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텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울서부지방법원 2016.04.21 2015고합330

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than two years and six months.

To the defendant, the defendant shall complete the sexual assault treatment program for 40 hours.


Punishment of the crime

The Defendant, as a learning site teacher of the victim C (n, 9 years of age), was committing the following crimes against the victim, while conducting two times a week in the victim’s residence of the victim in Gangnam-gu Seoul Metropolitan Government D apartment building 2 from June 30, 2015 to August 4, 2015 at the victim’s residence.

A. From around 21:00 on July 14, 2015 to 22:30 on the same day, the Defendant engaged in the course of growing with the victim in front of the victim’s embankment within the victim’s room. From time to time to time, the Defendant continued to use both descendants in front of the victim’s left shoulder, rhing the victim’s hand, etc., and rhing and cutting the victim’s hand, etc., until the victim gets out of the hands.

B. On July 21, 2015, from around 21:00 to around 22:30 of the same day, the Defendant opened a school in front of the victim and the scambing in front of each scam within the victim’s room. The Defendant asked the issue that the victim may know, thereby moving the matter to the right side of the scam self-victim, and thereby making the matter good for the victim.

“At any time, the victim’s head was rhyd, and the victim’s body was tightly taken up and rheeped by the victim, and the victim’s body continued to be used and rhyd up until the victim’s hand was lower.


On August 4, 2015, from around 21:00 to around 22:30 of the same day, the Defendant engaged in the operation of the course to sit in front of the victim and the scam in the room of the victim. The issue that the victim may know is asked to the right side of the victim. The Defendant’s face is not tightly sealed towards the victim as scambly, and as scam the victim’s shoulder with his left shoulder, the Defendant’s arm’s length is tightly used, and the Defendant scams the victim’s shoulder with his left hand. The Defendant scamed with his hand, scam and scamed with his hand, khyd with his hand, with his hand. The Defendant scamed with his arms, and rhyd with the Defendant’s hand.

Accordingly, the defendant forced the victim under the age of 13 over three times.
