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텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울남부지방법원 2019.03.06 2019고단287

Defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than three years and six months.

Seized evidence 1 and 2 shall be confiscated, respectively.


Punishment of the crime

1. On December 2018, the Defendant: (a) made a false statement with the name, weak person, etc. of the organization of the Singinging Group, which is the constituent element of the fraud group (hereinafter “B, etc.”); (b) made it possible to receive money from an unspecified number of unspecified people by telephone and provide financial services, etc.; (c) the “total liability” means the act of planning and ordering the overall crime while managing other trillion employees; (d) the “induction” means the act of making false statements by phoneing to an unspecified number of unspecified victims; and (e) the Defendant: (c) made a withdrawal of cash from the account deposited with the so-called “sing and remittance liability”; and (d) conspired in order to commit the singing crime by conveying it to another trillion employee by remitting it through another passbook.

Accordingly, the Defendant collected physical cards, etc. linked to various accounts from subway goods storage box, etc., and withdrawn cash from the deposited account, and then delivered it to another trillion staff by way of remitting it through another passbook. A.

On December 4, 2018, the Defendant sent to the victim C the word “able to issue E Bank Magazines at low interest rates” using D numbers at a place where the location is unknown, and reported this to the victim, the Defendant misrepresented the e Bank Magaz FF at E Bank Magaz, thereby falsely concluding that “I would open a low interest Magazzine passbook, I would like to give a low interest Magazzine, I will send a card that can be deposited through Kwikset service, and deposit it to the account linked to Kwiksetzzzed Swikset, and would make it possible to open a low interest Magazzine.”

The staff in charge of any name singing shall be the personnel.
