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텍스트 조절
(영문) 대전지방법원 2014.10.13 2014고단2173

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for six months.


Punishment of the crime

On April 15, 2009, the Defendant was sentenced to a maximum of four years of imprisonment with prison labor for a violation of the Act on the Aggravated Punishment, etc. of Specific Crimes, etc. at the Jeonju District Court, which was sentenced to a minimum of three years, and the execution of the sentence was terminated at the Kimcheon Juvenile Reformatory on August 22, 2013. On February 28, 2014, the Defendant appealed for three years of imprisonment with prison labor for a violation of the Act on the Aggravated Punishment, etc. of Specific Crimes, etc. at the Daejeon District Court. On June 25, 2014, the Defendant appealed for dismissal at the Daejeon District Court on June 25,

1. Forgery of private documents, uttering of falsified investigation documents, and fraud;

A. A. Around September 30, 2013, the Defendant: (a) entered “C”, “C resident registration number”, “C”, and “C” in the applicant column in the customer name column of the application form for membership of a mobile phone located therein; and (b) sent “C” respectively to G who is an employee of the said area as if he were C; (c) deceiving G as if he had a legitimate authority to purchase a mobile phone under the name of C; and (d) by deceiving G as if he had a legitimate authority to purchase the mobile phone under the name of “C” and then was issued one cellular phone which is a 800,000 won widening of the market price.

Accordingly, the defendant, for the purpose of exercising rights and duties, forged a written application for subscription in the name of C, which is a private document on rights and duties, and acquired the property of 800,000 won from the victim.

B. On October 17, 2013, the Defendant, at the foregoing F office, led the G to the following: (a) the Defendant entered “H”, “H’s resident registration number”, and “H” in the applicant column in the two customer names of the paper for the application for joining the mobile phone located therein; and (b) signed the name side of the document and delivered the document as if the document was genuine.
