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텍스트 조절
(영문) 울산지방법원 2014.03.25 2011고단3010 (3)

Defendant shall be punished by a fine of KRW 3,000,000.

If the defendant does not pay the above fine, 50,000 won.


Punishment of the crime

1. No person who violates the Petroleum and Petroleum Substitute Fuel Business Act shall manufacture, import or sell pseudo petroleum products, or store, transport or keep pseudo petroleum products with the knowledge that such products are pseudo petroleum products, or supply, sell, store, transport or keep petroleum products, petrochemicals, alternative fuels, or materials containing carbon and hydrogen in order to manufacture or use them as pseudo petroleum products;

The Defendant manufactured pseudo petroleum products together with C, D, E, and F with intent to sell them to retail stores of pseudo petroleum products. Around March 23, 2011, the Defendant leased a building (dried 1,242,84 square meters) used at H prior to the entry into the Ulsan-si G G Corporation in Ulsan-gu, Seoul-gu, Seoul-si, and had facilities for manufacturing and supplying pseudo petroleum products in which 10,000 liters are stored tanks, 5,2,000 storage tanks, 2,000 liters are stored tanks, 5,000 storage tanks, 2,000 liters are stored tanks, and F shall exercise overall control over the business of pseudo petroleum factories, such as supplying and selling pseudo petroleum products, securing a place of sale, and C manufactures pseudo petroleum products, and the Defendant and D are trying to transport pseudo petroleum products.

The Defendant, in collusion with C, D, E, and F on March 24, 201, manufactured pseudo petroleum products by mixing them with the ratio of 5:3:2,00 won per liter, and then sold pseudo petroleum products to I,150 won per liter, and then manufactured pseudo petroleum products in the above plant from the above date to April 2, 201, and then sold pseudo petroleum products to 1,150 won per liter in total at 250,000,000, total market value of pseudo petroleum products to 287,50,500,000 won per liter, and kept at 510,000,000, total market value of pseudo petroleum products for the purpose of manufacturing, transporting, and selling them.

2. Any person who violates the safety control of dangerous substances shall be a place other than a storage place for dangerous substances of more than a designated quantity;
