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텍스트 조절
(영문) 대구지방법원 2018.11.09 2018고단3266

Defendant 1-A, B, 3-A, 4-A, 1-C, D, E, 2-2 of the judgment.


Punishment of the crime

On November 24, 2015, the Defendant was sentenced to six months of imprisonment for fraud, etc. at the Daegu District Court, and completed the execution of the sentence at the Daegu Detention House on June 7, 2016.

On August 10, 2017, the Defendant was sentenced to one year of imprisonment for fraud, etc. at the Daegu District Court, and the judgment became final and conclusive on November 17, 2018, and completed the execution of the sentence in the Ansan Prison on June 11, 2018.

1. Embezzlements of deserted articles in possession;

A. On March 31, 2017, the Defendant: (a) received 100,00 won check from the victim B, 100,000 won check, c. credit card 1 in the name of the victim; and (b) did not follow necessary procedures, such as returning the acquired property to the victim; and (c) embezzled the property that he/she had on his/her own thought to have, on his/her own initiative, embezzled the property that he/she left the possession of the victim.

B. On May 19, 2017, the Defendant, at around 21:15, embezzled the property that he/she had on his/her own, without following necessary procedures, such as acquiring the F-Debit Card under the victim’s name lost by the victim E, and returning the acquired property to the victim.


On June 14, 2018, the Defendant, on the street near G Hospital located in Daegu-gu around Daegu-gu, 22:20, found one gate containing a F debit card in the name of the victim H lost, and did not follow necessary procedures, such as returning the acquired property to the victim, and embezzled the property that he/she had on his/her own thought to have, as he/she had, left the possession of the victim.


The Defendant, on June 28, 2018, did not take the necessary procedures, such as acquiring the Fbit Cards under the name of the victim I lost on the roads near the large area located in Daegu-gu, Daegu-gu, and returning the acquired property to the victim.
