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텍스트 조절
(영문) 울산지방법원 2016.04.29 2015고단2118

Defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for a term of one year and two months.


Punishment of the crime

【2015 order 2118】

1. On May 10, 2015, the Defendant driven a C car and proceeded to the Ulsan District Court by driving it on the street around the new industrial tower in Ulsan-gu, Ulsan-gu, Seoul-do. On May 10, 2015.

The defendant changed the two lanes from the two lanes to the one lane, and the victim changed his own name in the victim D(19 years old) E car driven by the victim D(19 years old) in the first lane, and the victim changed his name.

The defendant, which is a dangerous object, threatened the victim with a sudden operation over five times in front of the victim's car, using a passenger car, and continuously tried to leave the victim's car in front of the Ulsan-gun Office at around 21:10 on the same road in front of the Ulsan-gun Office, and threatened the victim with a sudden operation of the victim's car in a way that the defendant's car runs over two lanes and three lanes, and moves into a three-lane, for 47 seconds after moving into a three-lane, by not moving the victim's car in front of the victim's car.

Accordingly, the defendant carried a motor vehicle, which is a dangerous object, and threatened the victim.

【2015 order 2753】

2. On July 9, 2015, the Defendant calls from Ulsan Daily, and calls from the Republic of Korea to the Republic of Korea, “A guarantee to obtain a loan of KRW 24 million” from the Republic of Korea, and calls from the Republic of Korea to the Republic of Korea, to KRW 10 million per week.

The loan shall not be paid in full at present, but if the loan has been repaid with the loan, the loan shall be paid with the security deposit and the value of machinery.


However, the Defendant did not think of the above KRW 10 million to the victim, and the Defendant’s singinging room operated did not have any security deposit, and the Defendant was thought to pay the overdue loan prior to the loan and to use it individually. Therefore, for the Defendant’s loan, the Defendant did not have any intent or ability to pay the victim the loan amounting to KRW 10 million, even if the victim jointly and severally guaranteed the loan.

The defendant is against the victim on July 17, 2015.
