본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 의정부지방법원 2016.04.15 2015고단3927


A A A A with a fine of KRW 80 million, Defendant B with a fine of KRW 4 million, Defendant C with a fine of KRW 3 million, and Defendant D.


Punishment of the crime

H directed Defendant A et al. to make a disguised bid in the same bidding case under the name of a disguised company established under the name of an employee for the purpose of raising the bid price ratio for the supply of school meal materials, and to open the name of a business operator or to report the sale of a group of meal facilities so that Defendant A et al. can participate in the bidding for the supply of school meal materials.

According to the above instructions, Defendant A reported the establishment of a group meal facility in the name of an I business operator and the sale of a group meal facility in around November 201, 2012; Defendant B reported the establishment of a group meal facility in the name of a J business operator and the sale of a group meal facility in the name of a business operator around February 2013; Defendant C reported the sale of a group meal facility in the name of K that supplied food to a restaurant around April 2013; Defendant D reported the sale of a group meal facility in the name of L that is a business operator that supplied food to a restaurant on December 2012; Defendant E reported the sale of a group meal facility in the name of a business operator that supplied food to a restaurant on or around October 2012; Defendant F already reported the sale of a group meal facility in the name of a group meal facility manufacturing business operator around August 2009.

In order to participate in the bidding using the name of NN association corporation.

H participated in the tendering process for the supply of school meal materials in the name ofO, while Defendant A, Defendant C, Defendant D, Defendant E, and Defendant F also participate in the tendering process in the name of the above company, and when the above company receives a successful bid, Defendant A, Defendant C, Defendant D, Defendant E, and Defendant F planned to pay fees in return for the bid and to prepare documents, such as a contract for the purchase and supply of food materials.

H In accordance with the above plan on October 15, 2012, in accordance with the P High School's O's office located in Gyeonggi Kimpo-si, participating in the bidding of "purchase of food ingredients for school meals in November 2012" to be supplied to P high schools, and Defendant E also instructed Defendant E to participate in the above bidding in the M's name, and Defendant E was awarded the above supply contract with KRW 12,371,000 in the M's name by a bid in a way of participation in the bidding in accordance with the above order.

This H. H. and.
