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텍스트 조절
(영문) 대구지방법원포항지원 2020.12.22 2020고단1337

The punishment of the accused shall be determined by a year of imprisonment.

60,000 won shall be additionally collected from the defendant.


Punishment of the crime

[Criminal Justice] On April 15, 2016, the Defendant was sentenced to imprisonment with prison labor for one year for a violation of the Narcotics Control Act, etc. at the Jung-gu District Court on December 28, 2016, and the suspension of execution was invalidated on December 28, 2016. On December 20, 2016, the Defendant was sentenced to imprisonment with prison labor for the same crime at the Seoul Northern District Court, for one year and six months. On March 22, 2017, the Defendant was sentenced to imprisonment with prison labor for the same crime at the Seoul Northern District Court and completed the execution of the sentence on June 7, 2019.

【Criminal Facts】

The defendant is not a person handling narcotics, but not a person handling narcotics, but a person handling narcotics, etc., shall not administer a Mebacule (one philopon; hereinafter referred to as "philopon").

1. The Defendant, on October 15, 2019, administered phiphonephones by having C in a single-use clinic located in the Nam-gu Incheon Metropolitan City, Nam-gu Bridge, for the purpose of dilution of the volume of phiphones into water and injection into his/her arms, at around 02:30 on October 15, 2019.

2. On October 28, 2019, the Defendant administered phiphones by having D inculpon injection in a single-use cell phone located in the Nam-gu Incheon Metropolitan City, Nam-gu, in the manner of dilutioning approximately 0.1g of philophones into water and having D inculpon in his arms.

3. On December 7, 2019, the Defendant, around 05:30 on December 7, 2019, administered phiphones in a manner that allows D to injecting the volume of phiphones into his/her arms and body so that D may have it injected into his/her arms by dilution the volume of phiphones into water.

4. On December 8, 2019, the Defendant committed the crime of December 13:00, 2019, administered phiphones by inserting the volume of phiphones into a single-use injection device, dilution with water, at the Gel’s protection room in Seoul Special Metropolitan City, Gwanak-gu, Seoul Special Metropolitan City.

5. On December 9, 2019, the Defendant committed the crime of December 9, 2019: around 15:00, in the places indicated in the above paragraph (4) and in a single-use injection instrument; and sold with water.
