본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2018.08.22 2016가단5292257

1. The Plaintiff:

A. Defendant D’s KRW 27,506,869 as well as 5% per annum from November 2, 2016 to January 3, 2017.


Facts of recognition

Defendant B and C (hereinafter referred to as “Defendant B, etc.”) are co-owners of G Building H (hereinafter referred to as “instant real estate”) at the time of strike.

Defendant E is a licensed real estate agent, and Defendant D is a person who acts as a real estate broker by borrowing a licensed real estate agent qualification certificate and a brokerage office registration certificate from Defendant E without qualification as a licensed real estate agent.

Defendant FF Co., Ltd (hereinafter “Defendant F”) entered into an insurance contract with Defendant E on August 4, 2014, stating that the insurance period is from August 6, 2014 to August 5, 2015, with the amount of insurance proceeds as KRW 100 million (hereinafter “instant insurance contract”).

피고 D의 권한 없는 부동산 임대차계약 중개 피고 D은 피고 B 등으로부터 피고 B 등을 대리하여 이 사건 부동산에 관한 월세계약을 체결할 권한을 부여받았음에도 불구하고, 2014. 10. 25. 피고 B 등을 대리하여 원고와 사이에 이 사건 부동산에 관하여 전세보증금을 30,000,000원, 기간을 2014. 11. 25.부터 2015. 11. 25.까지로 한 채권적 전세계약을 체결하고 전세보증금 30,000,000원을 지급받은 뒤 피고 B 등에게는 원고와 사이에 월세보증금 3,000,000원, 월차임 300,000원의 월세계약을 체결하였다고 하면서 위 월세보증금만 피고 B 등에게 지급하고 나머지 차액 27,000,000원(= 30,000,000원 - 3,000,000원)은 본인이 가로챘다

(hereinafter “instant lease agreement”). Defendant D used the name and brokerage office registration certificate of Defendant E, a licensed real estate agent in the process of mediating the said lease agreement.

Defendant D, who is subject to criminal punishment against Defendant D and E, also against the lessee such as the Plaintiff.

It is not known that the defendant B, etc., the lessor, was the lessor, who was aware of the lease under the obligatory lease contract, such as described in the paragraph, and received the deposit.
