1. The judgment of the court of first instance is modified as follows.
The Plaintiff (Counterclaim Defendant) is the Defendant (Counterclaim Plaintiff) with KRW 11.4 million.
A principal lawsuit and a counterclaim shall be deemed simultaneously.
1. Basic facts
A. On April 20, 2006, the Defendant concluded a total of 22 insurance contracts between December 24, 1997 and February 12, 2009, including the insurance contracts listed in the separate sheet (hereinafter “instant insurance contracts”) with the Plaintiff and the Defendant as the insured, and received KRW 46,053,308 in total as insurance proceeds under each of the above insurance contracts.
순 번 보험회사 상품명 계약일 월보험료(원) 지급 보험금 1 삼성화재 장기상해뉴천만인 운전자보험 1997. 12. 24. 39,510 12,000,000 2 교보생명보험 (무)생생종합건강보험 2000. 2. 18. 115,000 72,650,000 3 (무)폰나이스건강보험 2001. 10. 25. 49,900 4 동부화재 (무)장기상해 참좋은운전자보험 2001. 9. 12. 68,880 83,000,000 5 엑설런트A헬스케어 2003. 2. 21. 60,000 6 대한생명 (무)그린콜 건강보험 2001. 12. 28. 50,100 34,674,000 7 (무)참좋은 건강보험 2004. 10. 27. 10,315 8 (무)참좋은 건강보험 2004. 10. 27. 7,715 9 한화손해보험 (무)프라임 상해보험 2003. 10. 30. 38,700 23,970,516 10 (무)노블레스 종합보험 2008. 2. 27. 26,000 11 LIG손해보험 (무)매직세이프보험 2004. 7. 8. 25,420 39,580,000 12 메리츠화재 (무)친한친구 운전자보험 2004. 9. 16. 63,700 7,790,000 13 라이나생명 (무)스페셜케어 건강보험 2005. 7. 20. 16,930 36,800,000 14 동부생명 (무)HappyPlan 오래오래건강보험 2006. 4. 20. 68,400 42,600,000 15 AIA생명 (무)AIG 꼭하나의료보험 2007. 8. 17. 38,540 15,680,000 16 흥국쌍용화재보험 (무)행복을 다주는 가족사랑보험 2007. 9. 8. 152,500 52,068,792 17 메트라이프생명 (무)GOOD케어 건강보험 2007. 10. 22. 43,200 11,020,000 18 농협생명 (무)함지박 저축공제보험 2008. 2. 1. 398,000 12,000,000 19 (무)함지박 저축공제보험 2008. 2. 1. 398,000 20 (무)함지박 저축공제보험 2008. 2. 1. 398,000 21...