본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 인천지방법원부천지원 2016.01.21 2015가단106068

1. Of the principal lawsuit of this case, 30,000,000 won of the insurance money for disaster death based on the insurance contract as set forth in the attached Table No. 1.


(a) will not, if any;

The contractor D subscribed to the "five Units" in relation to the insurance contract of this case in relation to the payment of the payment basis table (standard 1 unit) for the payment of insurance money (standard 1 unit).

When the insured has died as a direct cause of a traffic accident other than a traffic accident, 40 million won or when the insured who has been paid 20 million won or more has died as a direct cause of a traffic accident is paid as a result of the death of the insured who has been paid 40 million won or 20 million won due to a cause other than the cancer or disaster (attached Table A) is a contingency accident (Provided, That where a person who has a disease or physical damage and has caused a minor external factor, or whose symptoms have aggravated, a minor external factor shall not be considered as a contingency accident) under the following classification:

* This Classification is based on the Korean Standard Disease Disease Classification (Enforcement Decree No. 1993-3, January 1, 1995 of the Statistics Korea Notice No. 1993-3, and January 1, 1995), the classification number No. 24. Other details of the Classification No. 25 of the Classification No. 198-59, Gaz. x85-Y09

D. Examining the validity of the instant insurance contract terms and conditions, as follows:

Article 13 of the General Insurance Terms and Conditions (Types and Grounds for Payment of Insurance Money) The Company shall apply to the insured during the period of insurance if any of the following events occurs to the insured:

1. If the insured dies during the insurance period or becomes disabled in the first degree in the disability classification table: Article 15 [Article 15 [Article 15] shall not apply to any of the following cases where the cause for the payment of insurance proceeds occurs:
