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텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울남부지방법원 2020.10.30 2020고정1679

Defendant shall be punished by a fine of KRW 1,000,000.

When the defendant does not pay the above fine, 100,000 won.


Punishment of the crime

On December 3, 2014, the Defendant was sentenced to one year of imprisonment for indecent acts by force at the Seoul High Court of Chuncheon on December 3, 2014, and became subject to registration of personal information after the said judgment became final and conclusive on February 12, 2015.

Where a person subject to registration of personal information is changed, he/she shall submit the reason and details of such change to the head of a police agency having jurisdiction over his/her domicile within 20 days from the date the reason

Nevertheless, even though the defendant moved his domicile from Yeongdeungpo-gu Seoul Metropolitan Government to Kimpo-si C building and D on February 25, 2020, he did not submit the changed information to the head of the police office having jurisdiction over his domicile without justifiable grounds within 20 days.

Summary of Evidence

1. Defendant's legal statement;

1. Unauthorized disposition, report on the results of confirmation, and judgment; and

1. Application of Acts and subordinate statutes to investigation reports (including attachment, etc. of personal information subjects to detailed inquiry);

1. Relevant Article on the facts constituting an offense, and Articles 50 (3) 2 and 43 (3) of the Act on Special Cases concerning the Punishment, etc. of Sexual Crimes concerning the Selection of Sexual Crimes;

1. Articles 70 (1) and 69 (2) of the Criminal Act for the detention of a workhouse;

1. Article 334 (1) of the Criminal Procedure Act of the provisional payment order;
