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텍스트 조절
(영문) 울산지방법원 2018.05.03 2018고단187

1. As to the crime of aiding and abetting the Defendant C, forging private documents, and uttering of the above investigation document, two years prior to the judgment of the court below.


Punishment of the crime


C is a vocational employer who operates a sexual traffic business establishment with the trade name of “H” from the 2th, Ulsan-gu G2, Ulsan-gu, and Defendant A promised to undergo a police investigation on behalf of the owner of the business where the interest-based sexual traffic business of the head of the above business establishment is controlled, and Defendant B is the head of the above business establishment as the wife of Defendant C, and Defendant D is the owner of the Ulsan-gu G building where H is located.

1. No person shall engage in any conduct, such as arranging sexual traffic, for business purposes;

On May 23, 2017, the Defendant, in collusion with I, who is an unemployed owner C and employees, was equipped with five smuggling and shower facilities, etc., and employed by C, who is an influent female employees (one J, K, L), and received 140,000 won from male customers once a commercial sex act, and let the said female employees do sexual intercourse with male customers, and I sent male customers recruited by Hosing, and received 20,000 won per customer in return for the said act, and arranged for sexual sex acts and received her payment. The Defendant leased the name of the owner of the business to C and controlled the said business. The Defendant was investigated as the owner of the business.

Accordingly, the defendant conspiredd with C and I to arrange sexual traffic.

2. No person who has committed an act, such as arranging sexual traffic, for business purposes;

On May 2017, from around June 27, 2017 to around June 27, 2017, the Defendant, in collusion with the unemployment week C, was equipped with five smugglings and shower facilities at the above “H” business establishment, and provided male customers with 140,000 won, and assisted female employees (one life J, K, L), who were given 1,40,000 won at one time of sexual traffic, arrange the sexual intercourse with male customers, and when the above business establishment was controlled, the Defendant was investigated as the owner of the business, and C controlled the employees and the general management of the business establishment.

Accordingly, the defendant conspireds with C to arrange sexual traffic for business purposes.

3. Defendant C is at the Ulsan District Court on June 30, 2017.
