1. All of the plaintiffs' claims are dismissed.
2. The costs of lawsuit are assessed against the plaintiffs.
1. Basic facts
A. The parties concerned shall operate the Central Veterans Hospital (the trade name before the change: Seoul Veterans Hospital; hereinafter “Defendant Hospital”).
The deceased F (hereinafter referred to as the “the deceased”) is a person who received medical treatment at the Defendant Hospital, while the Plaintiff A is a spouse, the Plaintiff B, C, D, and E are children of the deceased.
B. The Deceased was discharged from the Vietnam War on September 29, 1971 to September 2, 1972, and he received long-term medical treatment at the Defendant hospital from 1986 due to actual aftereffects of defoliants. Around January 2004, the Deceased was hospitalized in the Defendant hospital due to brain stroke and stroke after stroke. The Deceased was diagnosed as the strokeic strokee strokee strokee strokee strokee strokee strokee strokee strokee strokee strokee strokee strokee strokee strokee strokee strokee strokee scoe stroke stroke stroke scoe stroke stroke stroke scoe stroke stroke.
C. On February 25, 2008, the medical personnel of the Defendant Hospital had been given an opinion of the upper liverer CT in her uniforms. On February 25, 2008, the Deceased had been before the general surgery and prepared for the surgery. The Defendant Hospital requested a compromise with the respiratory and infection before the surgery. The Defendant Hospital sent a reply that the pulmonary function of the Deceased was high-risk if the pulmonary function of the pulmonary surgery is performed within the pulmonary surgery, and the pulmonary dye and hye infection in her infection. The upper chye color of 1000 l.3 m. : 0 l. 20 m. 20 g. 3m. l. 20 g. l. 20 g. l. 20 g. l. 20 g. l. 20 g. l. l. 20 g. l. 204m. g. l. l. l. l. 20 g. g. l.