본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 울산지방법원 2016.09.27 2015가단63007

1. Ulsan Metropolitan City Mayor: 27,477,675 won out of the deposit money deposited by the Ulsan Metropolitan City Mayor with 109,910,700 Geumsan District Court in 2012;


1. Basic facts

A. W having the address in V is recorded in the land register as being assessed on April 30, 1912, Ulsan-gu U.S. 291 square meters (Seoul-gu U.S. U.S. hereinafter “instant real estate”).

The instant real estate is unregistered real estate.

B. Upon incorporation of the instant real estate into an urban planning facility project, the Ulsan Metropolitan City Mayor, May 7, 2012, deposited the said money to the court on the ground that “Although the Central Land Expropriation Committee tried to provide realizing KRW 109,910,700 of the compensation adjudicated, the said real estate was unregistered and its land cadastre is not registered only with its owner’s name and its address cannot be identified due to its lack of address.”

(Ulsan District Court No. 1892. 2012. hereinafter referred to as the “instant deposit”).

1) Inheritance relation 1) The Plaintiffs X died on August 6, 1936, and X’s removed copies were omitted from 1,2 South Korea, and only 3 South to 6 South Korea (Y, Z, AA, and AB) were included in X’s removed copies. 2) On November 13, 1938, X’s wife A filed a report on the inheritance of Australia and entered into the cancellation of X’s X’s family register.

3. AC's various copies are written by AC in the Jeonju, X, Australia, and AC is considered to have died on April 11, 1943, and on December 5, 1973, it is written by Busan District Court's permission to cancel this family register on 7th day of the same month.

4) The Y(X 3 South) died on March 1, 1949, and Y Y AE (6/12), AE (6/12), AF (4/12), AF (4/12), AG (1/12 marriage of December 10, 194), and AG (a marriage of September 9, 1953) were inherited by the Y Y Y, a child of AD, on October 7, 1978.

6) A) AE (6/12) died on January 17, 2010, and the Plaintiff (C), C (i), D (i), E (i), F (i), and G (i) inherited the inheritance portion of AE.

B) As the AF (4/12) died on June 2, 1986, Plaintiff H (C), I (i), J (i), K (i), K (i), and L (i) succeeded to the share of AF’s inheritance. C) 1.
