본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 울산지방법원 2016.05.04 2014가단28885
사해행위취소 등

1. Defendant Sam Young Industrial Co., Ltd.:

A. An appraisal map shall also be indicated in the attached Form 2,329 square meters of the forest land D in Ulsan-gun, Ulsan-gun.


1. Claim against Defendant Sam Young Industries Ltd.

A. On August 29, 2008, Defendant Samyoung Industries purchased the ownership transfer registration of 2,472 square meters and D forest 2,329 square meters in Ulsan-gun, Ulsan-gun, Ulsan-do. On the same day, the registration of creation of a mortgage over the maximum debt amount of 1.1 billion won was completed in the future on October 10, 2008; and on October 31, 2008, the registration of creation of a mortgage over the above forest was completed. The Plaintiffs acquired the ownership after fully paying purchase price for the land in the voluntary procedure of real estate auction (H) regarding the above forest commenced upon the application of the Industrial Bank of Korea on December 1, 2009; on January 8, 2010, the Plaintiffs completed the registration of ownership transfer with respect to each of the above forest 1/2 shares; on the same day, the portion of the pertinent forest 1.1 billion won and 1.1.1 billion won connected to the above forest 3.5 billion won as at the time of voluntary completion of the registration of ownership transfer.

(B) Part 1,193 square meters in the ship (hereinafter “instant part”) which connects the steel structure to each point of 7,6,5,8, and 7 of the same appraisal level among D forest land in order to indicate 7,6,5,8, and7.

(2) On January 8, 2010 through December 3, 2015, the construction of steel structure was suspended. G forest 2,472 square meters was divided into E forest 2,382 square meters on January 22, 2015. From January 8, 2010 to December 3, 2015, the instant “bbb”, “c” portion of land is KRW 53,143,00 in total, and monthly rent from December 4, 2015 is KRW 816,720 in total. [Grounds for recognition] There is no dispute. The Defendant, as the owner of the instant land, is obligated to remove the instant “batch” and the instant portion of the instant land structure to be delivered to the Plaintiffs, as the result of the appraiser J’s on-site verification, the result of appraiser J’s appraisal, the result of appraiser J’s appraisal, and the purport of the entire pleadings as the whole pleadings).
