본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 수원지방법원안산지원 2020.11.12 2020고단1407


A A shall be punished by a fine of KRW 5 million, and Defendant B shall be punished by a fine of KRW 2 million.

The above fine is imposed against the Defendants.


Punishment of the crime

1. Defendant A is a person engaging in driving a CSP car.

On February 23, 2020, the Defendant driven the above car on February 19, 2020, and led to the left turn from the front distance of the E Bank D in Ansan-si, Ansan-si.

There are three-distance crossings where traffic is controlled by signal, etc., so the driver of the vehicle has a duty of care to take care of the traffic situation of the front and rear left, and to prevent the accident by safely proceeding in accordance with signals and signals.

Nevertheless, even though the signal of the front side is a straight line that is not the left turn signal, the Defendant, by negligence of left left turn without disregarding it, tried to take the front part of the passenger car of the victim H(46 years old), which was the front part of the passenger car of the victim B(44 years old) who was normally proceeding in accordance with the new code, from the front side of the front side of the vehicle of the victim B(44 years old) who was driving at the right side of the vehicle of the defendant, and got the front part of the passenger car of the victim H(46 years old) who was sent back to the front side of the vehicle of the defendant.

Ultimately, the Defendant by occupational negligence inflicted injury on the said victim B, such as cutting off the body part of the body in need of approximately nine weeks of medical treatment, and suffered injury, such as dynasium in need of medical treatment for about four weeks to the victim J (Y, 36 years of age) who was a driver of the synasty vehicle, such as dynasium and tension in need of medical treatment for about two weeks of medical treatment to the victim K (W, 35 years of age). In addition, the Defendant suffered injury to the victim L (the victim, the driver of the synasty), such as dynasium and tension in need of medical treatment for about two weeks of medical treatment, and the victim, the victim, the driver of the synasty area, who is the driver of the synasty area, for about three weeks of medical treatment.

2. Defendant B: G.
