본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2012.11.08 2007가합43530

1. EsK Energy Co., Ltd., Defendant EsK’s lawsuit taking place, and Zkex Co., Ltd.


... 경우 ③ 현물대리점을 통한 우회 판매 및 일부 거래처 가격할인하는 경우(SKN이 항의시 경쟁사에서 공식가격은 절대 안변했다고 함) SKN시장경직성 가중 ▷ 경쟁사 시장운영이 ②, ③인 경우가 빈번하나 SKN의 경우 공식가격으로 인정되어야만 가격대응 SKN 판매감소 및 SK Corp 차원에서도 마진총액 감소 *S/S : 주유소(Service Station)

(c) the business pocket book of the defendant HyundaiO, which appears to have been drawn up on April 2004, * retail - market normalization, regional commonization, four social groups, HD* need-led *HDO*: Hyundai.

라. 피고 SK의 ON의 업무일지 3/29 (月) 부문장 Meeting ( W/ 본부내 팀장 4) ◎ 석유산업 연간추정 3940.세전이익 (EVA △329억) ⇒ EVA plus 달성위해서는 How much 추가 2/4분기 Loss 최소화 방안 강구 물량대책은 가격대책 ⇒ LG가 주도토록 push 하라 HD는 어떻게 ◎ D/Kero 시장대응. Profit & Volume *D : 경유(Desel), *Kero : 등유(Kerosene)

(e) Defendant GS’s decline in the domestic market share in April 2004, as the result of the decline in the domestic market share in April 4th of the Act on the Grounds of the Price Stabilization in the domestic market share in April 2004 (central sale in March 200) - market stabilization-market stabilization policy (price stabilization effort guidance; SK, HD’s response, and S-O’s independent aggressive price response) market share in the domestic market (price stabilization plan; price stabilization response; SH’s independent aggressive price chain), the advantage of the plan to increase the market share in the domestic market market in April 2004, and the possibility of decline in ms upon the occurrence of stable ms and profitability in order to secure the stable ms and profitability of the launched oil.

(f) A report on the current status of market operation prepared by Defendant SK on or around May 2004;

2. HDD for each oil refining: The person responsible for the lead of market stabilization and price stabilization after April 104;

G. The reasons why us appears to lead the retail market price decline and alternative review of the data prepared on April 22, 2004 by Defendant S-Otil 204

3. The market price of the competitor.
