1. The defendant shall pay to the plaintiffs each corresponding amount in the claim column for the attached list No. 1 and each corresponding amount.
1. The facts under the basis of the facts are either a dispute between the parties or acknowledged by the respective descriptions of Gap evidence 1 to 8 (including each number), and by the purport of the whole pleadings.
A. The plaintiffs (excluding plaintiffs AC, AD, AE, AF, AG, AH, and AI) and those excluded from the above, AJ, and AK were those employed by the defendant before retirement, who worked as street cleaners (hereinafter the plaintiffs, etc.), and AMN trade union under AL.
B. The working conditions of the Plaintiffs, etc. before their retirement were determined by the collective agreement and guidelines of the Ministry of Government Administration and Home Affairs that were concluded between the said union and the Sungnam market. From 2005 to 2007, the said collective agreement concluded concluded with the said union limited the scope of the Plaintiffs’ ordinary wages to “basic pay, special service allowance, work encouragement allowance, household subsidy, and fixed meal allowance,” and excluded the Plaintiffs’ ordinary wages from the scope of ordinary wages (However, in the case of the wage, it was recognized as the scope of ordinary wages by absorbing the fixed meal allowance from 2007 to the fixed meal allowance).
다. 그러나 원고들 등은 피고로부터 위 단체협약상 통상임금에서 배제된 ‘근속가산금, 교통보조비, 위생수당, 위험수당, 급량비를 정기적ㆍ일률적으로 지급받아 왔으므로 근로기준법에 따른 통상임금의 범위에는 위 단체협약이 규정하는 ‘기본급, 특수업무수당, 직업장려수당, 가계보조비, 정액급식비’ 외에 원고들 등이 정기적 일률적으로 지급받는 ‘근속가산금, 급량비, 교통보조비, 위생수당, 위험수당'이 포함되고, 원고들 등이 피고로부터 2005. 10.부터 각 퇴직하기 전까지 지급받은 근로기준법에 따른 통상임금의 범위에 포함되는 각 항목별 지급액은 별지 2 목록 ⓐ 내지 ⓙ 항목 기재와 같다. 라.
Attached Form
2 목록 ⓐ 내지 ⓙ 항목을 기초로 하고 위 단체협약에 따라 원고들이 실제로...