was released on August 18, 201 from the Incheon District Court for eight months of imprisonment for fraud, etc., Defendant D was sentenced to two years of suspension of execution on May 7, 2013. Defendant F was sentenced to two years of suspension of execution on April 20 to August 20, 201, and Defendant C was sentenced to two years of suspension of execution on April 20, 201 from the Suwon District Court for execution of the Incheon District Court for two years from July 28, 201 to the Incheon District Court for two years from July 20, 2012.

[2012 Highest 10516] (Defendant A, B, and C)

1. Defendant A

A. On February 6, 2012, the Defendant forged private documents within the main point of “R” in the Defendant’s operation of Q Q located in Gyeyang-gu Incheon Metropolitan City, and the facts are only residing in the lessor’s 104 dong 804 dong 804 dong 104 dong 104 dong , Incheon Gyeyang-gu, and without authority for the purpose of exercising the lease contract without any authority for the purpose of exercising the lease contract. The Defendant entered “T million won” in the deposit column of the real estate lease contract, “one million won” in the down payment column, “T million won” in the remainder column, “U” on September 16, 2010”, “U” and “T” in the resident registration number column, and signed and sealed T’s name.

As a result, the Defendant forged one copy of the T-real estate lease contract in the name of the private document on rights and obligations.

B. The Defendant, within the main point of “R” around March 6, 2012, presented one copy of the forged real estate lease agreement as if it were a genuine document, by borrowing money from the victim V.
