본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2018.01.25 2017고단2775


A and B Imprisonment with prison labor for a year and six months, each of the defendants C, E, and G shall be punished by imprisonment for one year, the defendants D, and F.


Punishment of the crime

[criminal record] On January 10, 2017, Defendant C was sentenced to imprisonment with prison labor for a violation of the Act on the Regulation of Similar Receiving Acts at the Seoul Eastern District Court on the 10th day of the same month, and the decision was finalized on the 18th day of the same month.

[2] On August 7, 2015, H established a corporation I (hereinafter “I”) under the name of promoting the business of opening coffee franchise by distributing the original coffee produced in the Republic of Korea through distributing it in the high ground of “Yaman’s “Yaman”, and at the sixth floor of Seoul Gangnam-gu J building, the office is established in the sixth floor of the above corporation, while the president of the above company has overall affairs of the above company, including the decision of payment of investment allowances and amount, and the employment of executive officers and employees, etc.

On the other hand, the above company has approximately 20 centers in Seoul, Daegu, Pohangcheon, etc. under its head office to attract investment funds.

K as the head of the above company's headquarters, planning work such as coffee franchise business design and establishment of compensation franchise, investment explanation, employee management, etc., L is in charge of investment explanation and attraction as the head of the management headquarters of the above company, L is in charge of inviting the head of each regional center and regularly holding meetings of each regional center, M is in charge of attracting investment and investment explanation as a representative of the above company, N is in charge of H, and N is in charge of H as a director of the above company, and distribution work of procuring all articles such as coffee, coffee, cosmetics, health functional foods, etc., which are provided to the investment attraction work and investors, and H is in charge of collecting compensation franchise for investors by reproducing compensation franchise of P, etc. similar to business methods, and H and K has established compensation franchise for investors, as well as computerized head of the above company's computer department, and Q has recruited L to the above company, recruited many investment centers and has been in charge of attracting investment and investment inducement work.

On the other hand, Defendant A.
