A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than one year and six months.
Nos. 1 through 9 (in relation to 2018 order 422) of seized evidence from the defendant.
Punishment of the crime
An employee of telecommunications fraud assistance in the name of the 2018 Highest April 422, 2018, who made phone calls to many unspecified persons at an unspecified place as if they were investigative agencies, made them withdraw money by deceiving the victim and deliver it to the defendant. The defendant conspireds to deceiving the victim by means of deceiving the victim by receiving money from the victim and delivering it to the above person with the name of the victim under the direction of the above person who was an employee of the Financial Supervisory Service, while doing so as to be the employee of the Financial Supervisory Service.
1. On January 25, 2018, an employee in charge of telecommunications fraud who is named telecommunications fraud shall be subject to inspection by phone call to the victim C even if it is not a prosecutor;
당신 명의가 도용되어 대포 통장으로 사용되고 있다, 범죄와 관련이 있는지 확인해야 하니 당신 명의 계좌에 있는 돈을 현금으로 인출하여 금융감독원 직원에게 건네주면 검사를 한 후 이상이 없으면 돌려주겠다” 라는 취지로 거짓말하여 이에 속은 피해자로 하여금 현금으로 1,000만 원을 인출하여 서울 광진구 군자로 114에 있는 ‘ 세종 초등학교’ 앞 도로로 오게 하고, 피고 인은 위 성명 불상 자로부터 메신저 ‘ 위 챗’ 을 통해 피해 자로부터 금원을 교부 받을 것을 지시 받아 같은 날 15:30 경 위 ‘ 세종 초등학교’ 앞 도로에서, 사실은 금융감독원 직원이 아님에도 마치 금융감독원 직원인 것처럼 행세하면서 피해 자로부터 위 1,000만 원을 교부 받은 다음 위 금원을 성명 불상자에게 전달하였다.
2. On January 26, 2018, an employee in charge of telecommunications fraud who is named telecommunications fraud shall be called the victim D on a non-permanent basis at around 12:00 on January 26, 2018, and the fact shall be called the victim D even though it is not the Seoul Central Prosecutor;
The F's illegal use case is under investigation, which is the current account in the name of the party.