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텍스트 조절
(영문) 춘천지방법원 속초지원 2019.08.14 2019고단126

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for a term of three years and a fine of three thousand won.

When the defendant does not pay the above fine.


Punishment of the crime

[Criminal Power] On March 24, 2016, the Defendant was sentenced to ten months of imprisonment for habitual larceny at the Seoul Northern District Court (Seoul Northern District Court) and completed the execution of the sentence in the previous prison on September 27, 2016.

【Criminal Facts】

[2019 Highest 126] Around December 2017, the Defendant had been living together with the victim C (here, 15 years of age) who became aware of through B, and from January 2018, the Defendant had been living together with the victim around February 2019.

On April 6, 2019, the Defendant reported the content of the victim’s access to SNS using the Defendant’s mobile phone, and became aware of the fact that the victim continued to contact with another male and SNS between the Defendant and the Defendant, and the message to the effect that “I have received money from the Defendant,” which was sent to the victim, was not a good situation for the victim’s appraisal.

1. Around 22:00 on April 7, 2019, the Defendant: (a) stated that the Defendant would hedged with the victim for the foregoing reasons; (b) during the victim’s talking with the victim, the Defendant: (c) stated that “I will not sell money on a roadway if she needs money; and (d) I will see in our house toilets that “I will see a cleaning house; (b) I will am hys hys hys hys hys hys hys hys hys hys hys hys hys hys hys hys hys hys hys hys hys hys hys hys hys hys hys hys hys hys hys hys hys hys.

2. On April 7, 2019, the Defendant was placed under confinement with a picture at the places indicated in the foregoing paragraph (1) around April 22, 201, and the same as that indicated in the foregoing paragraph (1).
