A and B shall be punished by a fine of KRW 5 million, Defendant C and D, each of whom shall be punished by a fine of KRW 3 million.
The Defendants respectively.
Punishment of the crime
B On November 7, 2014, around 22:25, a traffic accident that is faced with L Buses (44 years old) in front of the bus platform of the Daejeon Seosung-gu, Daejeon Seodong-gu, Daejeon. 64 (Songdong-dong-dong-gu) KBK at the right side of the bus platform of the National Bank of Korea.
1. Violation of the Punishment of Violences, etc. Act (joint injury) Defendant B is whether the injured party M (43 years old) who is a passenger of the bus above the bus stop in front of the bus stop at the time of the aforementioned day or at the end of the bus stop at the time of the above time goes beyond the place of the traffic accident;
” 라고 말하였다는 이유로 격분하여 “이 새끼가 문제야” 라고 욕설을 하면서 멱살을 잡고 주먹으로 턱을 1회 때리고 발로 배와 허벅지 부위를 수회 차고, 이를 만류하는 피해자 K을 발과 주먹으로 온몸을 약 10회 때리고 차고, 사건 경위를 파악하기 위해 K을 부르자 다가오는 K을 경찰관이 보는 앞에서 발로 배부 위를 1회 찼다.
A는 피해자 M를 주먹으로 얼굴부분을 약 2회 때리고 발로 배부 위를 수회 찼으며 경찰관 앞에서 피해자 M를 발로 배부 위를 1회 차고, 이를 만류하는 K을 주먹과 발로 얼굴과 배부 위를 약 10회 때리고 찼다.
D 10 times the victim M was 3 times the chest part of the breast part of the victim M, and approximately three times the victim K's chest part of the drinking.
C은 피해자 M의 온몸을 주먹과 발로 약 6회 때리고 찼다.
N은 피해자 M의 다리 부위를 수회 찼다.
The Defendants jointly and severally inflicted injury on the victim M, including damage to the right-hand ear, which requires treatment for about 14 days. Defendants B, A, and D jointly do so, and this part of the facts charged was jointly identified as “Defendant B, A, and D jointly with N,” or as “N’s joint crimes against N,” on the ground that they were not entirely specified. Thus, the Defendants modified and acknowledged the aforementioned alteration to the extent that they did not disadvantage the defense rights of the said Defendants.
The victim K suffered injury such as salt, tension, etc. of the bones of wood that requires medical treatment for about 14 days.