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텍스트 조절
(영문) 수원지방법원 안양지원 2015.10.15 2015고단1247

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for six months.


Punishment of the crime

1. Interference with business;

A. On July 3, 2015, around 20:50 on July 3, 2015, the Defendant: (a) visited a person under the influence of alcohol in the D Emergency Hospital C; (b) opened a sick room; (c) obstructed the victim’s nursing services by force, such as avoiding disturbance, harming the victim E, who is the nurse of the above hospital, due to the disturbance, and passing a noise, etc.; and (d) around 21:30 and 23:05 of the same day, even at around 21:30 and 23:05 of the same day, the Defendant returned to the above emergency room, resulting in the victim’s failure to wear the

B. On August 1, 2015, the Defendant, from around 12:40 to 13:20 of the same day, demanded tobacco to the victim under the influence of alcohol from Hmaart operated by the victim G in the Guang City F, but the victim was unable to enter the victim’s marina business by force by preventing customers who want to make use of the victim’s noise with a large amount of noise without tobacco.

C. On August 1, 2015, from around 19:00 to 21:00, the Defendant: (a) obstructed the victim’s restaurant business by force on the grounds that the victim J does not bring the victim into the restaurant operated by the Guang City; (b) obstructed the victim’s restaurant business by leaving the entrance of customers who want to use the restaurant by leaving the entrance, such as leaving the door, and continuously taking a bath to “Chewing”, on the ground that the victim J does not bring the victim into the restaurant.

On August 5, 2015, from around 15:50 to 16:00 of the same day, the Defendant interfered with the victim’s hospital business by force by force, such as having patients who want to use the hospital return to the hospital, by continuously taking a large amount of the victim, who is the principal officer and the employee of the hospital, under the influence of alcohol at the D Hospital’s home department located in Guangsi C, without any justifiable reason.

E. The Defendant, from around 19:00 on August 24, 2015 to 20:00 on the same day, sound to customers who enter the restaurant on the ground that the victim N does not drink at the O cafeteria operated by the victim N. of his city.
