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텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2019.05.29 2018나66267

1. Of the judgment of the court of first instance, the part against the defendant exceeding the following amount ordered to be paid shall be revoked.


1. Facts of recognition;

A. The Plaintiff is an insurance company that entered into an automobile insurance contract with Nonparty D Co., Ltd. with respect to the ENs ENA Q900 Passenger Vehicles (hereinafter “Plaintiff”), and the Defendant is a mutual aid business entity that entered into a mutual aid agreement with the F New Airport Co., Ltd. with respect to a fishing bus (hereinafter “Defendant”).

나. 이 사건 사고의 발생 (1) 사고 일시 및 장소 일시 : 2017. 3. 31. 19:39경 장소 : 서울 송파구 오금로 38 교차로 (2) 사고 발생 상황 ㈎ 이 사건 사고는 위 주소에 위치하여 양재대로 66길과 중대로 23길이 교차하는 교차로(이하 ‘이 사건 교차로’라 한다)에서 발생하였는데, 원고 차량의 운전자인 소외 I은 중대로 23길을 J병원 후문 방면에서 송파경찰서 방면으로 진행하고 있었다.


The road along which the vehicle is running (hereinafter referred to as the "Plaintiff's driving road") is a side road that is possible to walk along both directions, but is not divided into two lanes at the center. The restricted speed is 30km, and the width of the road seems to be narrow compared to the road on which the Defendant's vehicle is driving.

In addition, the driver G of the Defendant vehicle was proceeding 66 roads, as both materials, at the H building room in Seongdong-gu. However, the road on which the Defendant vehicle was proceeding is a one-lane road where the center line is installed.

(이하 ‘피고 진행 도로’라 한다). ㈏ 이 사건 교차로에는 교차로 통행을 위한 신호기는 설치되어 있지 아니하다.

However, in the case of the intersection of the defendant-only road, the crosswalk is installed at the distance far from the intersection, and the signal apparatus for the vehicle is installed above it.

㈐ I은 원고 차량을 운전하여 자신이 진행하던 위 도로를 불상의 속도로 진행하다가 위 교차로 지점에 이르러 그 속도를 줄이지 아니하고 그대로 진행하고 있었다.

