본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2014.01.15 2013가합71468


The defendant Korean Association of Culture Co., Ltd. shall be referred to as the "competence and religion" within three days after this judgment becomes final and conclusive.


Basic Facts

1) The status of the parties was changed from July 197 to the G principal meeting, around 1994, to the Ah principal meeting of the Plaintiff. The name was “Fhhhhhhhhhh” at the time of its establishment.

hereinafter referred to as "Plaintiff church"

(2) The Defendant Company is a legal entity that runs an Internet newspaper “htp://www.” The Defendant Company operates Internet newspaper “D” (E). The Defendant Company is operating Internet newspapers. The Defendant Company is an Internet newspaper “D” (E).

피고들의 기사 게재 1) 피고 회사는 인터넷 신문 ‘교회와 신앙’(http://www.amennews.com)에, 2013. 8. 4. 「EE」라는 제목 하에 「B 씨의 이와 같은 주장은 소위 ‘숨겨진 말씀’ 교리를 주장하는 바하이즘과 유사할 뿐 아니라 B 씨가 한때 H 씨로부터 원리공부를 했던 X교의 ‘구원섭리의 실패’라는 교리이고, (중략) 더구나 3년 6개월 7일간 기도 끝에 십자가 피 속에 감추어둔 것을 B 씨가 캤다는 속칭 ‘10단계 비밀말씀 교리’는 사실 I의 上ㆍ中권을 도용한 것으로 보인다.

The right of use was set up in 1979 by K K, which was a part of X bridge, was a Crisma gift in 1979, and the middle right also was sealed by K's office employees at the request of B C, and the fact that it was stolen by finding I from the book office to the book office office of the two members who received at the end of the flag, and by finding I from the book office of the G Twit, it was wide in 3th, and it was received as a content certificate of I's written warning on the last day.

(A) The argument of B CC, which is not a string of celebs, is the idea of ‘the doctrine of fee' from AI origin, which he/she had his/her body at one time.

An article listed in attached Form 5 (hereinafter referred to as "a article on August 4, 2013"), which includes the content of the "."

2) The Defendant Company also published the Allieds Association (Gu. G Educational Association B.) under the title of the EF Act on August 9, 2013.
