본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 대전지방법원 2018.08.21 2017고정1583

The accused shall announce the summary of the judgment of innocence.


1. Summary of facts charged

A. From March 13, 2016 to October 09:10 on March 13, 2016, the Defendant committed a crime on or around March 13, 2016, in front of the peace of the C church located in Daejeon Dong-gu, Daejeon from around 09:00 to around 09:10 on the same day, the fact that the Defendant did not acquire the Defendant’s money, although the Defendant did not have acquired the Defendant’s money, the Defendant was a certified judicial scrivener or the chief of the D (illegal) judicial scrivener or the chief of the affairs who lent 2.50 million won of the

D The head of the D will be exempt from criminal liability because it is clear that he/she lends the house money of a house with a disability of wooden families to a church and deceiving it in order to acquire it by deceit, using the knowledge that he/she is well aware of the law as the chief of the certified judicial scrivener affairs (unauthorized Bloker without permission).

』 라는 글이 게재된 팻말을 세우고 1 인 시위를 하였다.

Accordingly, the defendant has damaged the reputation of the victim by openly pointing out false facts.

나. 2016. 5. 29. 경 범행 피고인은 2016. 5. 29. 10:30 경부터 같은 날 16:00 경까지 제 1 항 기재 장소에서, 위와 같은 내용의 팻말을 세우고 1 인 시위를 하였다.

Accordingly, the defendant has damaged the reputation of the victim by openly pointing out false facts.

2. Determination

A. As a constituent element of the crime of defamation, the phrase “statement of fact” is a concept substituted by an expression of opinion with respect to value judgment or evaluation, and refers to a timely report or statement of fact in the time, space, and specific past or current facts, and refers to the contents that can be proved by evidence.

나. 피고인이 C 교회 정문 앞 노상에서 1 인 시위를 한 팻말 내용 중 “D 장로는( 무허가 브로커) 법무사 사무장으로 법을 잘 아는 지식을 이용해 같은 교회를 섬기는 목양가족 장애를 가진 집사의 돈을 교회에 못 빌려주게 하고 그것을 편취하기 위하여 기망한 것이 분명 하다” 는 취지의 팻말 내용은 그 자체로 입증이...
