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텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울남부지방법원 2018.09.19 2017고단6119

1. Defendant A shall be punished by imprisonment for eight months.

2. Defendant B is punished by imprisonment for six months.



Punishment of the crime

1. On May 22, 2017, the Defendant: (a) around 15:40 on May 2, 2017, at the front corridor of the Defendant’s house in Yangcheon-gu Seoul, Yangcheon-gu D, the Defendant: (b) turned the Defendant into the lower floor with the noise between the victim B ( South, 47 years of age) and the Defendant; (c) took two times the front eye of the victim’s left eye; (d) took two times the part of the victim’s head; (e) took part of the victim’s face with his head at a time; and (e) took part in the Defendant’s head; and (e) took part in the Defendant’s left part; and (e) took part in the Defendant, the Victim E (the 21 years of age), who is a dependent of the said B, and took part in the Defendant’s wall, and took part in the Defendant’s body and the Defendant’s body to take part in the instant E-day treatment, such as taking part in the E-day therapy, and the victim’s body.

2. Defendant B suffered an assault from the victim A (son, 50 years old), such as the date, time, place, and paragraph 1, and the victim’s body fighting against it. Defendant B, as stated in paragraph 1, suffered injury, such as cutting off 10 cryms, which requires approximately five weeks of medical treatment for the victim due to drinking as a part of the victim’s worship, face part, and side part of the victim.

Summary of Evidence

1. The defendant A’s legal statement of the part corresponding to the above, witness B and E’s each legal statement of the witness B and E (the video can be acknowledged that the part of the eyebrow B immediately after the occurrence of the case is teared, and the considerable amount of his/her shocked, can be recognized) in the scene photo (the suspect E) of the injury (the video can be found to have been teared immediately after the occurrence of the case, according to this image, it can be recognized that the fact that the chest part of the defendant A was teared, after the occurrence of the case, can be recognized that there was a large amount of escape on the floor of the site enclosed by the defendant A and B), each injury diagnosis report (31,32 pages of the investigation record) (the defendant’s F phone statement of the defendant A) (the reported suspect).
