본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 수원지방법원 2014.07.18 2014고단2259


A Imprisonment with prison labor for one year, and for two years, each of the defendants B.

Suwon District Prosecutors' Office 2014No. 1320.


Criminal facts

[2014 Highest 2259] Defendants are engaged in tasks such as monitoring counterfeit goods distributed in the Republic of Korea from domestic and overseas well-known owners of trademark rights, reporting to investigation agencies and cooperation in controlling affairs, etc., and reporting counterfeit goods manufacturers and distributors to investigation agencies through the above control company and cooperation with investigation agencies.

1. In November 2013, the Defendants: (a) obtained information that D purchased and sold counterfeit goods; and (b) reported it to police officers of the Seoul Dongjak Police Station and intelligence teams through the Seoul Dongjak Police Station’s investigation and intelligence team, a representative F, a company regulating intellectual property rights, who performed his/her work at ordinary times.

On November 15, 2013, the Defendants: (a) around the street in the vicinity of the residence of G in Gwangjin-gu Seoul Special Metropolitan City; (b) around November 15, 2013, when police officers who belong to the above intelligence team controled D as violating the Trademark Act, approximately 821 of counterfeit commodities owned by the D, which were seized and possessed by the police officers under the direction of police officers, divided into: (c) the H Lone Star car of Defendant B; (d) the I franchise XG car of Defendant A driving; and (e) the police officers’ Loneex car into the police station in Dongjak-gu Seoul Special Metropolitan City, and transported them to the Dongjak-gu Seoul Metropolitan Police Station.

그리고 피고인들은 그 곳에서 서울동작경찰서 압수품 보관 창고에 압수품을 옮기는 작업을 함에 있어 위 스타렉스 승합차 및 위 그랜져XG 승용차에 있던 압수품인 위조 루이비똥 가방 80여점, 위조 샤넬 가방 108여점, 위조 샤넬 지갑 100여점, 위조 MCM 가방 100여점, 위조 MCM 지갑 10여점, 위조 구찌 가방 20여점, 위조 프라다 지갑 50여점, 위조 버버리 지갑 1점 등 합계 약 469점을 위 창고로 옮기지 아니하였다.

In addition, Defendant B is driving the above Lone Star, and Defendant A is above.
