1. The Defendant’s each of the Plaintiffs’ KRW 150,000,000, as well as 5% per annum from August 5, 2014 to January 20, 2015.
1. Facts of recognition;
가. 원고들은 2013. 5. 29. 농업회사법인 주식회사 골든팜스(이하 ‘골든팜스’라 한다)와 사이에, 계약금액으로 1구좌당 500만 원씩 총 30구좌 합계 1억 5,000만 원을 지급하여, 계약기간인 2013. 5. 29.부터 2014. 7. 28.까지 양돈사육을 위탁하고, 계약기간 만료일인 2014. 7. 28. 1구좌당 성돈(成豚) 21두씩 총 30구좌 합계 630두를 받기로 하는 양돈계약사육 계약(이하 ‘이 사건 양돈계약사육 계약’이라 한다)을 각 체결하고, 같은 날 골든팜스에 위 계약에 따라 각 1억 5,000만 원을 지급하였다.
The details of the terms and conditions of raising the instant breeding contract are as follows.
Article 1 (Purpose) This Clause provides for all matters in relation to the consignment breeding under the responsibility of the Pampers, regardless of whether the Pampers, which is a breeding company of both money under contract, are entrusted by the contractor with the right to the raising of both money under the contract.
Article 4 (Persons Related to Contracts) (2) In principle, the contractor shall receive 21 cams produced by contract management of a Pampling.
Article 5 (Period of Contract) ① The first term of contract is 14 months, and the contract is automatically terminated after 14 months.
(2) The extension of a contract shall be extended by entering into a new contract.
Article 6 (Operation of Contract) The contractor shall pay all the expenses to be incurred in raising mothers and own money and the scope of the operation of the contract to which a Pamplings receive from the contractor shall be limited to the two kinds of money-related industries.
Article 8 (Selection and Payment of Sexual Money under Contract) The selection of sexual money by contract to a contractor shall be conducted from the month following the contract, and shall be managed for each contractor, and the former contract amount shall not exceed 21 math.
Article 9 (Supply of Contract Articles) A farm shall pay sexual money to the contractor in kind to the contractor for the share of the contracted breeding.
Article 10 (Payment Criteria) (1) Samplings shall be made for the cambling of cattle under the contract entrusted by the contractor.