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텍스트 조절
(영문) 인천지방법원 2020.09.24 2020고단6735

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for one year.


Punishment of the crime

Defendant is a person who has no fixed occupation.

1. On June 2020, the victims of fraud, who misrepresented to loan institutions such as B bank, etc. and committed singing crimes against many unspecified victims, and the Defendant, through pro-Japanese C, sent a proposal that “I would pay KRW 300,000 won per day to a large number of accounts by withdrawing cash after moving to a position known to a e-mail address, and withdrawing cash, using a large number of personal information,” and agreed to do so. The victims of singing in the name of the victim received a proposal that “I would pay KRW 300,000 per day if I would distribute money to a large number of accounts,” and the Defendant conspired to take the role of deceiving the victims by deceiving them to transfer money to the above account by deceiving them.

Accordingly, on June 8, 2020, the employee of the name-free licensing operation stated that “A victim D will open a Masping passbook with 50 million won per annum from B Bank. However, there must be records of partial repayment of KRW 60 million to E Bank, which is an existing loan, and KRW 100 million, to F Bank. When receiving a G loan, the payment shall be considered as recorded on the record.” Then, the employee of another name-free box shall be considered as recorded on the record.”

However, it was not an employee of a financial institution but an employee of a financial institution, and it was thought that only the money was received by deceiving the victim without the intention or ability to provide the loan to the victim.

On June 8, 2020, the victims of false name cards who deceptiond the victims and transferred KRW 15,000,000 to the E-bank account (I) under H’s name around 19:17, 200. The Defendant, who was in custody prior to the delivery, is the e-bank card connected to the E-bank account under the above H name.
